What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently? [Busting 5 Popular Weed Control Myths] | Pepper's Home & Garden (2024)

To remove weeds and unwanted grasses permanently it is essential to destroy them down to the roots. Otherwise, the same weeds will regrow. A plant that appears withered or brown aboveground may still have living roots. Use weed killing methods that kill weeds and grass roots to truly eliminate them.

Best Tactics

  • Systemic herbicides
  • Digging/hoeing
  • Hand weeding
  • Covering weeds to block air and sunlight
  • Solarization

Avoid These Methods

  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • Bleach
  • Baking soda
  • Boiling water

Many common “homemade” solutions won’t kill weed roots. All they will do is briefly slow down weeds. If you use ineffective methods, it will only be a matter of weeks before invasive grasses and weeds take over your lawn and garden once more.

What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently? [Busting 5 Popular Weed Control Myths] | Pepper's Home & Garden (1)

Table of Contents

5 Best Methods to Kill Weeds and Grass Permanently

Weeds can be killed permanently by using chemicals or through all-natural means. The key is to use methods that destroy weeds down to the root without poisoning the ground or harming desirable plants. To reclaim an area overrun by weeds, stop weeds in pavers and pebbles, or clear out a flower bed, use these methods.

Permanent Weed and Grass Killer Spray

A non-selective weed killer, such as Roundup, is a great option for killing weeds and grass permanently. The Glyphosate in Roundup works by infiltrating the plant through the leaves. From there, it attacks all plant systems and kills them completely, including the roots.

  • If you plan to plant desirable grass or garden plants after clearing out weeds, use this weed killer spray.
  • To kill all vegetation and prevent it from growing back for up to 12 months, apply this herbicide.

Visible Results in 3 Hours

Roundup Ready-to-Use Weed & Grass Killer III | Kills Toughest Weeds | No-Mix Formula | Visible Results in 3 Hours

  • Kills the toughest invasive grass and weeds down to the root.
  • No-mix formula that is convenient and easy to use.
  • Rainproof in 10 minutes with visible results within 3 hours.
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Unlike salt, Roundup applied to an area is extremely unlikely to damage plants via water runoff. As long as nearby plants aren’t sprayed with the herbicide, they will remain unharmed.

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Digging or Hoeing Weeds and Grass

If you want to get rid of unwanted weeds and grass for good, take them out by the roots. When getting rid of weeds in large areas, such as overgrown yards or garden beds, a shovel or hoe can be used to destroy weeds and their roots.

  • Use a shovel or hoe to dig down and remove weeds, roots, and all.
  • Discard weeds once they’ve been dug out, to prevent them from re-rooting or dropping seeds.

Destroying weeds in this manner is an all-natural, organic solution and is far more effective than vinegar or bleach. All you need is a spade, some work gloves, and a little time to get the job done.

Hand Weeding

What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently? [Busting 5 Popular Weed Control Myths] | Pepper's Home & Garden (4)

In some areas, using a hoe to quickly dig up weeds isn’t an option. This is where hand weeding comes in. This is the perfect chemical-free solution for getting rid of grass growing through concrete, as well as weeds sprouting among flowers.

  • Use this hand weeder to easily remove weeds along with their roots.
  • Discard weeds. Don’t add them to compost. Some weed seeds can survive the composting process and may sprout once the compost is spread.

It may not be glamorous, but hand-weeding is an organic weed solution that works. It’s a tried-and-true standby for good reason.

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12/04/2022 12:06 am GMT

“Starve” the Weeds

Like all plants, weeds need air and sunlight for continued life. A simple method to kill weeds is to simply deprive them of these essentials. To do so:

  • Cover large areas overrun by weeds and unwanted grass with black plastic, newspaper, cardboard, or plywood.
  • In 2–3 months, all plants under the covering will be dead. Covering material can then be removed.

While this won’t work for isolated weeds growing among desirable plants and grass, it’s a great way to reclaim large weedy areas. Simply cover the weeds and forget about them for a few months. Nature will do the work for you.

Soil Solarization

Soil solarization uses the sun’s heat to raise soil temperature in a large area. This “cooks” weeds to kill them. It also works to kill weed seeds in the soil, which will help keep an area weed-free permanently. To solarize soil:

  • Perform soil solarization during peak summer heat (temperatures above 80℉/25℃)
  • Soak the weed-infested area with 1 inch of water (about 1 hour with the sprinkler).
  • Lay clear plastic over the entire area.
  • Bury the edges of the plastic to keep it in place. Weigh down the plastic with stones and make sure air cannot flow in and out.
  • Leave the plastic in place for 4 weeks.

