Basil (2024)

      RHS Growing Guides

      Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Basil.


      Getting Started

      Section 1 of 7

      Basil (1)

      This popular leafy herb can be grown from seed indoors or bought as potted plants. Give basil warmth and sunshine, in containers or in the ground, for harvests of aromatic leaves all summer. These compact plants will thrive in the smallest garden, on doorsteps or balconies, or indoors on a bright kitchen windowsill.

      Basil (Ocimum) is a grown for its aromatic, peppery leaves. There are many kinds, from pungent sweet basil to spicy liquorice-infused Thai basil, as well as lemon, lime or cinnamon flavours. The deliciously fragrant leaves may be ruffled or smooth, large or tiny, and various shades of green, red or purple.

      Basil is not hardy. It likes growing in warm conditions so it's best in a greenhouse or on a kitchen windowsill. It can be grown outside in a UK summer, but it needs a sheltered, warm and sunny spot, either in the ground or in containers. Basil makes an attractive addition to herb gardens and veg plots, and even flower borders and pot displays, especially the more decorative varieties.

      It can be grown from seed sown or bought as young plants. It is usually treated as an annual and removed in autumn, as it won’t survive winter outdoors. Basil will eventually start to flower, which causes leaf quality to deteriorate. At this point plants can either be removed, or just enjoyed for their bee-friendly flowers in shades of white through to purple.

      Basil is widely used to make pesto and often added to tomato-based pasta sauces and salads. You can even use this versatile herb in fruit sorbets and ice-creams.

      Month by Month

      Jobs to do now
      • Sow then prick out seedlings
      • Pinch out tips of young plants
      • Sow then prick out seedlings
      • Pinch out tips of young plants













      Plant Out




























      There are many excellent varieties of basil, offering a feast of flavours, from sweet and aromatic to rich and spicy. Most form fairly compact plants, 30–50cm (12–20in) tall, with attractive foliage – take your pick from large or small leaves that are green through to dark purple, smooth, ruffled, glossy or hairy. If you grow several types, you can have an array of flavours, fragrances, textures and colours to enjoy all summer.

      When choosing varieties, look for those with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM), which shows they performed well in trials – see our list of AGM fruit, herbs and veg.

      What and where to buy

      You’ll get the widest choice of varieties if you grow from seed – many varieties are readily available in garden centres and from online retailers. Basil is also available as plug plants and potted plants from similar outlets, as well as from supermarkets, although the choice of varieties is usually more limited.

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      Showing 3 out of 5 varieties



      Basil seeds are usually sown indoors, for more reliable germination and protection from slugs and snails. Basil can also be sown outdoors, but dislikes cold, damp conditions, so wait until temperatures warm up in early summer.

      It’s well worth sowing several batches, a month or so apart, so you have plenty of fresh tender leaves to hand all summer.

      Sowing indoors

      It’s best to start basil off indoors in warm conditions, to give a longer growing season. Sow several batches from late February through to mid-summer in small pots or seed trays, at a temperature of about 18°C (64°F). Cover the seeds with a thin layer of vermiculite, water gently and place in a propagator or cover with a clear plastic bag.

      Once seedlings appear, remove from the propagator or take off the bag, place in a warm, bright spot, such as on a windowsill, and protect from hot midday sun. Water regularly, but avoid overwatering, as seedlings are prone to damping off disease.

      When the seedlings have their first true leaves, transplant into their own 7.5cm (3in) pots filled with multi-purpose compost or plant several into a larger pot 7.5cm (3in) apart if you're intending to grow a group in a container.

      You can also sow basil more densely in trays, for harvesting after only a few weeks.

      Step by step on growing basil on a windowsill

      Sowing outdoors

      Basil can be sown outdoors once temperatures warm up in early summer, at a minimum of 15°C (59°F). It needs a sheltered, warm, sunny sowing site, with free-draining soil. Seedlings must be protected from slugs and snails. Basil can also be sown in containers of multi-purpose compost.

      Growing in containers is often more successful, as they provide the free-draining conditions basil needs, and plants are easier to protect from slugs and snails.

      Sowing outdoors gives a shorter growing season than sowing indoors, and in colder regions basil may fare best if kept covered with cloches or grown indoors.

      Once seedlings are large enough to handle, start thinning out gradually until plants are eventually 20cm (8in) apart – remove the weaker plants and add them to salads. Overcrowded plants tend to start flowering sooner, bringing leafy harvests to an end.



