Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (2024)

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (1)

What Is Beef Suet?

In order to define suet, you have to first understand the anatomy of a cow. Different parts of the cow have different types of fat. This includes somewhat hard fats (like the fat you might find on a steak) that might not melt completely at high heat and less solid fats like suet. Suet is specifically found around joints and near kidneys. It’s got a very low melting point, meaning liquid suet doesn’t have to be particularly hot. Instead, it can be as cold as 113 F.

Suet doesn’t just have a low melting point, however. It also has a very high smoke point, making it excellent for high-temperature cooking and deep frying. Rendered suet is known as tallow and has many uses both in the kitchen and around the house.

Where Can I Get Suet?

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (2)If you want suet, the best thing to do is to ask your local butcher. Even the man behind the meat counter at your supermarket might be able to give you plenty of suet for a ridiculously low price. While suet is highly prized by some cooks, it’s not a particularly modern ingredient. This means that suet is mostly thrown away by butchers these days. If your butcher knows you want some, they can often save the suet they would have disposed of and pass it on to you for a steal.

Even if your area has more competition for suet (and therefore higher prices), you should still start your quest for suet by asking a local butcher or two. They’ll be able to tell you where you can get the best suet in the quantities you’re looking for.

What Is Suet Used For?

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (3)Suet can be used in many recipes calling for shortening and other cooking fats. It’s especially good for greasing a pan you use for sauteing or as the fat you deep fry in. Suet is a component in many dishes, including English recipes like haggis, Windsor pudding, spotted dick, and several types of English pastries. It’s also found in some Caribbean recipes (like Jamaican patties) and chili con carne.

One huge advantage of suet over other flavorful fats is the fact that you don’t have to render it. Instead, you can simply throw it into whatever dish you’re making. This includes baked goods, too. If you’re trying to get a flaky crust with alternating layers of flour and fat the firm nature of unrendered suet gives you a huge advantage. Since you don’t have to worry about suet melting (or re-solidifying), you can take extra time to roll out or shape your dough to your heart’s content. Suet is somewhat less sweet than lard and tastes neutral enough that it’s best described as “bland.”

In addition to its use in human kitchens, suet is a popular ingredient in bird feeders.

Beef Suet Recipes

If you want to use suet in your kitchen, here are some of the best ways to take advantage of this special fat:

Suet Biscuits

Given that one of the biggest advantages of suet is how easy it is to bake with, this recipe is a no0brainer. It’s basically a standard biscuit recipe that uses suet as the primary baking fat. Making these biscuits is a bit more work than using your favorite baking mix, but they’re a lot more rewarding.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (4)Suet Biscuits Ingredients


2 cups all-purpose flour

3 tbsp sugar

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt


1 egg, beaten

1/2 cup milk

4 oz suet, cut into small cubes

TOPPING (optional):

3 tbsp melted butter

1 tbsp sugar (ideally a large-grain sugar like sanding, cane, demerara, or turbinado sugar)


  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Mix the solid ingredients in a bowl. Toss in the suet and rub everything together until you get a consistency not-unlike cornmeal. You’ll probably have to use your fingers as well as your fork, whisk, or another mixing tool. If you’d prefer not to get beef fat all over your hands, you can simply use a blender or food processor instead. Pulse the mixture until you get the desired texture.
  3. Add milk and egg. Mix gently until you get a dough.
  4. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface. Knead it by hand until it forms a bit of a skin. Use a rolling pin to work the dough into a rectangle with about 75 square inches of surface area (so a bit smaller than a standard piece of paper). Slice into biscuits with a biscuit cutter, cookie cutter, or a knife. Any “scraps” that you form into biscuits might not rise evenly, so consider cooking them separately for easier presentation.
  5. (optional) Brush the biscuits with melted butter and sprinkle with large-grain sugar.
  6. Bake the biscuits until they’re golden brown. This takes between 17 and 24 minutes in most ovens. Serve fresh if possible.

