Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (2024)

What can I find in this article?

  • Bloodstone Colors
  • Bloodstone Species
  • Bloodstone Clarity and Cut
  • What is the spiritual meaning of Bloodstone?
  • Bloodstone and the Chakras
  • Health Benefits of Bloodstone
  • Bloodstone Price
  • Bloodstone Discovery and History
  • Where is Bloodstone found?
  • How is Bloodstone formed?
  • Can Bloodstone be treated?
  • What Jewelry is Bloodstone suitable for?
  • Did you know? Interesting facts about Bloodstone
  • How to care for Bloodstone
  • How can you tell a real Bloodstone?
  • What is so special about Bloodstone?
  • Can Bloodstone change color?
  • Bloodstone - Gemological Properties
Natural Bloodstone


In the world of gemstones, it would be difficult to find one with more history and spiritual importance than Bloodstone. Perhaps its most famous legend is that the crimson red spots that decorate the deep green gemstone represent the blood of Jesus but Bloodstone’s symbolic power stretches back to Ancient Babylon, Egypt and Greece.

Healing powers, the ability to change the weather, protection from enemies, turning the wearer invisible, prophetic talents, an aphrodisiac and a symbol of justice – Bloodstone gemstones are quite the over achievers aren’t they?

Bloodstone is a dramatic looking deep green Chalcedony gemstone speckled with red, brown and orange spots and cousin to Agate, Carnelian, Onyx and Jasper. Its ancient use as a seal, amulet, signet ring and even small cups has developed into unique modern pendant, earring, bracelet and necklace designs.

Bloodstone Colors

Bloodstone Colors

Bloodstone is mainly a deep green to almost black looking gemstone decorated with red, orange or brown spotting caused by iron oxide inclusions, especially Hematite.

The dark green background is created by the presence of the mineral, Chlorite, or a mixture of minerals known as Hornblende. Since the presence of these minerals can vary in quantity the green can also vary in shade or be inconsistent throughout the gemstone.

The best quality Bloodstone gemstones are considered to be the examples with a solid deep green color with visible spots or veins of bright red scattered all over the surface.

Bloodstone Species

Bloodstone has a confusing heritage not helped by the various names thrown its way.

Shall we have a quick geology lesson? I promise it will be short and not as boring as the one at school – and nowhere near as long!

Quartz is a mineral made of a mixture of silicon and oxygen and comes in two types, one with large crystals such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz and so on and one with tiny crystals such as Chalcedony.

Bloodstone is a type of Chalcedony along with other very similar gemstones such as Agate, Jasper, Onyx and others, generally divided by their colors, stripes or patterns.

Quartz with larger crystals such as Amethyst tends to be transparent to translucent while Quartz with tiny crystals such as Bloodstone is usually translucent to opaque.

So Bloodstone is a type of Chalcedony which is a type of Quartz which is a type of Mineral.

Other names for Bloodstone include Heliotrope and Blood Jasper.

All done and no homework this week!

Bloodstone Clarity and Cut

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (3)

Gemstones usually fall into one of three categories of clarity with variations within that category.

Opaque gemstones do not allow any light to pass through even if you hold it up to a light source.

Translucent gemstones allow some light to shine through but you cannot see clearly through the gemstone.

Transparent Gemstones allow light to pass through uninhibited so you can look through them and see objects or read words on the other side.

Bloodstone is an opaque stone and as such is nearly always polished into dome shapes, or what we call cabochons, cut into round, oval and pear outlines but also in odd shapes ideal for unique jewelry pieces.

What is the spiritual meaning of Bloodstone?

I am not sure if there is another gemstone with a reputation for spiritual power and a longer history than Bloodstone.

It was used in Ancient Mesopotamia in fortune telling rituals, Babylonian warriors took Bloodstone amulets to war as it was believed they could stop a bleeding wound and Ancient Greek and Roman athletes wore Bloodstone to increase their endurance during sporting events.

The Leyden Papyrus is a collection of ancient manuscripts written in Greek discovered in the ruins of the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. The manuscripts are a collection of spells and recipes and includes the words ‘the world has no greater thing than Bloodstone’ and goes on to describe how they can be used for all manner of wizardry.