This solution works more quickly for killing weeds in large areas than depriving plants of air and sun. This is because solar heat is trapped between the plastic and the ground, which superheats the soil, destroying weed roots and dormant weed seeds.

The Truth Behind 5 Weed Control Myths

What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently? [Busting 5 Popular Weed Control Myths] | Pepper's Home & Garden (6)

While there are highly effective, natural ways to get rid of weeds permanently, some proposed solutions aren’t true weed killers. Several commonly suggested homemade weed killers are ineffective or potentially harmful to your yard. Here’s the truth about these homebrew weed sprays.

Does Vinegar Kill Weeds Permanently?

False: Vinegar only kills aboveground weed growth.

Weeds and grass will grow back after an application of vinegar. This is because the acetic acid in vinegar burns plant leaves and stalks on contact, but vinegar is completely neutralized by soil. In other words, vinegar won’t penetrate the roots of weeds.

  • Vinegar will not kill weed and grass roots.
  • Most species of weeds and invasive grass will regrow quickly following vinegar application.

If you spray weeds and unwanted grasses with a vinegar and dish soap solution, the tops of the plant will turn brown and wilt. However, in a few weeks the weed will sprout back from the unharmed root. Vinegar is not a permanent weed solution.

Does Salt Permanently Kill Weeds and Grass?

True: But it can wreak havoc on your lawn and garden

Salt is a dangerous additive. Think twice before you fill a spray bottle with homemade weed killer made from vinegar, Epsom salt and Dawn dish soap. If applied carelessly, you can wipe out whole portions of your lawn and garden.

  • Salt poisons soil, killing all plants and preventing future plant growth for months or years.
  • Salt is easily carried to other portions of your yard by water runoff.
  • If you apply salt to one area, salt carried by water runoff can kill large portions of your lawn or decimate your vegetable garden.

All varieties of salt (rock, Epsom, sea, and table salts) are essentially soil poison. By spreading them on weeds and grasses, you make the soil inhospitable to plants for a very long time. This may sound great, since you want to kill weeds and grass permanently, but there’s a catch. Salt is very easily carried by water. Even if you apply salt to a small area, future watering and rainfall can spread salt into other areas of the yard, leaving huge patches of dead grass or garden plants.

Will Bleach Kill Grass and Weeds Permanently?

False: Bleach will not kill weed roots.

Much like vinegar, bleach works by drying out the portions of a weed or grass it is directly exposed to. Whatever portion of the plant bleach doesn’t touch won’t be harmed. Hardy weeds, such as dandelions and nutsedge will only be momentarily damaged by bleach.

  • Bleach only kills aboveground portions of the plant—roots remain ineffective.
  • Perennial weeds, and many annuals, will regrow shortly after bleach application.

Bleach is not a good weed killer substitute. It is a temporary weed control measure at best. Do not reach for extra-strength outdoor bleach to try to attack weeds with more firepower. Much like extra-strong vinegar (horticultural vinegar), concentrated bleach can be dangerous to handle or inhale. Additionally, it is not a more effective weed killer.

Is Baking Soda an Effective Weed Killer?

False: Baking soda does not completely kill weeds.

Much like vinegar and bleach, baking soda works by drying out plant leaves and blades. Even a solution of baking soda mixed in water won’t penetrate well enough to damage weed and grass roots. Remember, some weeds can send roots 6 inches (15 cm) or deeper.

  • Baking soda has the same limitations as bleach and vinegar—it won’t kill weed roots.
  • Rather than a weed killer, use baking soda as a grass protector. Pour baking soda solution on pet urine spots in your yard. This will prevent animals from urinating in the same spot and actually preserve grass and plants.

Don’t go in for methods that recommend mixing several ingredients (white vinegar, salt, baking soda, etc.) These compounds have the same limitations and risks as the individual components do on their own.

Is Boiling Water Good for Killing Weeds?

False: Boiling water will not kill weed roots.

If you want to get rid of weeds for good, boiling water is not an effective solution. While leaves and stalks of grass and other unwanted plants will be damaged by boiling water, the weed roots will be insulated by the soil. Only newly sprouted weeds that haven’t developed mature roots will be killed.