Windsor Pudding

This traditional English treat is adapted from an 1881 recipe. You may want to reduce the recipe somewhat, as it’s quite large as written.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (5)

Windsor Pudding Ingredients:

First Stage Ingredients:

1/2 lb of suet, grated “very fine”

1/2 lb French roll (breadcrumbs of any sort will work)

nutmeg (quantity not specified, used for taste)

lemon rind (quantity not specified, used for taste)

Second Stage Ingredients:

1/2 lb apples, chopped

1/2 lb currants

1/2 lb raisins

1 “glass” sweet wine (2 cups should do the trick)

5 eggs, beaten

(optional) 1 cup brown sugar

Windsor Pudding Instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 or prepare to steam a pudding dish (see step 4).
  2. Mix the ingredients from “first stage ingredients.” To be clear, the “french roll” should be chopped into small cubes or breadcrumbs.
  3. Mix the ingredients from “second stage ingredients” into the step one ingredients. The original recipe doesn’t call for sugar, but many more modern renditions do. You may want to try it “unsweetened” first and then add up to a cup of sugar based on your own personal tastes.
  4. Pour into an oven-safe mold or baking dish and steam for several hours. The original recipe suggests boiling for 3 hours, but more modern takes suggest that steaming for 8 hours or more might be the best option. Alternately, you can throw it in the oven at 350 or so for about a half hour, which is somewhat more reasonable as far as both time and work go.

Suet Crust for A Meat Pie

I’ll let you fend for yourself for the filling for this wonderful suet pie crust. If you’re lost for ideas, try browning a soft meat (like a braising steak) in a pan with some shallots, garlic, and mushrooms and then deglaze the pan with some wine. Remove both the sauce, the aromatics, and the meat from the pan and cook them in the oven on low heat until everything is quite tender.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (6)

Suet Crust Ingredients

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup suet, shredded

3 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 egg, beaten (for glazing)

Suet Crust Instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Mix everything but the egg in a large mixing bowl. Add enough water to form a dough. This usually takes a bit more than half a cup. Once you’ve got a big ball of dough in your bowl, cover it and throw it in the fridge for half an hour.
  3. On a floured surface, roll out your chilled dough until it’s about a quarter inch thick. First, cover the bottom of your pie dish, then spoon in your filling, then cover the top with pie dough. Brush the top with egg, cut slits to vent, and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Jamaican Patties

These Caribbean treats are somewhere in between meat pies and (cheeseless) meat quesadillas. Adjust the seasoning to give you just the right amount of spice without overpowering your palate.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (7)Dough Ingredients:

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup suet, cut into small cubes

3/4 cup water

1 egg, whisked

2 tbsp curry powder

1 tbsp vinegar

pinch salt

Filling Ingredients:

1 lb beef, ground

1 onion, finely chopped

1 Scotch bonnet pepper, seeded and minced (other peppers will work, but it won’t taste the Caribbean without the real deal)

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup beef broth or stock

1/2 cup breadcrumbs

1 1/2 tbsp hot sauce

1 1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp allspice

1 egg (for egg wash)

1 tbsp curry powder

Dough Instructions:

  1. Add flour, curry powder, salt, and suet to a mixing bowl or food processor. Mix until you get something close to the consistency of cornmeal, either by pulsing your processor (or blender) or using your hands and a fork.
  2. Whisk together the water, egg, and vinegar in a separate bowl. Pour this into the flour mixture and mix until you get a ball of smooth dough. Cover and chill for at least an hour.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (8)

Filling Instructions

  1. Brown beef in a large pan. When it’s mostly done, drain the beef, return it to the pan, and add onion, garlic, and peppers. Stir everything together and cook for several minutes until the veggies start to get transparent and soft.
  2. Add in the seasonings (broth, sauces, spices, salt, and any fresh herbs you’d like to add). Stir everything together, cover, and simmer on low for about 20 minutes or until most of the liquid is gone. Discard any fresh herbs you used you wouldn’t want to eat (like a sprig of thyme). Add breadcrumbs and stir again.

Patty Instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. On a floured work surface, roll out the dough until it’s 1/8th inch thick. Cut it into 6-inch circles and place a heaping tablespoon full of meat filling in each circle. Brush the edges of the dough with egg wash (about 1 large egg with about 1/4 cup of water) and fold the dough into a half-circle. Press the edges firmly together to seal.
  3. Place the patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake until the dough is golden brown, about 30 minutes. Let the patties cool off for at least 5 minutes before serving.