It is sometimes called the ‘Martyr’s Stone’ and Medieval Christians would carve crucifixes and martyrs in Bloodstone. Legend has it that Bloodstone was created when drops of blood fell from the body of Jesus onto some Jasper lying at the foot of the cross. In the modern world this gemstone can remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice and inspire us to put others first and help people wherever we can.

In a present day echoing of the warrior’s talisman, Bloodstone can protect you from bullying and aggressive behavior from colleagues, classmates or even family members. It will give you the strength to confront or the wisdom to turn away.

Bloodstone can motivate, increase creativity and positivity and will revitalize you if you are feeling run down.

Bloodstone and the Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers in your body also known as Qi or Prana. There are seven Chakras throughout the body each influencing a particular physical, emotional or mental state and each has an associated color. The seven chakras are as follows, Crown linked with the color purple, Third Eye (indigo), Throat (blue), Heart (green), Solar Plexus (yellow), Sacral (orange) and Root (red).

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (4)

Sometimes in life our Chakras become unbalanced or blocked and need to be realigned or cleansed. One way to do this is through the use of Chakra healing stones. These stones or crystals are usually colored to correspond to individual chakras, red for the Root Chakra, orange for the Sacral, yellow for the Solar Plexus, green for the Heart, blue for the Throat, Indigo for the Third Eye and purple for the Crown Chakra.

Although it is predominantly green, it is the flecks of red, the iron oxide and hematite, that steer Bloodstone to the Root Chakra. If you are feeling insecure about your job, home or family, then this is a sure sign of a blocked Root Chakra and Bloodstone is the ideal gemstone to help clear it.

Health Benefits of Bloodstone

Traditionally, Bloodstone was used to staunch blood when wounded in battle and nowadays it is used in the treatment of any ailments concerned with the flow of blood through the body. It can regulate blood pressure, stimulate blood flow and circulation, boost the immune system and detoxify the blood.

It promotes healthy bone marrow, spleen, liver and kidney function and is especially beneficial to women during pregnancy, childbirth, PMS and menopause.

We are often asked how to use gemstones for spiritual or health benefits and while we are certainly not experts in this field we have gained some experience and knowledge. Of course wearing the gemstone as a piece of jewelry is the easiest way for the crystal to influence your body.

Alternatively they can be placed in your purse or pocket and used as a touchstone throughout the day. Hold crystals or place them in your lap while meditating. Easiest of all, just lay down with crystals on your body, lined up with the chakra points if possible.

Bloodstone should be cleansed every few days if you are using it for a specific health or spiritual problem to keep it at its maximum potential. You can do this by running the stone under tepid water and drying it in the sun for about an hour.

The more natural the water, the better so spring water or rain water is perfect but tap water will suffice. If the Bloodstone is just for general well-being, cleansing every couple of weeks will suffice.

If you feel the Bloodstone gemstone needs a bit of a deep cleansing then try an earth bath. Dig a hole a few inches into the best natural soil you can find, place your gemstone directly in the soil, leave it for at least a day before retrieving it and cleaning with running water. Just don’t forget where you buried it!

Bloodstone Price

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (5)

Bloodstone Price List

ColorWeight rangePrice range / USD

Green with Red

1ct +

$1.5 - 6/ct

The most sought after and, therefore, valuable Bloodstone is a deep forest green in color with a spray of random red dots and spots resembling blood spatter. It is an opaque gemstone, so it is generally cut and polished into a smooth round, oval or pear shape. This smooth domed cut enhances the silky polish and sheen that is one of a Bloodstone gemstone’s most attractive features.

Bloodstone gemstones are available in almost any size for a variety of uses, from carving into cups and bowls down to the very popular cabochon rings for men. The large gemstones with unique markings make them ideal for one-off contemporary jewelry designs that are so fashionable these days and at a very affordable price.

Bloodstone Discovery and History

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (6)

Along with Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Carnelian and a few others, Bloodstone was one of the first gemstones used by mankind. If you are ever exploring the world’s finest museums and find yourself in the antiquities from the ancient world section you will be sure to come across some Bloodstone gemstones. Babylonian seals from 3000 BC, Roman rings and pendants from the time of Jesus and gemstones engraved with crosses by early Christians are all on display.