  • Boiling water will mostly kill shallow-rooted weed seedlings.
  • Mature weeds will only be temporarily damaged by boiling water.

To get rid of weeds and keep them out, you’ll need to take stronger measures for weed control. Boiling water won’t do the trick when battling established weeds and grasses.

What Kills Vegetation Permanently?

If you are looking to kill weeds and pest grass permanently, avoid using vinegar, bleach, baking soda, and salt solutions. Most of these homemade solutions are not effective at killing weeds because they do not kill established weed roots. A mature weed treated with vinegar or bleach will regrow soon after treatment.

If you want to use a natural weed killing process that works, hand dig weeds, block them from sunlight with dark plastic, or solarize them with clear plastic. For an effective weed killer spray that kills weed roots, choose a non-selective herbicide such as Roundup. This will eliminate weeds quickly and completely.

What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently? [Busting 5 Popular Weed Control Myths] | Pepper's Home & Garden (2024)


What is the best way to permanently kill grass and weeds? ›

A non-selective weed killer, such as Roundup, is a great option for killing weeds and grass permanently. The Glyphosate in Roundup works by infiltrating the plant through the leaves. From there, it attacks all plant systems and kills them completely, including the roots.

What kills weeds permanently? ›

Yes, vinegar does kill weeds permanently and is a viable alternative to synthetic chemicals. Distilled, white, and malt vinegar all work well to stop weed growth. Will table salt kill weeds? Yes, table salt will kill weeds.

What is the best permanent weed and grass killer? ›

Top 5 Weed Killers
  • Best For Gravel: RM43 43% Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer.
  • Most Customizable: Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer.
  • Best For Multiple Weed Types: Roundup All-in-One Weed Killer For Lawns.
  • Best For Flower Beds: Ortho GroundClear Weed & Grass Killer.
  • Best Vinegar Weed Killer: Green Gobbler Weed & Grass Killer.

What kills grass and weeds the fastest? ›

The easiest, quickest and most effective way to kill off your lawn is to spray it with glyphosate, such as Bonide Kleenup Weed Killer Concentrate. It needs to be mixed with water before using, but there are ready-to-use options available as well.

What home remedy kills grass permanently? ›

The most effective homemade option is a mixture of white vinegar, salt, and liquid dish soap. Each of these ingredients has special properties that combine to kill weeds. Both the salt and the vinegar contain acetic acid, which serves to dry out and kill the plants.

How do you kill grass so it won't grow back? ›

Starving the Weeds and Grass

Plants require sunlight, air, and water to grow. If you deprive them of those things, they won't grow. If you have a large area that you want to clear, you can cover it with black plastic. Other materials you can use are newspaper, cardboard, or plywood.

What kills weeds down to the root? ›

White Vinegar:

For it to work, you have to wait for the vinegar to sit in the weeds from your garden for a few days. The vinegar will kill the weed's roots.

What kills weeds permanently with vinegar? ›

vinegar does kill weeds, especially when used along with dish soap. Dish soap, vinegar and a spray bottle are all you need for making your own weed killer. The acetic acid in vinegar “sucks out the water” from the weed, which dries it up.

What is the best long term weed killer? ›

Ground Keeper is a professional weed killer and is the ideal companion product to add to Roundup, Evict Bio 360 or other glyphosate product. Ground Keeper is a long term weed killer and forms a protective barrier in the soil which prevents most new weeds from emerging for up to 9 months after application.

How do I permanently get rid of grass in my garden? ›

Smother. Perhaps the easiest way to eliminate grass is to smother it using plastic, newspaper, or cardboard. Depending on the time of year and material used, this can take several months. Stretch light-excluding plastic over the lawn.

What weed killer kills everything? ›

Roundup Max Control 365 is guaranteed to eliminate all forms of weeds from top to bottom so that they don't come back. This weed killer is absorbed through the leaves and travels all the way to the root, killing it and making your walkways looking great. With this Roundup Max Control 365, there is no mixing required.

What kills grass a day? ›

Vinegar is a good choice for folks looking for an inexpensive, natural method for killing grass. Step 1: Choose a hot day with now wind or rain in the forecast. Hotter temperatures help with the effectiveness of the process.. Step 2: Simply spray your lawn with vinegar and wait for it to die.