Rag Pudding

This boiled dish isn’t unlike a meat pie. it’s traditionally made with steak and kidney, although American readers might elect to go with just steak instead. This dish is delightfully simple to make as long as you have a rag.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (9)Rag Pudding Ingredients:

3 1/3 cups all-purpose flour

1 lb diced filling (steak and kidney for authenticity)

1 medium onion, diced

1/2 lb suet, shredded or diced finely

1 cup water

salt, pepper, and spices for seasoning

1 “rag” (I personally use cheesecloth)

a safety pin, elastic, or string to fasten your rag

Rag Pudding Instructions:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, mix the flour and suet until you get a cornmeal-like consistency. Alternately, use a blender or food processor.
  2. Stir in the cold water to form a dough.
  3. On a floured working surface, roll out the dough until it’s about as thick as a tortilla. You can either make one big pudding or several small ones. Simply duplicate the following instructions any number of times should you choose to make smaller single-serving puddings instead.
  4. Add fillings (usually raw), onions, and seasoning.
  5. Fold the dough over the ingredients. Place the dough on top of your rag and tie the rag up at the top with your safety pin, elastic, or string.
  6. Immerse the pudding in stockpot of cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook for two hours.
  7. Remove your pudding, untie your rag, and serve!

Beef Suet: The Most Wonderful Fat In The Kitchen

Suet is an amazing fat that makes producing delicious, flaky pastries incredibly easy. It’s used in many meat pie-like recipes as well as in blood puddings and more. If you’re a fan of baked goods, it might be a good idea to ask your local butcher about where you can acquire some suet. You’ll probably find that it’s one of the simplest ways to create wonderful baked goods at home without too much effort.

Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food (2024)


Beef Suet: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - On The Gas | The Art Science & Culture of Food? ›

Suet and Tallow Are Healthy Fats.

Suet and Tallow, just like avocado oil and coconut oil consists of natural and healthy unrefined saturated fats ~ an ideal daily addition to your healthy diet. Processed vegetable and seed oils like Canola Oil and Sunflower Oil are high in unhealthy polyunsaturated fats.

Is beef suet bad for you? ›

Suet and Tallow Are Healthy Fats.

Suet and Tallow, just like avocado oil and coconut oil consists of natural and healthy unrefined saturated fats ~ an ideal daily addition to your healthy diet. Processed vegetable and seed oils like Canola Oil and Sunflower Oil are high in unhealthy polyunsaturated fats.

What is beef suet made of? ›

Beef Suet is the hard fatty part of the cow that surrounds the kidneys and around the loins of the carcass. Beef Suet has a white appearance, slightly crumbly, and almost dry to the touch. Suet has a melting point of between 113 °F (45 °C) and 122 °F (50 °C).

What are two important points on suet? ›

Suet has a mild flavor and high levels of triglyceride stearin, which gives it the ability to lend a spongy, light texture to baked goods like pie crusts, dumplings, and pastries. The ingredient also has a high smoke point, perfect for deep-frying foods.

What is the difference between beef fat and beef suet? ›

Suet, as opposed to muscle fat, contains a higher level of a triglyceride known as glyceryl tristearate, otherwise known as stearin. The result is that suet has a higher melting point and congealing point than regular fat. This little point of trivia is important in order to understand the old English recipes.

What are the side effects of beef tallow? ›

Animal fats or tallow has a negative impact on human health by increasing LDL-cholesterol, obesity and enhance the risk of coronary heart diseases and other diseases like cancer (Yuan et al., 1999; Jurek et al., 2005; Zeb and Ali, 2008).

Is beef suet the same as lard? ›

Suet stays firm

While lard refers to any melted pig fat, suet refers specifically to the fat surrounding a cow's kidneys, says Serious Eats. This is most comparable to the pig-derived leaf lard, which is also made exclusively from kidney-encircling fat, but there are a few other key differences between suet and lard.

Is suet like crisco? ›

If you can't find suet then we have found that grated vegetable shortening (such as Trex, Crisco or Copha) is a good substitute. To grate the shortening firstly freeze a stick or block of it until firm but not solid (this usually takes about 30 minutes).

