Why is my money in current balance but not available?
Some of the funds included in your current balance may be from deposits you made or checks you wrote that haven't cleared yet, in which case they're not available for you to use. Your available balance is your current balance minus any holds or debits that haven't yet been posted to the account.
Depending on the type of transaction, it could take anywhere from a few seconds to several business days for a purchase or a deposit to be processed, also known as “settling” or “clearing.” But while the transaction is being processed, the debit or credit won't impact your current balance; it will only impact your ...
Because you have spent the money. The cycles of deposits and withdrawals from the actual bank aren't instant. Your available balance is the amount left after you consider all deposits and debits to that point that have been submitted.
Your present account balance (sometimes called the current balance) shows how much money is currently in your bank account—but it doesn't consider pending transactions, which can take up to three business days to clear. That means your present balance will probably run higher than your available balance.
The current balance listed in your account includes any transactions that are pending but have not yet cleared. As such, the current balance might be listed as higher than the available balance — in other words, the current balance can be an amount that's greater than what you're able to withdraw from the account.
In a checking account, the available balance is the amount of money that the account holder can withdraw immediately. The current balance, by contrast, includes any pending transactions that have not yet been cleared. The bank will honor any withdrawal or payment you make up to the available balance amount.
You could have any pending transactions that may be affecting the current balance. There can be deposits, transfers and more which might be pending. Check all the recent transactions from your account to see if there are no unauthorised transactions.
You can, but you have to be mindful about other financial transactions you have made. Your current balance reflects all your money, in addition to funds that are being held or are in transit, such as checks.
If all available credit has been used, then the credit limit has been reached, the account is maxed out, and the available credit is zero. If the account has reached the credit limit, some credit card companies will allow the account balance to exceed the limit, but others will decline new transactions.
Holds generally are placed for two reasons: to ensure that funds are cleared and to protect the account holder when fraud is suspected. How long a hold lasts depends on a variety of factors, including the type of deposit, when the deposit was made, the age of the account, and a bank's specific policies.
How long does it take for current balance to become available balance in BDO?
For Savings, Current Account and BDO Cash Card your available balance is real-time and will change throughout the day based on your activities. For Time Deposit and Consumer Loan Accounts, balances are based on the previous day's balances.
The available balance for your account may differ from the current balance because of pending transactions that have been presented against the account, but have not yet been processed. Once processed, the transactions are reflected in the current balance and show in the account history.

Generally, pending transactions clear within one to five business days, but the exact timing depends on the type of transaction, the payment network, and the bank or credit card issuer.
Some of the funds included in your current balance may be from deposits you made or checks you wrote that haven't cleared yet, in which case they're not available for you to use. Your available balance is your current balance minus any holds or debits that haven't yet been posted to the account.
The Federal Reserve has set baseline rules for check deposits: The first $225 must be available the next business day, while amounts from $226 to $5,525 must be available within two business days after the deposit, and amounts of over $5,525 generally should be accessible on the seventh business day.
Your bank may hold the funds according to its funds availability policy. Or it may have placed an exception hold on the deposit. If the bank has placed a hold on the deposit, the bank generally should provide you with written notice of the hold.
Available balance is how much money you are able to spend right now, including any pending transactions. Meanwhile, the current balance shows how much money is in your account without subtracting pending payments or withdrawals. Current balance can be useful in some situations, like when doing your monthly budgeting.
Current balances include all of your money, including all available funds PLUS funds that are being held. For example, assume your available and current balance are both $50, and you swipe your debit card at a restaurant for $20. A hold is placed on your account, so your available balance is only $30.
Occasionally, your deposit may not show up as planned because of a mix-up with the bank. You can look out for this by monitoring your account daily. When you deposit into your account, it should show up in your account history, even if the funds are not immediately available to you.
Notice a difference between your account balance and your available funds? It may be because of a pending transaction. Some payments, cash withdrawals or deposits appear as pending on your account until a transaction is fully processed.
Why does my current balance say $0?
What is a Zero Balance? The amount owed on a credit card account when it has been paid in full. The payment made completely wipes out the amount owed, sending the account balance to zero.
As the name of the account implies, this is a zero-balance account. Therefore, you don't have to maintain a minimum balance. Consequently, there is no penalty in the case of zero balance.
Use an ATM
Every ATM is slightly different but you simply insert your debit card, enter your PIN (personal identification number), select the account you wish to withdraw money from (if you have more than one), enter the amount, and then wait for the ATM to give you your cash and a receipt.
The available balance is the amount of funds you currently have available to use. While a transaction is pending, the amount is deducted from your available funds. The account balance is the total amount you have in your account that includes any pending transactions or other amounts yet to clear (e.g. cheques).
Your current balance is the total of all the posted transactions as of the previous business day. Your available credit is figured by subtracting your current balance (or amount already used) from your credit limit and adding any outstanding charges that have not posted yet.