8 Easy Ways to Kill Grass and Weeds Permanently (2024)

The worst part about weed control is that it never seems to stop. Once you remove one series of stubborn lawn invaders, a whole new fleet is ready to spring into action. So, what kills grass and weeds permanently without the need for pulling them loose week after week?

There are many excellent weed-killing solutions to choose from, though the key to mastering the absence of weeds comes down to consistency and utilizing numerous strategies. Another question you may be asking is, will vinegar kill grass and other weeds? Are there natural ways to rid your yard of weeds and invasive grass without damaging the lawn itself?

When maintaining the integrity of your lawn, the level of weed infestation in your yard influences your game plan. While an organic weed killer like vinegar undoubtedly does the trick, it may also kill the rest of your lawn in the process.

You should also determine whether you need a spot treatment, an all-over application, or whether you should utilize a selective herbicide when treating the lawn. In this article, you will also learn will bleach kill grass, and what methods are safe to use around other plants.

8 Easy Ways to Kill Grass and Weeds Permanently (1)



Table Of Contents

  1. Smart Ways to Kill Weeds and Grass Permanently
    • Will Vinegar Kill Grass?
    • Add Salt to the Weed Wounds
    • Strengthen Lawn for a Stronger Defense
    • Use Chemical Control Method to Kill Weeds
    • Try Soil Solarization
    • Baking Soda – The Powerful Natural Weed Killer
    • Will Bleach Kill Grass?
    • Prevent Weeds from Returning after Weeding

Smart Ways to Kill Weeds and Grass Permanently

Finding the most effective recipes for killing weeds also depends on the type of plant you’re eliminating. Here is a collection of some of the more common varieties of unwanted grass and other weeds that invade lawns.

While some weed control methods wipe out every type of vegetation in their path, a broadleaf herbicide targets only those weeds with broad leaves, like dandelions, which leaves your grass virtually unharmed.

Some methods also work better on annuals than they do on perennials. Before you begin your lawn care process, know which weed you plan to control.

Will Vinegar Kill Grass?

Using pure vinegar is one of the best ways to eliminate weeds of all kinds. Not very particular about the target it chooses to remove, vinegar dries out the plant and stops it from distributing much-needed hydration throughout the rest of the plant.

For best results, use a type of vinegar with a higher concentration of acetic acids, such as cider vinegar or horticultural vinegar. However, white vinegar is often still just as useful for killing clover in grass or some other type of unwanted vegetation. In any case, your local grocery store carries all three.

This homemade weed killer works on the plant, but does vinegar kill grass roots, as well? Even though vinegar works best when applied to the tops of the weeds, it is not always as successful at root killing.

Typically, vinegar kills the plants from the top down to make it easier for the gardener to extract the plant. However, multiple applications of vinegar withhold enough moisture and nutrients from the plant that it eventually kills the roots as well. It only requires a little bit of time and patience to completely get rid of weeds for good.

Add Salt to the Weed Wounds

Though a higher concentration of vinegar typically kills weeds after a couple of applications, there are other ingredients you can add to make the solution even more successful. Some plants don’t automatically soak up the vinegar, making it difficult for them to absorb the harmful spray.

Using dishwashing soap is the perfect way to break up the surface tension and allows the vinegar to stick to the plants. For best results, use this spray on a sunny day to dry up weeds even faster.


DIY Salty Vinegar Weed Killer

  • 2 cups table salt
  • 1 gallon of white vinegar
  • 1 tsp dish soap


For killing weeds in gravel driveway or anywhere else they shouldn’t be, mix the ingredients in a large bucket, and transfer part of it to a spray bottle for more accessible application. Spray the plant, soaking the leaves and soil surrounding it.

When selecting the right type of salt, make sure that you use table salt or rock salt instead of Epsom salt. Epsom salts provide nutrients to the weed, allowing it to increase even faster than before rather than drying it out.

For how to get rid of nutgrass and other weeds permanently using this formula, spray the area at least once a week until the plants are completely gone. Repeat applications are usually necessary to reach the roots. Add grass seed to the bare area or create a new garden spot where the weeds once were.

Strengthen Lawn for a Stronger Defense

One major contributor to weed control is lawn care. Lawns that are healthier develop deep root systems and are better equipped to handle weeds on their own. What constitutes a healthy lawn, and how can you use this information to remove weeds permanently from your yard?