Does beef suet taste like beef? ›

What Does Suet Taste Like? Fresh suet has a mild, bland taste, a slightly meaty smell, and a dry, crumbly texture. When it's incorporated into sweet dishes—what the British call "puddings"— it imparts a distinct richness yet somehow avoids making them taste like beef.

Does beef suet melt? ›

Suet is a type of beef fat found around the loins and kidneys. Suet has a melting point of between 113 °F and 122 °F and a very high smoke point: 400-450 °F.

Why do you put a suet feeder upside down? ›

Our EcoTough® Upside-Down Suet Feeder is designed to allow birds to feed from below, a comfortable practice for woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees and other clinging birds but difficult for starlings. Not only will it help you control your starling population, but it's also easy to refill, clean and hang.

What is another name for suet? ›

On this page you'll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to suet, such as: flesh, grease, lard, blubber, bulk, and cellulite.

Why do you put a tail prop on a suet feeder? ›

It's specially designed to allow woodpeckers to prop their stiff tail feathers against the paddle for extra support while they feed.

Is Crisco a lard? ›

Crisco, you may recall, was made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, a process that turned cottonseed oil (and later, soybean oil) from a liquid into a solid, like lard, that was perfect for baking and frying.

How long does suet last once opened? ›

To prevent suet melting and for best results always keep pack refrigerated. Once opened, keep refrigerated and use within 6 weeks.

Can you make suet from hamburger fat? ›

Although available at most pet, feed, and grocery stores, suet cakes can also be made at home using excess cooking fat from beef or pork dishes. Instead of draining off the fat into a receptacle that is discarded, this fat can be collected and mixed with other bird-friendly ingredients to make nutrient-rich suet cakes.

Why did people stop using beef tallow? ›

Beef tallow was initially used because the supplier for McDonald's couldn't afford vegetable oil. In the 1990s, as health concerns over saturated fat reached an all-time high, McDonald's faced a backlash against the use of beef tallow, and worried about losing customers, the chain switched to vegetable oil.

Does beef tallow cause inflammation? ›

Health Benefits of Beef Tallow

Reduces inflammation – tallow contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. May help protect the body from infection – one of the fatty acids in beef tallow – palmitoleic acid – possesses fantastic antimicrobial properties, which may help to ward off infections.

Is beef tallow anti aging? ›

Tallow is rendered beef fat that works wonders for skin care. Tallow's natural oils may aid in skin hydration and can be used on dry and oily skin. It contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV rays and fight the signs of aging.

What is Crisco made of? ›

Soybean Oil, Fully Hydrogenated Palm Oil, Palm Oil, Mono And Diglycerides, TBHQ And Citric Acid (Antioxidants).

Is bacon grease suet? ›

Bacon drippings are animal fat just like suet, and many birds will eat it. But bacon virtually always has detectable amounts of nitrosamines, carcinogenic compounds formed from some of the preservatives used in bacon.

What is suet called in Canada? ›

Also known as tallow, our beef suet can be rendered down to create tallow, and it can be used in recipes that call for shortening.

Can dogs eat beef suet? ›

Beef tallow is the rendered form of beef fat such as beef suet that turns solid at room temperature. Dogs need fat for energy. Beef fat contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, vital for cell and brain function. The fatty acids in beef tallow are essential for a dog's neural function and brain growth.

Why use suet in Christmas pudding? ›

Suet is used in steamed puddings because it has a higher melting point than butter and the pudding has a chance to set before the fat starts to melt, unlike butter. Vegetarian suet is usually made with palm oil and is also solid at room temp, also grated for use.

Do squirrels like beef suet? ›

Squirrels will definitely eat the suet you put out for the birds—they love it! If you're finding that your suet it quickly disappearing, then you might have squirrels stealing it (they can take large chunks at once).

How long does beef suet last? ›

Beef suet has a much shorter shelf life than other fats, so it should be stored in a refrigerator for no more than 7 days, or in a freezer for up to 6 months. Beef suet should NOT be stored at room temperature as it will go rancid within a couple of days.

Why is my beef tallow yellow? ›

In healthy cattle, yellow fat color occurs when cattle graze green pasture. This results from the ingestion and absorption of yellow pigments that are present in plants. These pigments have been identified as carotenoids, with beta-carotene being the major component responsible for fat color in cattle.