      You can plant newly bought basil plants and indoor-sown plants outdoors in late spring or early summer, once there is no danger of frost and temperatures are consistently above 15°C (59°F). Harden plants off carefully for a couple of weeks first, to acclimatise them to outdoor conditions.

      Choose a warm, sunny, sheltered planting site with rich, light, well-drained soil, or a container filled with multi-purpose compost. Space plants 20–30cm (8–12in) apart. You can plant several in a large container, or one per smaller pot, moving it into a slightly bigger container each time its roots show through the drainage holes – an established basil plant needs a pot at least 20cm (8in) wide. Overcrowded conditions can lead to premature premature flowering and an earlier end to harvests. But realistically, if you're growing the less bushy sweet basil in containers, space plants closer together to give a worthwhile crop and have another batch coming on successionally.

      Basil thrives in a greenhouse, in pots, grow bags or a greenhouse border, where it enjoys the warmer temperatures and makes a good companion to tomatoes. This is usually a more successful option than growing outdoors, especially in colder locations.

      Protect basil plants from slugs and snails. This can be tricky in the ground, so growing in containers is often a safer choice, as plants are usually less accessible.


      Plant Care

      Once established, basil is easy to look after – just keep it warm, protect it from slugs and snails and water regularly, especially when growing in a container. Keep plants bushy and productive by harvesting the shoot tips regularly.


      Water basil regularly in hot weather, especially when growing in containers, which dry out quickly. Basil may start to flower sooner in dry conditions.

      When watering, try to avoid splashing the leaves and water in the morning if possible, as basil hates having wet roots overnight.


      You can give plants a boost with a balanced liquid fertiliser to encourage leafy growth – avoid potassium rich fertilisers like tomato feed, which encourage flowering.


      Weed regularly around basil plants, so they don’t have to compete for light or water.

      Removing flowers

      Basil usually starts to flower in mid- to late summer – you can delay this and maintain leaf quality for as long as possible by removing any flower stems as soon as you spot them. It’s worth letting plants bloom eventually though, as basil flowers are rich in nectar, providing food for bees and other insects.


      Although basil is usually grown from seed, it’s easy to grow new plants from cuttings. Snip off a non-flowering shoot just below a leaf, remove the lower leaves and pinch out the tip, then stand the cutting in a jar of water. It will quickly form roots and can be planted in a pot of multi-purpose compost after just a few weeks.



      Basil leaves can be harvested throughout the summer. Pick leaves as required on a cut-and-come-again basis taking a few leaves from each plant, or harvest entire plants if lots of leaves are needed to make pesto or sauce.

      If you only want a few leaves, remove the tops of plants to encourage bushy growth.

      Another option is to harvest basil seedlings after only a few weeks, when packed with flavour and nutrients.

      Basil flowers are also edible, with a milder flavour than the leave.

      Basil leaves are best used freshly picked, but you can stand sprigs in a pot of water in a cool place for a few days, if you change the water daily. Putting basil in the fridge can cause the leaves to deteriorate.

      Add basil to salads or use sweet basil to make pesto. It also works well in all kinds of tomato-based dishes. Thai basil adds rich flavours to spicy dishes. Basil tends to lose its flavour if cooked, so fresh leaves are usually best sprinkled over hot dishes just before serving.



      Section 7 of 7

      Basil is generally easy to grow, but take care to protect the seedlings from slugs and snails. Aphids can also be a problem.

      Basil needs heat and sun to grow well, and can’t withstand frost. So keep young plants indoors until after the last frost, and at the end of the season bring plants indoors or cover with cloches if you want to keep them going into autumn.

      When growing in a greenhouse, ventilate well to help reduce problems with fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, grey mould and damping off disease in seedlings.

      To prolong the leafy harvests, remove any flowers that start to form.

      Buy basil at

      Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

      Buy basil at

      Basil (2024)


      Basil? ›

      Basil (scientific name: Ocimum basilicum) is an herb commonly used in both Italian and Southeast Asian cooking, such as Thai and Vietnamese food. It comes in many varieties with different flavors, colors and leaf shapes, so the sky's the limit for how you prepare and consume it.

      What is basil good for? ›

      The eugenol in basil can block calcium channels, which may help to lower blood pressure. Its essential oils can help lower your cholesterol and triglycerides. Basil also contains magnesium, which can help improve your blood flow by allowing your muscles and blood vessels to relax. Reduced inflammation.