Despite popular belief that a shorter yard is healthier, it’s essential to let your lawn grow in just above three inches, which is just enough length for the grass to soak in more sunlight and develop more extensive, healthier root systems. With one simple adjustment to your mower, you’re already on the fast track to improving growing conditions.

Mowing your lawn regularly is also an excellent weeding tool, as trimming the tops of many common weeds weakens the plant over time.Another critical factor to consider when handling weeds is to aerate the soil. Do not do this while you still have weeds, since this spreads the weed seeds to other parts of the lawn.

However, this is an incredible preventative measure to take when improving the soil conditions by providing better airflow and more nutrients. A similar process also aids in duckweed removal in ponds by perforating the top of the water to prevent water from becoming stagnant.

Use Chemical Control Method to Kill Weeds

Another effective method for how to kill weeds is by using a store-bought chemical spray. Depending on the type of weed problem you have, consider a selective weed killer to prevent killing other vegetation surrounding the weed.

While most weed killers like Roundup contain glyphosate, a non-selective chemical compound that kills both broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds alike, these sprays also kill any other plant it touches. This means your priceless flower beds suffer if caught in the crosshairs.

However, if you have broadleaf weeds like dandelions, then a selective sprayer kills only the garden weeds without killing your grass.On the opposite side of the spectrum, other weed killer brands like Ortho Grass B Gone Garden Grass Killer work in flower beds to safely kill unwanted grass without harming the flowers themselves.

Most chemical control brands feature a sprayer and need diluting before using. This design allows you to cover a large area quickly without buying a ton of products, which is helpful in more extensive weed infestations.

Try Soil Solarization

When looking at chemical-free alternatives to how to kill grass and other invasive weeds, solarization is a long-term process that removes weeds from your yard permanently. Successful at controlling bacteria, weeds, and even common pests, solarization includes covering the earth with a plastic tarp to trap the sun’s energy underneath and to heat the soil.

This strategy usually works best with a transparent tarp cover made from polyethylene, rather than white or black plastic. To use this method, clear away any of the plants and debris in the area, then water the soil until it is thoroughly saturated.

For a natural way to get rid of crabgrass, dandelions, or other pesky weeds, cover the space with your clear plastic tarp, then bury the edges deep into the ground to trap in the heat. If necessary, weigh down the edges to ensure that the area is completely covered.

Leave the cover in place for at least four weeks during the hottest time of the year. After four weeks, the soil is ready for planting other vegetation in it again.

Baking Soda – The Powerful Natural Weed Killer

If you’re still looking for that wonderful, natural weed killer, then baking soda is your next best bet. Similar to how vinegar works, baking soda absorbs all the moisture out of the plant when applied to it, leaving it dry and unable to regulate its moisture content. Only a teaspoon of baking soda is necessary for each plant you want to eliminate.

For one of the best remedies for killing weeds and grass where they shouldn’t be growing, start by wetting the soil so that it is moist but not overwatered. Next, sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda over the top of the entire weed, including the leaves and the soil surrounding the base.

Leave it for the plant to absorb, then reapply in approximately one month if you still notice weeds growing. It’s important to realize that this method is not as successful with controlling weeds in areas with high salt content in their soils already, such as with plant life near the beach, but it does work well on average soil.

Will Bleach Kill Grass?

Absolutely! If you’ve run out of all the other options to kill weeds, then bleach destroys any piece of vegetation it touches. This DIY grass killer recipe also kills any plants you don’t want to part with, so only use it in areas where there are no other plants around. Wear protective clothing and gloves when handling bleach.


Homemade Weed Control with Bleach

  • 5 cups chlorine bleach
  • 5 cups boiling water


Stir the bleach solution in a large bucket using a long-handled spoon or piece of wood to blend the ingredients. Pour the formula into a small spray bottle and cover the remaining bleach solution with a plastic tarp.

If you do not use the rest of the bleach after 24 hours, then throw it out. Spray the weeds directly and repeat the process as necessary once a week, though one spray should be sufficient for killing the weeds on contact.

Prevent Weeds from Returning after Weeding

After you’ve completed the weeding process, add a pre-emergent to your soil to keep the weeds from coming back. Some brands even mix pre-emergents with fertilizer and other nutrients that support the growth of wanted plants in your yard. This process typically takes place in the early spring as a way to stop new weeds from forming when the growing season begins.