Do you take the plastic off the suet? ›

Suet Feeding

We also have a suet “dough” form that won't melt for those extremely hot southern areas. To fill a suet feeder, simply take off the plastic wrap, keeping the suet in the plastic container, and insert into a suet basket.

Should you leave plastic on suet? ›

The suet cake has to go above the arrows. Drop it from the plastic liner. (Do not leave the plastic on.)

Can you leave a suet in the rain? ›

If you provide suet, you don't have to worry whether it gets wet or not. Since the first ingredient in suet cakes is beef fat, rain water sheds right off of the suet. If you have already put some hummingbird feeders out, remember to bring them in at night if a hard frost is predicted.

When should I stop feeding my suet? ›

It's a good idea to take down suet feeders in warm weather. Raw or homemade suet should not be offered in the summer. Some suet manufacturers state that their blocks will withstand temps over 100 degrees without melting; however, these might nevertheless go rancid in short order if extreme high temperatures persist.

What animal steals suet feeders? ›

As a result, many folks have forgotten about them. But they are back, big time. In addition to stealing suet feeders, raccoons will also knockdown regular birdfeeders and may drain or absolutely destroy hummingbird feeders.

Do cardinals use suet feeders? ›

Cardinals also enjoy suet but won't use a feeder that requires them to hang upside down. They're also not usually too keen on clinging the way that, say, a nuthatch might. Make sure there are ample comfortable perches available if you want cardinals to use your suet feeders.

What is suet in the Bible? ›

Chelev (Hebrew: חֵלֶב, kheylev or ẖelev), "suet", is the animal fats that the Torah prohibits Jews and Israelites from eating (Leviticus 7:23). Only the chelev of animals that are of the sort from which offerings can be brought in the Tabernacle or Temple are prohibited (Leviticus 7:25).

What is beef fat called for suet? ›

Tallow (or suet) is an extremely versatile type of fat that is made from rendered animal fat. Tallow is made by taking beef or mutton fat or suet (the fatty area around a cow's kidneys) and cooking it down on very low heat until it melts into a liquid.

What language is suet? ›

The word suet /ˈs(j)uːɪt/ is derived from Anglo-Norman siuet, suet, from Old French sieu, seu, from Latin sēbum ('tallow', 'grease', 'hard animal fat').

How high off the ground should a suet feeder be? ›

Place the suet in special feeders or net onion bags at least five feet from the ground to keep it out of the reach of dogs.

Are squirrels attracted to suet feeders? ›

Squirrels and Bird Feeders

The best types of birdseed, including black oil sunflower seeds, nuts, and suet, are just as attractive to squirrels as they are to birds.

How high should a suet feeder be? ›

Positioning a suet feeder in the shade will keep the food firmer for better feeding. At Least 5-6 Feet High - Suet feeders should be at least 5-6 feet above the ground to keep squirrels and other unwanted visitors from jumping onto the feeder.

Why do you put vodka in a pie crust? ›

"The use of vodka enables the addition of more liquid in a form that does not develop gluten, which otherwise would make the pie crust tougher," says Guy Crosby, certified Food Scientist, former science editor at America's Test Kitchen, and author of "The Science of Good Cooking" and "Cook's Science." "The alcohol in ...

Why did we stop using lard? ›

In the 1950s, scientists piled on, saying that saturated fats in lard caused heart disease. Restaurants and food manufacturers started to shun lard.

Which is healthier butter or Crisco? ›

Nutrition. Some say butter is not the healthiest choice when cooking, but compared to shortening, it packs way more nutrition value. What is this? Harvard Public Health even states that fats are crucial to our health, and butter is more of a natural and heart-healthy ingredient overall.

Should you refrigerate suet? ›

Whereas it's not necessary to refrigerate bird seed, Rowden says that it's helpful for suet because keeping it cold will slow down the life processes of mealworms so they will persist as larvae longer. Suet can also be frozen until needed. Because suet is perishable, it shouldn't be left out for too long.

Can you put suet out in the summer? ›

Suet: As mentioned above, suet can be offering during the summer, provided it's of the no-melt variety. This suet is made with less fat but will still attract woodpeckers, chickadees, and jays. Suet is an excellent source of nutrition for birds caring for hungry nestlings during hot summer days.