What product kills all weeds but not grass? ›

Tenacity herbicide is an industry favorite for killing weeds in your lawn without killing your grass. Optimized for cool-season turf, Tenacity can be used as a pre and post-emergent herbicide control for over 46 broadleaf weed and grass species.

What kills grass completely? ›

The best way to kill the existing lawn and weeds is to apply a nonselective herbicide, such as glyphosate, over the entire area. Glyphosate is a postemergence translocated herbicide that effectively kills turf and grassy and broadleaf weeds. Glyphosate is translocated rapidly in all actively growing plants.

Will grass grow back after vinegar? ›

Regular kitchen vinegar controls broadleaf weeds more effectively than grass and grassy weeds. The grass may initially die back, but it often quickly recovers. Killing grass with vinegar would entail respraying the grass clump or grassy weed every time it regrows until it's finally destroyed.

What kills grass quickly? ›

Vinegar + dish soap

Vinegar contains acetic acid, simply mix some in a sprayer along with dish soap and spray it all over your lawn.

How long does it take vinegar to kill weeds? ›

Vinegar kills weeds quickly—usually within 24 hours—but does not discriminate between the weeds you want to kill and the plants you want to grow, so apply the vinegar carefully and in the right conditions.

What is the strongest thing to kill weeds? ›

The worlds most popular is also the world strongest weed killer. The winner is Glyphosate.

Does bleach kill grass and weeds? ›

Undiluted bleach can zap weeds growing through the cracks in your walkway or driveway. Spray undiluted bleach on the weeds and let stand. The solution will kill existing weeds and help prevent new ones from sprouting. Bleach will kill grass, flowers, and other vegetation as well, so take care where you aim!

How do you make homemade roundup? ›

The Recipe
  1. Pour 1 gallon of white vinegar into a bucket. 5-percent household white vinegar is fine. ...
  2. Add 1 cup of table salt. ...
  3. Stir in 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. ...
  4. Blend all thoroughly and then funnel the weed killer into a plastic spray bottle.
  5. Vinegar. ...
  6. Salt. ...
  7. Soap.

What kills weeds permanently 2022? ›

Our top choice for eliminating weeds is Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate. You can use it in many areas, such as flower beds, sidewalks, and even around shrubs, and it delivers visible results in just a few hours.

What can you put down so weeds don't grow through? ›

Mulch Your Beds

An effective and natural option to prevent weeds from taking over your garden is through the use of mulch. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch approximately 2 inches deep in the garden area – take care to avoid the base of individual plants and shrubs.

Can you mix baking soda and white vinegar together? ›

These two common household materials can serve as natural cleaners to remove grime and keep your surfaces clean. Because vinegar and baking soda are on opposite ends of the pH scale, they can be combined and used as effective cleaning solutions.

Is vinegar better than roundup? ›

When equal amounts were given orally and compared, it took less acetic acid to kill rats in the laboratory test that it did glyphosate. The acetic acid in even household vinegar was MORE toxic than Roundup!

Does killing weeds with vinegar hurt the soil? ›

Even though vinegar is an acid, it breaks down quickly in the soil and, therefore, is not likely to accumulate enough to affect soil pH for more than a few days. Vinegar causes a rapid burn to plant tissue of susceptible species, so unintended injury is quite likely without knowing more information.

What is a potent weed killer? ›

Auxins are toxic to plants in large concentrations. They are most toxic to dicots and less so to monocots. Because of this property, synthetic auxin herbicides, including 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, have been developed and used for weed control.

Who makes the best ground clear? ›

  • BEST OVERALL: RM43 Total Vegetation Control Weed Preventer.
  • BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Ortho GroundClear Year Long Vegetation Killer.
  • BEST FOR PREVENTION: Preen 2464161 Extended Control Weed Preventer.
  • BEST NATURAL: Natural Armor Weed and Grass Killer All-Natural.
  • BEST BORAX-BASE: Earthborn Elements Borax Powder.
5 May 2022

How do you get rid of tall weeds fast? ›

Plant-killing chemicals, or herbicides, are one of the best weapons against brushy weeds, because they can kill leaves, stems and roots when applied properly. They're especially helpful when you're faced with a large weedy area.

How do I get rid of grass I don't want? ›

Herbicide. Best if: You're in a hurry and don't want to sweat it out in your yard. Applying a non-selective, post-emergent broadleaf herbicide is a quick, easy way to kill grass (though it isn't the most eco-friendly option). Simply spread herbicide and wait about a month, and then reapply if needed.

