What is the best everyday food for guinea pigs? (2024)

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What is the best everyday food for guinea pigs?

Good-quality hay should make up most of your guinea pigs' diet, and they should always have it available to them. They should have fresh grass as often as possible too, ideally every day.

(Video) How to Feed the Best and Healthiest Guinea Pig Diet!
(Squeak Dreams)
What is a guinea pigs daily routine?

It's ideal to give your guinea pig 30 minutes to an hour of floor time each day, and even longer if they live in smaller cage. Because guinea pigs like routine, it's important to schedule your guinea pig's floortime around the same time each day.

(Video) Vegetables for guinea pigs - What to give and how much
What do guinea pigs need the most?

Guinea pigs need appropriate room to roam, with separate spaces for a nest, bathroom area and food and water. No animal is meant to live in a cage all the time, so make sure to provide your pig with time outside their enclosures at least once a day to stretch their legs, explore and exercise.

(Video) My Guinea Pigs Food : Everything They Eat
(Guinea Pig Jungle)
What is the best and worst food for guinea pigs?

The Best and Worst Foods for Guinea Pigs
Foods to FeedFoods to Avoid
Grass haySalt licks or mineral blocks
Plain pelletsAnimal byproducts
Fresh vegetables (and the occasional fruit)Seeds with kernels that cavies can choke on
Daily vitamin C supplementVeggies with a lot of calcium
1 more row
Apr 6, 2023

(Video) Vegetables for Guinea Pigs (When to Feed and How Much)
What is the best fruit for guinea pigs daily?

About one slice of fruit a day is enough. Recommended fruits include: apples, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and oranges. Fruits and veggies should be fed to guinea pigs in small, bite-sized portions throughout the day (as opposed to all at once).

(Video) What Does a GUINEA PIG Eat? | Guinea Pig DAILY DIET | Feeding Guinea Pigs & Best Food
(Guinea Piggles)
Can guinea pigs eat cucumber everyday?

Cucumbers are low in sugar which is good but they are also high in water and quite low in vitamin C and fibre so although it is fine to feed a few times a week to your guinea pigs, don't give them large quantities. A half inch chunk is plenty as part of their daily veggie portion.

(Guinea Piggles)
What keeps guinea pigs happy?

Many guinea pigs enjoy simple toys like balls, tunnels, and tubes. Tubes and tunnels are also great to keep in guinea pig cages so they have areas to hide and sleep. Guinea pigs do like human affection from time to time, especially stroking.

(Video) 6 Most Popular Vegetables for Guinea Pigs | GuineaDad
Do guinea pigs need attention everyday?

How much time do you have? Guinea pigs need time out of their cage every day. Whether this time is spent stretching their legs and exploring new environments or cuddling in your lap, daily interaction and attention are essential for a guinea pig's well-being.

(Video) Do I feed too much? How Much Food is Enough for your Guinea Pig?
(Saskia from Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue)
How often should you hold your guinea pig?

Most guinea pigs love spending quality time with their owners, so handling them is enjoyable for all concerned. Once your guinea pig gets to know you, being hand-fed and petted become important parts of their lives. This means it's actually up to you how much you hold them - you can do so as often as you like.

(Video) My daily GUINEA PIG food routine!
(abby rene)
What not to feed a guinea pig?

Make sure you do not feed your guinea pigs the following foods (this is not an exhaustive list): cereals; grains; nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn, and peas; buttercups; garden shrubs (such as hemlock or privet); lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; oak; avocado; onion grass; onions; potato tops; mushrooms; ...

(Video) How Much Should I Feed my Guinea Pigs?
(Saskia from Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue)

What are the 3 biggest expenses of owning a guinea pig?

Its cage, food, bedding, and health are all regular expenses you need to know about in order to gauge the annual cost of a guinea pig.

(Video) GUINEA PIG VITAMIN C - BEST 5 FOODS for VITAMIN C for GUINEA PIGS | Veggies & Herbs for Healthy Diet
(Guinea Piggles)
What fruit can guinea pigs eat a lot of?

Bananas are rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, and vitamin C so it is very beneficial to your guinea pigs health. Vitamin B-6 maintains your guinea pig's fur by keeping it smooth and soft.

What is the best everyday food for guinea pigs? (2024)
What is the best snack for guinea pigs?

Some examples of popular treats for guinea pigs include:
  • Broccoli.
  • Brussel Sprouts.
  • Carrot.
  • Celery.
  • Corn on the Cob.
  • Kale.
  • Tomato.
  • Watercress.
Feb 28, 2017

What scares guinea pigs the most?

Fears of toys, people, and loud noises are the most common fears. There are many reasons why a guinea pig may develop fears of people. For example, a bad experience with a small child could result in a guinea pig that is fearful of all small children.

Are bananas good for guinea pigs?

Are bananas healthy for guinea pigs? Yes! Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium, both of which are vital to a guinea pig's diet. But, as with all good things, serving in moderation is key.

What veggies should guinea pigs eat daily?