The exquisite cups, bowls and vases made in the 15th and 16th century by the Miseroni family of lapidary artists often featured Bloodstone and are exhibited in the Louvre, Prado and British museums.

Before the legend of Christ’s blood falling on a Jasper stone gave us the name Bloodstone, this gemstone was known as Heliotrope (and still is in parts of Europe). The earliest known source of what was then called Heliotrope is the Kathiawar Peninsula in the resource rich area of Gujarat in North Western India.

Where is Bloodstone found?

Bloodstone can be found in many places throughout the world with India, Australia, Brazil and Madagascar providing the best in quality and quantity.

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (7)

It is one of the few gemstones found in Scotland – on the Island of Rum (surely that should be Whiskey?)

How is Bloodstone formed?

Like most gemstones, Bloodstone formed when hot molten rock, known as magma, rose to the surface crust of the earth and began to cool.

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (8)

As the soft, warm molten rock cooled and hardened, gas bubbles formed as well as cracks and cavities where magma flowed, overlapped or cooled at different rates.

The magma hardened into rock and the gasses escaped leaving little pockets of space. Into these pockets fluids such as silica, rich in dissolved quartz molecules, flowed and settled.

Bloodstone’s solid green color is created by the presence of minerals such as Chlorite and Amphibole as it crystallized in the volcanic igneous rocks while the red spots are caused by iron oxide impurities.

When the Bloodstone material has fully formed it is generally harder than the surrounding rock. Wind, rain and ice slowly erode away everything but the hard gemstone material.

These Bloodstone gemstones then get washed away by streams and creeks and sit as pebbles on river beds waiting to be collected millions of years later.

Can Bloodstone be treated?

Other than the usual cutting and polishing and occasional carving, Bloodstone is not usually treated by heat or dye in any way that we are aware of.

If any gemstones sold by GemSelect receive any treatment we will always disclose this information.

What Jewelry is Bloodstone suitable for?

With a hardness of around 6.5 – 7 on Mohs scale and a relatively inexpensive price, Bloodstone can be used as just about any type of jewelry. Historically rings, pendants and amulets made of Bloodstone gemstones were very popular but now we are limited only by our imaginations.

See our detailed article on the Mohs hardness scale right here

Contemporary jewelers often use Bloodstone for men’s jewelry items as its rich deep greens have a certain appealing masculine quality, especially for large domed rings and cufflinks.

The availability of large and odd shapes makes Bloodstone ideal for unique jewelry items and its relative affordability means it is a favorite among jewelry making beginners.

Did you know? Interesting facts about Bloodstone

Natural Viagra?
In India, specimens of fine bloodstone are crushed and ground into a powder then used as an aphrodisiac.
If a Bloodstone has yellow spots instead of red spots it is known as a Plasma gemstone.
A lot has been written about it.
Bloodstone is mentioned in the works of Pliny the Elder, Damigeron’s ‘The Virtues of Stones’, Albert the Great’s ‘Treatise on Minerals’ and the ancient Leyden Papyrus.
In the Leyden Papyrus, this is written about Bloodstone:
The world has no greater thing; if anyone have this with him he will be given whatever he asks for; It also assuages the wrath of kings and despots, and whatever the wearer says will be believed. Whoever bears this stone, which is gem, and pronounces the name engraved upon it, will find all doors open, while bonds and stone walls will be rent asunder.
Bloodstone was once thought to cause eclipses of the sun.
Bloodstone is a traditional and an alternative birthstone for the month of March.

How to care for Bloodstone

Bloodstone gemstones should be stored inside a fabric-lined box or wrapped in a soft cloth. It is rated about 6.5 - 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, so they should be kept away from other gemstones and jewelry to ensure they do not get scratched by any harder gemstones or damage any that may be softer.

To clean, just wash in warm soapy water using a soft brush, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth, we do not recommend ultrasonic cleaners or steamers.

It is a good idea to remove any jewelry before doing any physical activity such as sports, housework or gardening.

How can you tell a real Bloodstone?

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (9)

Obviously buying gemstones from a reputable dealer is the best approach but this is not always possible when you are out searching the net for a great gemstone or a bargain!