While there are pre-emergent herbicides that are safe to use in a flower or vegetable garden, another avenue to take is adding a ground cover plant or a layer of mulch. Adding either of these options reduces the amount of empty space left in a garden by taller plants.

Weeds thrive in these types of environments since there is plenty of space and sunlight available for them to grow. By adding mulch or a beautiful groundcover, you make it that much more difficult for weeds to claim a foothold in your garden.

Hopefully, we answered all your questions about permanently eliminating weeds, including will vinegar kill grass or not? Whether you want to kill grass, invasive perennials, or broadleaf weeds that return year after year with a vengeance, the solution to all your lawn weed nightmares starts here.

8 Easy Ways to Kill Grass and Weeds Permanently (2)

If you enjoyed reading about these phenomenal weed killer recipes, then don’t forget to share what kills grass and weeds permanently with every homeowner you know on Facebook and Pinterest.

8 Easy Ways to Kill Grass and Weeds Permanently (2024)


What kills weeds and grass the fastest? ›

The most effective homemade option is a mixture of white vinegar, salt, and liquid dish soap. Each of these ingredients has special properties that combine to kill weeds. Both the salt and the vinegar contain acetic acid, which serves to dry out and kill the plants.

What is the best way to permanently kill grass and weeds? ›

A non-selective weed killer, such as Roundup, is a great option for killing weeds and grass permanently. The Glyphosate in Roundup works by infiltrating the plant through the leaves. From there, it attacks all plant systems and kills them completely, including the roots.

What kills grass the fastest? ›

The best way to kill the existing lawn and weeds is to apply a nonselective herbicide, such as glyphosate, over the entire area. Glyphosate is a postemergence translocated herbicide that effectively kills turf and grassy and broadleaf weeds. Glyphosate is translocated rapidly in all actively growing plants.

What will permanently kill weeds? ›

Using Bleach to Kill Weeds Permanently

Apply one cup of bleach, undiluted, to the afflicted area. Wait until the weeds turn brown before pulling them out of the ground. Run water around the area to flush the bleach, especially if you are trying to grow plants or grass in that area.

How do I permanently get rid of grass? ›

Cut the grass to a short length and then cover the area with plastic or glass. Black plastic works best but you can also use clear plastic. Hold the plastic down with rocks, soil staples, boards or whatever you have handy. It can take a few weeks to a month to kill the roots completely.

Will vinegar kill grass permanently? ›

Vinegar is non-selective, meaning it will potentially kill every plant it comes into contact with including lawn grass and other desirable plants.

Does salt Kill grass permanently? ›

When large quantities of rock salt come into contact with soil, it can create a permanent toxic environment in which new plants and grasses will be unable to grow without becoming dehydrated and dying in their early stages.

What is the cheapest way to kill grass and weeds? ›

A salt solution is a cheap and effective way to kill weeds, according to Gardening Know How. To avoid killing other nearby plants with the substance, create a 3:1 solution of water and salt and use a spray bottle to apply it directly.

What stops grass growth? ›

Boiling water has a longstanding use as a weed-killer, but this strategy can be improved upon to also control grass growth. Simply take one cup of boiling water, add a cup of vinegar, and spray it on the areas you're trying to de-grass. The heat and vinegar will sink down to the root and kill the grass at its core.

What will choke out grass? ›

Bugleweed. This herbaceous perennial produces a beautiful carpet of blue-toned flower spikes, thriving particularly well in moist, shady areas. It will form a relatively dense mat rather quickly, helping to choke out weeds and offer late-fall interest with its semi-evergreen foliage.

Will grass grow back after vinegar? ›

Regular kitchen vinegar controls broadleaf weeds more effectively than grass and grassy weeds. The grass may initially die back, but it often quickly recovers. Killing grass with vinegar would entail respraying the grass clump or grassy weed every time it regrows until it's finally destroyed.

What stops weeds coming back? ›

How to Prevent Weeds
  • Cultivate with Caution.
  • Apply a Pre-emergent.
  • Mulch Your Beds.
  • Grow Plants Closely.
  • Eliminate Hitchhikers.
  • Get to Pulling.
  • Create a Drought.
  • Plant a Cover.

What kills weeds permanently 2022? ›

Our top choice for eliminating weeds is Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate. You can use it in many areas, such as flower beds, sidewalks, and even around shrubs, and it delivers visible results in just a few hours.