List Of Appropriate Greens And Vegetables For Guinea Pigs
Leafy Greens — 85-90% of veggie offeringVegetables — 10-15% of veggie offering
Leafy green lettuce (Romaine, butterhead, Bibb)Bell peppers (any color, seeds removed)
Red or green leaf lettuceCucumber with leaves
EndiveSummer/zucchini squash
14 more rows
Mar 15, 2019

Can guinea pigs eat apples everyday?

How much apple should you give guinea pigs? Feeding your piggies two, one-inch slices of an average sized apple (which is between 150-200 g) should be enough! They should also only be given apples once or twice a week as a treat.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumbers?

Cucumber: Guinea Pigs can eat both the flesh, seeds (not too much) and the skin. Green beans:These contain vitamin C, and can be fed in a raw state. However, be cautious as they also contain calcium and phosphorus. Peas: As with most vegetables, these contain Phosphorus and Calcium.

Can guinea pigs eat spinach every day?

Although spinach is safe for your guinea pigs to eat and most piggies love this green leaf, due to the high oxalate content, it shouldn't be fed to them too often or in large quantities.

Can guinea pigs eat celery everyday?

Since you don't want to overdo it with celery, never give your guinea pig a full celery stalk to munch on. “Guinea pigs can safely have [one] 2-inch section of celery with some of the leaves included in their diet up to three times per week,” Henson said. “However, they do not need more than that.”

Can guinea pigs eat broccoli everyday?

Short answer is, yes - guinea pigs can eat broccoli. Broccoli is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, Fiber, and other essential nutrients. Due to guinea pigs being unable to synthesize their own vitamin C, broccoli helps to fill that void.

What calms guinea pigs down?

House guinea pigs in a quiet area away from other pets or activity. Limit the number of animals in each enclosure to prevent overcrowding, and don't change their social groups too often. Follow a consistent routine for daily care. feeling anxious or when startled by sudden movement.

What are some things that a guinea pig hates?

Processed, sugary, salty, and fatty foods top the list. Other no-nos include meat, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, or foods that cause gas. When in doubt about a food, ask your guinea-pig savvy veterinarian. Keep in mind that guinea pigs are herbivores.

What do guinea pigs like in their cage?

The cage should mimic its natural environment as much as possible. It should have medium-height grass and areas where they can hide or lounge away when the cavies do not want company. Tunnels, cardboard boxes, and pipes can be placed within the cage to mimic a safe hiding area. Guinea pigs love clean spaces.

Do guinea pigs like when you hold them?

Guinea pigs often form strong bonds with their human companions. However, they can be flighty animals and will sometimes run away from you, even if they're used to being picked up. They tolerate being picked up but are unlikely to enjoy it.

How much time do guinea pigs need out of their cage?

Guinea pigs are recommended to have at least 1 hour outside of their cage, every day. However, if your guinea pig has never been outside, start with small amounts of time and increase gradually. It can be quite tiring to them at first.

How do you know when a guinea pig is hungry?

Wheeking is the sound a guinea pig makes when it is hungry so don't be surprised if the wheek around the time you usually feed them or if they see you bringing some food.

Do guinea pigs need shots?

While guinea pigs do not require any vaccinations, it is recommended that you take your pet to a veterinarian familiar with guinea pigs at least once each year for a routine checkup.

Which bedding is best for guinea pigs?

There are several types of bedding available for Guinea Pigs to nest in, including paper-based, fleece, wood, and hay. The best bedding for your Guinea Pig is either a paper or fleece based bedding.

What human snacks can guinea pigs eat?

Fresh fruits and veggies are great treats and supplements for your guinea pig. Vegetables and fruits are great treats to offer your guinea pig.
Good fresh foods to feed your guinea pig include:
  • Bananas.
  • Blueberries.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Green peppers.
  • Parsley.
  • Green and red leaf lettuce.
  • Strawberries.
  • Tomatoes.

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes yes or no?

Tomatoes are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Tomatoes have many beneficial dietary benefits including: Great source of fibre - necessary for correct digestive health. High in Vitamin C - A necessary vitamin in their diet.

Why buy 2 guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs are naturally sociable creatures that need companionship to stay happy. In the wild, they live together in large herds, so they should always be kept in pairs or small groups.

What is the most expensive guinea pig?

Alpaca guinea pig

Some guinea pig lovers consider the Alpaca guinea pigs the most beautiful of the guinea pig breeds, and they are also one of the rare breeds of guinea pigs. That's why they're generally expensive and difficult to come by.

How much is a full price guinea pig?

The cost of a guinea pig from a breeder is around $25 to $50 on average.

Can guinea pigs eat iceberg lettuce everyday?

Also note that iceberg lettuce is not good to give to your guinea pig because it has so little nutritional value! Their spot in your guinea pig's meal is best taken by something else more nutritional.

What vegetables should guinea pigs not eat?