Bloodstone is a fairly easy gemstone to identify – a quick look at photographs on the internet or a look around your local gemstone store will be enough to familiarize yourself with what they are supposed to look like. A deep green with flecks of red and perhaps some other colored marks.

The amount of red spots or dots will vary from gemstone to gemstone, some can cover the entire gemstone while others can be almost non-existent. This does not verify whether the Bloodstone is real or not but the lack of red spots will affect the price. Anyone attempting a fake gemstone will probably put lots of red on it.

As it is not very expensive there are not that many fake gemstones out there but real Bloodstones have nice shine to them so look out for that and they are opaque so check for light shining through. Keep an eye out for gemstones that appear too perfect, an even color across the surface and red dots too round or too bright.

At 6.5 – 7 on the Mohs hardness scale they are a little bit in the middle for an accurate scratch test – and glass, a common counterfeit material in some sections of the gems world is about the same hardness. A pen knife will not be able to scratch a real Bloodstone nor a copper coin but a steel nail might.

See our detailed article on the Mohs hardness scale right here

This is not a complete guide on how to spot a real gemstone but I hope it helps.

At GemSelect, we stand by our gemstones as being as we describe them, any treatments are disclosed and our return policy means you can feel quite assured when ordering from us.

What is so special about Bloodstone?

Bloodstone gemstones are part of our shared history, from beads and seals thousands of years ago through ornate vases and jugs in the middle ages to the wire-wrapped pendants of today.

Hold one in your hand and you will sense its significance and understand why the ancients revered this gemstone so much and why many people trust in its spiritual power in this cynical age.

The deep green coloring has a feeling of gravity and importance about it and the red mottling, so evocative of blood, only emphasizes this gemstone’s significance.

Can Bloodstone change color?

Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (10)

Some gemstones show a distinct or dramatic change in color under different light sources. Look at a garnet under electric or artificial light and it could look red, take it outside into the sunlight and all of a sudden it is green!

This remarkable effect only occurs in a few gemstones, Alexandrite, Garnet and some Sapphires being the most well known but Bloodstone is NOT one that has this effect.

Bloodstone - Gemological Properties

Chemical Formula:

SiO2 Silicon dioxide

Crystal Structure:

Trigonal - microcrystalline aggregates


Green, apple-green, greenish-blue, brown with red spots


6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale

Refractive Index:

1.530 to 1.540


2.58 to 2.64


None: Fracture rough, brittle


Translucent to opaque

Double Refraction or Birefringence:

Up to 0.004


Vitreous, waxy to resinous



Bloodstone Information - Rich history to go with the rich colors (2024)


What is the history of bloodstone? ›

Bloodstone is an ancient gem material that was used by the Babylonians (pre-539 BC) to make amulets and talismans with healing properties. The Ancient Egyptians believed bloodstone could make an individual stronger and more stealthy in battle, maybe even invisible to their enemies.

What pairs well with bloodstone? ›

If you are looking for stones that work in beautiful harmony with the Bloodstone, you can pair this form of Chalcedony beautifully with Agate or the serene crown chakra powers of Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli. Obsidian is also a great stone to pair with Bloodstone as it shares highly protective properties.

Why is the bloodstone important? ›

Bloodstone is often used to increase courage, motivation, and creative energy. It's also beneficial for endurance and physical strength. In addition, bloodstone can remove blocks that are keeping us stuck, which can help to revitalize our energy and create a clear path forward.

What is the myth of bloodstone? ›

This ancient gemstone was used by the Babylonians to make seals and amulets. Bloodstone was believed to have healing powers, especially for blood disorders. It is sometimes called the “martyr's stone,” as legend tells that it was created when drops of Christ's blood stained jasper at the foot of the cross.

Who should wear bloodstone? ›

The Bloodstone as a birthstone

Bloodstones are traditionally prescribed as one of the birthstones for the zodiac sign Aries. It is also assigned as one of the birthstones for those born in March along with Aquamarine. Those born under the sign of Libra and Pisces can also benefit from wearing bloodstones.

What Zodiac is bloodstone? ›

The bloodstone is Aries' alternative birthstone. It thanks its name to its green color with red specks.

What month is bloodstone for? ›

The second birthstone for March is bloodstone, a dark-green gemstone flecked with vivid red spots of iron oxide.