How do you kill weeds that keep coming back? ›

How to Kill Weeds and Prevent Them From Coming Back
  1. Note what types of weeds are prevalent in your area. ...
  2. Mulch your lawn. ...
  3. Fertilize your lawn. ...
  4. Pull weeds by hand. ...
  5. Don't forget regular mowing and watering. ...
  6. Apply an herbicide.
29 Apr 2014

What can I put down so grass won't grow? ›

So, how do you prevent grass from growing in your garden? Lay down a layer of mulch, cardboard, or landscape fabric on any soil where you do not want grass to grow. You can also use raised beds to make it more difficult for grass to invade your garden.

How do I get rid of grass I don't want? ›

Herbicide. Best if: You're in a hurry and don't want to sweat it out in your yard. Applying a non-selective, post-emergent broadleaf herbicide is a quick, easy way to kill grass (though it isn't the most eco-friendly option). Simply spread herbicide and wait about a month, and then reapply if needed.

What kills weeds down to the root? ›

White Vinegar:

For it to work, you have to wait for the vinegar to sit in the weeds from your garden for a few days. The vinegar will kill the weed's roots.

What kills grass better than Roundup? ›

3 Strongest Non-Selective Herbicides (Most Effective) Ranger++Ranger+Pro+Glyphosate++Herbicide++Concentrate++2.5+gal. Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer Concentrate2, 1 gal.

Is there anything better than Roundup? ›

Organic Roundup alternatives include herbicidal soaps that use fatty acids to kill weeds and industrial vinegar, which contains much higher levels of acetic acid than what you have in your kitchen. Acid-based herbicides burn down some young weeds. Corn gluten meal can kill grass weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Which kills weeds better salt or vinegar? ›

Sodium chloride, or table salt, is also a dessicant. Salt is added to weed killer recipes because it is stronger, and kills some plants that vinegar won't kill. It negatively impacts the soil for a longer period of time than vinegar, and it may affect the roots of other nearby plants, as well.

Will Dawn dish soap kill grass? ›

Dish soap isn't selective about removing oils and drying out cell membranes. It will dehydrate and kill the grass just as it would the nasty pests in your garden. So, yes, dish soap is not an entirely safe way to remove insects and lawn pests.

Is vinegar better than roundup? ›

When equal amounts were given orally and compared, it took less acetic acid to kill rats in the laboratory test that it did glyphosate. The acetic acid in even household vinegar was MORE toxic than Roundup!

What kills grass naturally? ›

How to Kill Grass Naturally
  1. The Shovel Method.
  2. Vinegar. Vinegar is a good choice for folks looking for an inexpensive, natural method for killing grass. ...
  3. Boiling Water. ...
  4. Salt. ...
  5. Baking Soda. ...
  6. Solarization. ...
  7. Layering. ...
  8. Mulching.
29 Sept 2022

Does boiling water kill grass permanently? ›

In conclusion, the answer to our original question, “Will Boiling Water Kill Grass?” is a yes. Boiling water will kill grass, kill grass seeds, and sterilize the soil. To completely kill grass may take a second application, but the grass will die.

Will grass grow back after vinegar and salt? ›

Will Grass Grow Back After Vinegar? Yes, unless the grass seedlings are under two weeks old. In that case, the roots are not developed enough to grow new blades. Broadleaf grasses are more likely to die back to the soil, but the roots will grow new leaf blades anyway.

Does bleach kill grass? ›

Chlorine bleach will permanently kill grass and other plants. Bleach breaks down into salt. Salt in your soil will destroy all the beneficial microbes that usually live there. The grass will be robbed of nutrients and will starve.

Will bleach kill grass and weeds permanently? ›

Yes, Clorox will kill grass no matter what type of grass you're talking about. Clorox bleach can kill weeds and grass permanently. However, the caveat is that you need to use straight, undiluted classic Clorox bleach.

How long does it take vinegar to kill weeds? ›

Vinegar kills weeds quickly—usually within 24 hours—but does not discriminate between the weeds you want to kill and the plants you want to grow, so apply the vinegar carefully and in the right conditions.