      How to care for a basil plant? ›

      Water basil regularly in hot weather, especially when growing in containers, which dry out quickly. Basil may start to flower sooner in dry conditions. When watering, try to avoid splashing the leaves and water in the morning if possible, as basil hates having wet roots overnight.

      Can you eat raw basil leaves? ›

      Every part of the Basil plant is edible that is leaves, seeds, stems, and flowers. Leaves can be eaten raw and seed and flowers are dried and used as herbs and spices in many cuisines. You can extract the healthy benefits of Basil from every part of the plant.

      Is basil good for your stomach? ›

      Basil is commonly used for stomach problems such as spasms, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, diarrhea, constipation, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. In foods, basil is used for flavor.

      Is it okay to eat basil everyday? ›

      A: Yes, small amounts of basil can be consumed daily. It has several health benefits when consumed in moderation. It helps fight oxidative stress, depression and inflammation in the body. Having antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties, basil helps maintain skin health, boosts digestion and detoxifies the body.

      Who should not take basil? ›

      Additionally, people taking blood pressure-lowering drugs or diabetes drugs should use caution with basil supplements since they may lower blood pressure and blood sugar.

      Should you let basil flower? ›

      Don't let the basil plant go to flower.

      Herbs are less tasty and more coarse after they have flowered. If a flower bud appears, cut it off just above the set of opposing leaves beneath the bud. You can eat those tasty basil buds! Try garnishing your salad or pasta dish with them, whole or chopped!

      Does basil like full sun or shade? ›

      Basil is a tropical herb, and plants need sun and heat to thrive. Give it a spot that receives six to eight hours of sun daily, except in the South and Southwest, where afternoon shade is a must. Basil needs moist, nutrient-rich soil that drains well.

      Does basil grow back every year? ›

      Unfortunately, basil is an annual versus perennial plant, which means it does not come back every year. You'll have to replant it each season, but the good news is that it is super easy to grow as long as you have sunlight.

      When should you not eat basil? ›

      Here are a few signs that your basil has gone bad and needs to be thrown out: The leaves are wilted or discolored. There is mold growing on the leaves. The leaves have a slimy texture.

      Why we don't chew basil leaves? ›

      03/4​Why you must not chew it

      It is believed that this can lead to discoloration of teeth and it might also damage them. Since tulsi leaves are a bit acidic and your mouth is alkaline in nature, they might also cause the tooth enamel to wear away while you chew on them.

      Is basil leaves good for weight loss? ›

      There's not much evidence supporting its efficacy as a weight loss aid, but it can help you lose weight in ways other than directly. Studies show it can be helpful for managing blood sugar and lipid levels as well as for soothing anxiety and stress and bringing your body back into balance.

      What does basil do to your hair? ›

      Basil is packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium that are essential for healthy hair growth. One study even found that basil extract was effective in treating hair loss, encouraging hair growth when included as part of a diet.

      Does basil make you sleepy? ›

      Importantly, people should avoid combining holy basil with pharmaceutical medications without first checking with a healthcare professional. The herb helps people relax due to its anti-stress properties, but this could cause drowsiness if a person takes it alongside certain medications.

      Is basil good for high blood pressure? ›


      Basil is considered a very effective herb to reduce high blood pressure. It is popularly used in alternative medicine because it is rich in powerful plant compounds.

      What should I use basil for? ›

      There are many ways to use basil in cooking. Here are a few ideas: Use it as a garnish: Basil leaves can be used to garnish a variety of dishes, including soups, salads, and pasta dishes. Add it to sauces: Basil is a popular ingredient in many pasta sauces, and it can also be added to homemade pesto or tomato sauce.

      How does basil make you feel? ›

      Holy basil has been shown to have antidepressant and antianxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs. Studies have shown that it can help people feel more social and less anxious.

      Can you eat basil by itself? ›

      Yes, raw basil is edible (salads). It also can be cooked in sauces (low simmer), in pasta dishes, and on pizza.

      What is the spiritual benefit of basil? ›

      Metaphysically basil is a sacred plant. Basilicum is derived from Greek to mean “Royal” or “King” and due to its elevated and potent healing uses it's a deserved name. Basil brings balance between your body, mind and spirit. Its scent warms your soul and can bring spiritual clarity.

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      Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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      Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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      Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.