Does shredded beef suet go bad? ›

To prevent suet melting and for best results always keep pack refrigerated. Once opened, keep refrigerated and use within 6 weeks.

Is beef suet bad for cholesterol? ›

The saturated fat stearic acid found in Suet and Tallow lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol slightly, induces fat metabolism, and promotes appetite satiety.

What fat is best for suet? ›

The 2 most popular meat fats that are acceptable to use when creating homemade suet cakes are Beef and Pork.
  • BEEF FAT: is the perfect fat to use when creating a suet cake. ...
  • PORK FAT: is a great addition to beef fat when creating a suet cake.

Is beef suet healthy? ›

Grass-Fed beef suet usually has more Omega-3 fatty acids than Omega-6 fatty acids making it one of the best fats for a healthy lifestyle. In fact, it is a heart healthy fat. Suet is raw beef fat, especially the hard fat found around the loins and kidneys.

Is beef tallow a healthy fat? ›

Provides Healthy Fats, Including Cholesterol

As mentioned above, tallow provides both saturated and monounsaturated fats. It's made up of about 40 percent to 50 percent monounsaturated fats, which are considered one of the most heart-healthy fats in our diets. This is the same type of fat found in olive oil.

Is beef tallow bad for cholesterol? ›

Because beef fat is 19% stearic acid, the cholesterol-raising potential of beef is not as great as predicted by its total saturated fatty acid content. However, beef tallow is hypercholesterolemic compared with fats containing less cholesterol-raising saturated fatty acid.

What is a healthy substitute for suet? ›

If you can't find suet or you just don't want to use it, try shortening instead. One of the advantages of using vegetable shortening is that it is suitable for vegetarian dishes. Before using it, freeze the shortening until it is very firm. Once frozen, grate on a large holed grater so you get more chunky pieces.

Is beef tallow healthier than butter? ›

Both tallow and ghee are healthier alternatives to butter and vegetable oils when high heat cooking meat or vegetables on a grill or smoker.

Is beef tallow inflammatory? ›

Health Benefits of Beef Tallow

Reduces inflammation – tallow contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. May help protect the body from infection – one of the fatty acids in beef tallow – palmitoleic acid – possesses fantastic antimicrobial properties, which may help to ward off infections.

Is beef tallow from the kidneys? ›

Beef suet is pure, crumbly fat which is found around the kidneys of steers and heifers. It is a real gourmet treat for those looking to make all kinds of authentic steam puddings - sweet or savory. Beef suet has a high melting point, making it ideal for pastry cooking and deep-frying.

Is beef tallow a carcinogen? ›

Of the three high fat diets, beef tallow was also found to increase intestinal carcinogenesis. Thus, the present data revealed carcinogenesis in the prostate and intestine to be promoted by beef tallow.

Does beef tallow prevent wrinkles? ›

Beef tallow, rendered from grass-fed cattle, is loaded with vitamins A, D & K and antioxidants. One of which is vitamin E, known to promote rejuvenation of the skin by fighting free radicals that can cause wrinkles.

Is Crisco the same as suet? ›

If you can't find suet then we have found that grated vegetable shortening (such as Trex, Crisco or Copha) is a good substitute. To grate the shortening firstly freeze a stick or block of it until firm but not solid (this usually takes about 30 minutes).

Is Crisco OK for suet? ›

DO NOT USE Crisco or other hydrogenated oil (vegetable shortening) products. Hydrogenated oils are neither good for us nor the birds. Stick to using fats that are real and unaltered.

What is a modern replacement for suet? ›

The 5 Best Substitutes for Suet
  • 1 – Beef Tallow.
  • 2 – Lard.
  • 3 – Vegetable Shortening.
  • 4 – Ghee.
  • 5 – Butter.
Feb 26, 2023

Is tallow hard to digest? ›

Supports Healthy Digestion: Contrary to popular belief, animal fats like tallow and lard are quite easy for the body to digest. They contain a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can help support healthy digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut.

Is ghee same as tallow? ›

Ghee: Ghee is clarified butter. In simple terms, ghee is just a form of butter that has been simmered and strained out of milk solids and water. Tallow: Tallow is nothing but beef fat. The raw fat present around the kidneys and loins of cattle is known as suet.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.