What household products kill weeds? ›

7 safe ways to kill weeds without using chemicals
  • Vinegar. Vinegar may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to safely getting rid of weeds, but it will kill everything it touches. ...
  • Salt. ...
  • Boiling water. ...
  • Baking soda. ...
  • Mulch. ...
  • Cornmeal. ...
  • Rubbing alcohol.
2 Apr 2019

What is best grass killer? ›

Top 5 Weed Killers
  • Best For Gravel: RM43 43% Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer.
  • Most Customizable: Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer.
  • Best For Multiple Weed Types: Roundup All-in-One Weed Killer For Lawns.
  • Best For Flower Beds: Ortho GroundClear Weed & Grass Killer.
  • Best Vinegar Weed Killer: Green Gobbler Weed & Grass Killer.

Will grass grow by just throw it down? ›

Will grass seed grow if I just throw it down? Probably not. Some seeds on the soil's surface will sprout, but the germination rate will diminish, and you will not be left with ideal results.

How do you nuke a lawn? ›

About to nuke the yard - am I doing this right?
  1. Roundup the whole yard, front and back. ...
  2. Wait a week for everything to die. ...
  3. Once it's all dead, use a lawn rake to get all the dead grass.
  4. Rent a rototiller, till at least 1" deep. ...
  5. Using a drop spreader, spread a starting fertilizer.
19 Sept 2015

How do you crowd weeds out of grass? ›

Mow your grass no more than a third of its length at a time; it's better to have longer grass than shorter grass. When you mow, leave the clippings on the ground. This strategy, known as “grasscycling,” can also work to snuff out weed seeds while providing valuable nutrients to your grass.

Which vinegar is best for killing weeds? ›

Buy white vinegar.

If you are killing a lot of weeds, you may need to buy more than one gallon, but one gallon will cover a large area. The acid in vinegar is what kills the weeds. White vinegar is most recommended, and probably the cheapest, but you can use apple cider vinegar as well.

Does vinegar burn grass? ›

Vinegar is non-selective, meaning it will damage any plants and turf grass it touches, not just the weeds you are trying to kill. When you spray the vinegar onto weeds, make sure it isn't hitting other plants.

What happens if you spray vinegar on grass? ›

Plants need moisture to live and since the vinegar takes this away, the plants die away shortly after. In fact, most plants end up dying within 24-hours of being sprayed with a vinegar mixture, some even begin dying within minutes.

How do you get rid of weeds in one day? ›

6 Fast and Natural Ways to Kill Weeds
  1. Use mulch to smother weeds. Covering garden soil with a mulch blocks weeds. ...
  2. Douse weeds with boiling water. Weeds, like humans, will burn if exposed to boiling water. ...
  3. Soap weeds to death. ...
  4. Pickle weeds with vinegar. ...
  5. Give weeds a stiff drink of alcohol. ...
  6. Don't let 'em sprout!
17 Jun 2009

What is the easiest way to remove grass quickly? ›

Removing a Lawn by Digging It Up

A tiller will make the work easier, but you'll need a heavy-duty, rear-tine model. You can rent heavier equipment, such as a sod cutter, which will cut under the turf and slice it into strips. Roll up the strips for use elsewhere or just turn the sod upside down and let it compost.

What are 3 ways of removing weeds? ›

Tilling: In this method, weeds are removed by uprooting or killing them before sowing the seeds. Manual labour: In this method, weeds are removed by uprooting them which are close to the ground, from time to time with the help of khurpi. Use of weedicides: Weedicide is a chemical used to remove weeds from the field.

How long does vinegar keep weeds from growing? ›

This can add to vinegar's mystique, but also to its misleading hype. Kills weeds rapidly, causing death in 24 hours. Effective for killing small seedling-stage annual broadleaf weeds. Vinegar biodegrades and breaks down quickly (not salts, however).

Do weeds grow back after vinegar? ›

Vinegar is acidic and will eventually kill most broadleaf weeds, but the acid will kill the leaves before reaching the root system, and the weeds may grow back quickly.

What stops weeds from growing back? ›

Weed barriers
  1. Mulching: Use deep organic mulches such as bark or wood chip to smother weeds around plants. ...
  2. Edging boards or strips: These can be used to edge lawns and grass paths to prevent unwanted grass growth into the border.

How do you get rid of weeds that keep coming back? ›

How to Kill Weeds and Prevent Them From Coming Back
  1. Note what types of weeds are prevalent in your area. ...
  2. Mulch your lawn. ...
  3. Fertilize your lawn. ...
  4. Pull weeds by hand. ...
  5. Don't forget regular mowing and watering. ...
  6. Apply an herbicide.
29 Apr 2014

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