How many level in merge mansion? (2024)

What level does Merge Mansion end at?

Currently the maximum level is Level 50 it is not possible to increase your level higher than this. The level cap will be increased in future game updates.

(Video) Merge Mansion ___ Highest Level ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
(Play Games)
How many levels are open in Merge Mansion?

At the moment, level 40 is the maximum level in-game.

(Video) Merge Mansion// End of mission new yacht area //level 38 #44 ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ
(Play Games)
What is the fastest way to level up Merge Mansion?

Prioritize Story Over Cleaning

Despite having complete freedom to merge and combine as you see fit, the best way to progress in Merge Mansion is by completing the main story missions. These missions often request all sorts of objects, including low level items and materials, in order to complete them.

(Video) Merge Mansion// Level up, wait for updates //Level 40 part 47 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
(Play Games)
Does Merge Mansion have an ending?

If the original plot of the Merge Mansion ad wasn't already confusing enough, the ad actually has an alternate ending. Instead of granny sharing โ€œhe is aliveโ€ as the cop car rolls away, she actually reveals her involvement with the words โ€œI planned thisโ€.

(Ditsy Donut)
Do you ever enter mansion in Merge Mansion?

How to Unlock the House in Merge Mansions. You'll naturally unlock the House in Merge Mansions at level 14. If you've made enough progress through the Garage section of the game, at least.

(Ditsy Donut)
Do I need to keep blooming bush Merge Mansion?

Yes, you need them at least once in the Maze, Task 140.

(Video) Merge Mansion - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 - Level 5 (Android, iOS)
(Pew Gameplay)
What is the point of Merge Mansion?

Parents need to know that Merge Mansion is a puzzle game for iOS and Android devices. To help players get the necessary garden tools and other items they need to complete the app's home renovation-based tasks, they need to match, or rather merge, identical items on a game board, which converts them into other items.

(Video) How to level up Fast in Merge Mansion | Ignatius Boulton |Trick to level up fast
(Sufiyana Khan)
What does the golden tree do in Merge Mansion?

This is not currently used for any tasks, but it is easy to get started on this item if you just collect the seedbags left over from getting the Flowers. It sometimes shows up in events. Sometimes called Money Tree.

(Video) Merge Mansion: How to lvl up fast, game play, tips and trics, how to play.
Can you merge energy chests in Merge Mansion?

Energy Chest

Cannot be merged. Energy (V).

(Video) Game Theory: The Disturbing Lore of Merge Mansion
(The Game Theorists)
How do you win Merge Mansion?

Merge Mansions tips and tricks
  1. Combining chests โ€“ save up your chests until you can combine them to get extra items.
  2. Piggy bank merge โ€“ merge your daily free piggy banks for extra rewards.
  3. Time boosters โ€“ save these up so you don't have to wait for rewards.
6 days ago

(Video) Merge Mansion / Tennis Court ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ Level 40-44 Part 120 #mergemansion
(Play Games)

What are the butterflies for in Merge Mansion?

Now, you will have to use Butterflies to complete various tasks in the 2022 Butterfly Event. However, along with Moths, Level 6 Butterflies can be โ€œfedโ€ to Pool Toys in the currently active Casey & Skatie event. When you do that, the Pool Toys drop the event items for you to merge.

(Ditsy Donut)
How long does it take for the vase in Merge Mansion?

Merge Stages
LvlItemRecharge Time
7Vase (VII)1 Hour, 6 Minutes, 40 seconds
8Vase (VIII)33 Minutes, 20 seconds
9Vase (IX)16 Minutes, 40 seconds
10Vase (X)8 Minutes, 20 seconds
7 more rows

How many level in merge mansion? (2024)
What is the point of Merge Mansion?

Parents need to know that Merge Mansion is a puzzle game for iOS and Android devices. To help players get the necessary garden tools and other items they need to complete the app's home renovation-based tasks, they need to match, or rather merge, identical items on a game board, which converts them into other items.

What does the golden tree do in Merge Mansion?

This is not currently used for any tasks, but it is easy to get started on this item if you just collect the seedbags left over from getting the Flowers. It sometimes shows up in events. Sometimes called Money Tree.

Can you merge energy chests in Merge Mansion?

Energy Chest

Cannot be merged. Energy (V).

What does the blue tick mean on Merge Mansion?

If you have a blue tick mark next to an item on the Merge Board it means that it is ready to be used to complete the next Daily Task on your list.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

Last Updated: 17/04/2024

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.