What spray kills all weeds and grass? ›

Spectracide® Weed & Grass Killer for Large Areas Concentrate (Ready-to-Spray) This product is a non-selective herbicide that will kill all vegetation contacted. It enters plants through the leaves and moves down to the roots. This will ensure that the entire plant is killed.

How do you make strong weed killer at home? ›

We've been using salt as a herbicide and pesticide for hundreds of years and it is effective. Dilute 3 parts salt with 1 part water. Agitate the mixture and leave to stand for 10 minutes to ensure the salt is dissolved. Spray the desired weeds with the salty solution and wait.

Is there anything that kills grass only? ›

If you need to kill grass growing close to ornamental plants, you can apply a grass-specific herbicide that targets only grasses without harming garden plants. These products will kill most annual grasses, such as crabgrass and foxtails, as well as perennial grasses, such as nimblewill and quackgrass.

Is there a product that kills grass only? ›

Use a grass specific herbicide on these weeds. Try herbicides with the ingredients clethodim, sethoxydim, or fluazifop-p which will kill grass but not damage flowers and shrubs. If you have vegetables nearby—and to be extra careful with flowers and bushes—use cardboard as a barrier when you spray.

What will choke out grass? ›

Bugleweed. This herbaceous perennial produces a beautiful carpet of blue-toned flower spikes, thriving particularly well in moist, shady areas. It will form a relatively dense mat rather quickly, helping to choke out weeds and offer late-fall interest with its semi-evergreen foliage.

Will grass grow back after killing weeds? ›

The grass may recover, in time, depending on the strength and quantity of herbicide applied.

How do I completely kill my lawn? ›

The best way to kill the existing lawn and weeds is to apply a nonselective herbicide, such as glyphosate, over the entire area. Glyphosate is a postemergence translocated herbicide that effectively kills turf and grassy and broadleaf weeds. Glyphosate is translocated rapidly in all actively growing plants.

Will vinegar kill grass and weeds permanently? ›

Vinegar is acidic and will eventually kill most broadleaf weeds, but the acid will kill the leaves before reaching the root system, and the weeds may grow back quickly. For longer-lasting removal, mix 1 cup of table salt with 1 gallon of vinegar. Salt dries out the weed's root system.

What is a cheap way to kill grass? ›

Vinegar is a good choice for folks looking for an inexpensive, natural method for killing grass.
  1. Step 1: Choose a hot day with now wind or rain in the forecast. ...
  2. Step 2: Simply spray your lawn with vinegar and wait for it to die.
  3. Step 3: Reapply the vinegar spray every few days until all of the grass is dead.
29 Sept 2022

Can you kill grass with bleach? ›

Chlorine bleach will permanently kill grass and other plants. Bleach breaks down into salt. Salt in your soil will destroy all the beneficial microbes that usually live there. The grass will be robbed of nutrients and will starve.

What happens if you put vinegar on your lawn? ›

Vinegar is non-selective, meaning it will potentially kill every plant it comes into contact with including lawn grass and other desirable plants. For spot spraying weeds in lawn, use the paint brush method.

Does white vinegar burn grass? ›

Vinegar is non-selective, meaning it will damage any plants and turf grass it touches, not just the weeds you are trying to kill. When you spray the vinegar onto weeds, make sure it isn't hitting other plants.

What stops weeds from growing back? ›

Weed barriers
  1. Mulching: Use deep organic mulches such as bark or wood chip to smother weeds around plants. ...
  2. Edging boards or strips: These can be used to edge lawns and grass paths to prevent unwanted grass growth into the border.

Does Dawn dish soap kill grass? ›

Dish soap isn't selective about removing oils and drying out cell membranes. It will dehydrate and kill the grass just as it would the nasty pests in your garden. So, yes, dish soap is not an entirely safe way to remove insects and lawn pests.

How long does it take for vinegar and salt to kill grass? ›

Kills weeds rapidly, causing death in 24 hours.

Does baking soda kill weeds? ›

Baking soda makes an incredible weed killer especially when it is mixed with other kitchen staples, like vinegar or lemon juice. Just dissolve 1 ½ cup of baking soda and a tablespoon or two of vinegar in a gallon of water. Transfer the concoction in a spray bottle and spritz away!

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.