  • Iceberg lettuce and the lighter lettuces give guinea pigs diarrhea. ...
  • Cabbage, cauliflower, or other gassy veggies can lead to bloat. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Onions, leeks, chives, or shallots can lead to blood disorders.

Can guinea pigs eat strawberries yes or no?

To sum things up, small portions of strawberries can be a treat for your guinea pig once or twice a week. Strawberries, because of their sugar content, are not fit to be included in your pig's diet every day. The stems and leaves are healthy for your pig, perhaps even better than the fruit itself.

What is guinea favorite food?

The Guinean cuisine of West African is traditionally based on cereals, leaves, and tubers, such as maize, fonio, manioc, yams, taro, and of course vegetables, particularly eggplant. Rice appeared later in Africa, but nonetheless is has become the top most popular food in Guinea.

Can guinea pigs have peanut butter?

Excess fat in their diet can kill liver and pancreatic cells, deteriorating gastrointestinal function. Aside from this, peanut butter also contains a lot of sodium, sugar and too many calories. Peanut butter also has a dangerous mechanical effect, it is a choking hazard for them!

What is the best dry food for guinea pigs?

Timothy hay based pellets are generally the best dry food for your guinea pigs.

What is the biggest killer of guinea pigs?

Pneumonia. Pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is a frequent cause of death in guinea pigs. Pneumonia in guinea pigs is usually caused by bacterial infection (most often Bordetella bronchiseptica, but other bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Streptococcus zooepidemicus may also be the cause).

What is guinea pigs favorite place to be touched?

Many guinea pigs like to be petted behind the ears or gently stroked from the neck to the rear in the direction of the fur (do not pet against the grain). Place your guinea pig on your lap with a towel or lap pad. Provide some food whilst having lap time to positively reinforce the experience.

How not to hold a guinea pig?

Never hold your guinea pig with only one hand. If your guinea pig becomes stressed, there is a higher chance that they will attempt to jump or wiggle out of your grasp. It is always best to hold your guinea pig so that they are secure and comfortable in both of your hands.

Can guinea pigs have grapes?

Luckily, grapes are not known to be toxic to guinea pigs like they are to dogs and some birds. “That being said, [two to three] grapes per week are all you need for vitamin C benefits without overloading a guinea pig with sugar,” Henson said.

Can guinea pigs have watermelon?

In short, it's safe to give your guinea pig a small slice of watermelon to enjoy but only in moderation. A piggy's diet should mainly consist of fresh hay, grass, high-quality pellets, and some nutritious veggies.

What fruit can guinea pigs not eat?

However, you should avoid feeding your guinea pig any dried fruit, including raisins. Dried fruit is very sticky and can get caught in your guinea pig's teeth or pose a choking hazard. Dried fruit is also higher in sugar than fresh fruit, which can cause fast and unnecessary weight gain.

Can guinea pigs eat carrots everyday?

Foods like carrots, kiwifruit, berries, and pineapple are also great as a source of Vitamin C and a tasty treat for your guinea pigs but only feed them a few times a week, not every day, as these foods have quite a high sugar content.

Do guinea pigs need fresh food everyday?

Guinea pigs' need fresh greens and vegetables every day to help them get enough vitamin C (they can't produce it themselves). Our vets' advise one teacup of greens and veg, per guinea pig, per day, which can be split into morning and evening feeds.

Can guinea pigs have bananas everyday?

Can guinea pigs eat bananas daily? Due to the high amount of sugar and fiber in a banana, both Henson and Smothermon suggest giving your guinea pig a small piece of banana no more than a few times a week. “In moderation, bananas are a healthy treat for guinea pigs,” Smothermon told The Dodo.

How many times a week should you wash your guinea pig?

Guinea pigs only need to be bathed once a month in the summer, and every two months in the winter. This is unless your pet needs of an anti-parasite bath, or if you've been told by a vet to bathe them more frequently. In general, too much bathing puts the animals at risk of skin infections and chills.

How often do you need to hold a guinea pig?

Most guinea pigs love spending quality time with their owners, so handling them is enjoyable for all concerned. Once your guinea pig gets to know you, being hand-fed and petted become important parts of their lives. This means it's actually up to you how much you hold them - you can do so as often as you like.

Is too much lettuce bad for guinea pigs?

What are the downsides about lettuce for guinea pigs? With any food that contains calcium, regardless of the amount, overconsumption can lead to the risk of the formation of bladder stones. It's important to monitor your guinea pig's urine in order to decide what is too much for them!

Can guinea pigs eat tomato?

Tomatoes are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Tomatoes have many beneficial dietary benefits including: Great source of fibre - necessary for correct digestive health. High in Vitamin C - A necessary vitamin in their diet.

Can guinea pigs eat peanut butter?

Excess fat in their diet can kill liver and pancreatic cells, deteriorating gastrointestinal function. Aside from this, peanut butter also contains a lot of sodium, sugar and too many calories. Peanut butter also has a dangerous mechanical effect, it is a choking hazard for them!

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

Last Updated: 14/05/2024

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.