Which stones should not be worn together? ›

Hence avoid wearing diamonds with yellow sapphires and emerald stones. Do not wear pearls, corals, and rubies with blue sapphires. These are Saturnian stones that cannot be combined with the stones of the sun and moon and Mars. Do not wear pearl and rubies together i.e. do not combine the energies of the moon and sun.

Is bloodstone a lucky stone? ›

In modern times, many believe the bloodstone birthstone to be a lucky charm, as it is prized by athletes and others who want to grow their strength. Even today in India, fine bloodstones may be crushed into a powder and used as an aphrodisiac.

How powerful is the bloodstone? ›

Like the MCU version, the Bloodstone was wielded by monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone. While the version introduced in Werewolf by Night seems to be able to control monsters, the Bloodstone of the comics grants the user multiple superhuman abilities as well as immortality.

What signs is bloodstone good for? ›

Bloodstone Metaphysical Properties

Bloodstone is associated with two Western zodiac signs: Aries, Pisces and the so-called "new" sign Ophiuchus (snake-bearer). This connects the stone to the months of February, March, November and December.

What is a bloodstone in the Bible? ›

In Biblical mythology, bloodstone was born when Jesus' blood drops fell onto a jasper gemstone at the foot of the cross. Also called a heliotrope, the stone itself is carved from the legends of ancient folklore and mystical tales.

What does the name bloodstone mean? ›

It's named for its bloodlike spots. Bloodstone is the dark-green variety of the mineral chalcedony, which is a kind of microcrystalline quartz. The red spots in bloodstone are flecks of jasper, another kind of quartz.

What is another name for bloodstone? ›

Bloodstone is sometimes known by another name—Blood Jasper—although it's actually chalcedony, which is a cryptocrystalline quartz. There are two forms of bloodstone: heliotrope, which is more transparent with red spots, and plasma, which is more opaque and has little or no red spots.

How old are bloodstones? ›

Bloodstone is a dark green variety of chalcedony adorned with a splatter of bright red. It has been a popular gemstone for at least two thousand years and has served as the modern birthstone for the month of March since 1912.

What is the luckiest stone to wear? ›

One of the best crystals that brings good luck has to be Green Jade. For centuries Green Jade has been a stone that is synonymous with luck, wealth, and fortune. This is the reason you often see Green Jade in places of businesses. Red Jade is also known to be a lucky stone as is Citrine and Green Aventurine.

Which finger do you wear birthstone? ›

The Diamond gemstone rings can be wearing on a specific finger in your hands, according to astrology. For eg, the People can wear Yellow Sapphire rings that must be wear on the index finger of your right hand. And Similar, People should worn a Diamond Stone on your middle finger of the right hand.

Can bloodstone be in the sun? ›

Yes, Bloodstones can go in the sun. With a value of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, it is quite a hard stone and will be safe in sunlight. Recharging stones in sunlight is a popular method, but you should not leave them out for too long as that can fade and tarnish the stone.

What is bloodstone diamond? ›

Blood diamonds (also called conflict diamonds, brown diamonds, hot diamonds, or red diamonds) are diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army's war efforts, terrorism, or a warlord's activity.

What is a bloodstone worth? ›

Note Currently, Bloodstone price in India ranges between Rs 100 per carat to Rs 250 per carat and plus. Buyer Beware : Gemstone Weights in India are often expressed in Ratti (e.g. – Bloodstone stone price per ratti).

Which months have 2 birthstones? ›

June | Pearl and Alexandrite

June birthdays claim two birthstones; pearl and Alexandrite. Pearls have been wildly popular in jewelry for centuries because of their natural beauty. Alexandrite gemstones are extremely rare and desirable since they change color based on the lighting.

How do you take care of a bloodstone? ›

Bloodstone can easily be cleaned at home with warm soapy water and a soft brush. Keep your bloodstone jewelry away from harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. The gemstone should not be worn when exercising or cleaning to avoid scratching. Always store bloodstone in a fabric lined boxed or wrapped in a soft cloth.

Is it good luck to wear your birthstone? ›

Many gem therapists believe that when you place these crystals on your body, you connect to the earth's energy. Wearing birthstone jewelry uses that same idea. You'll not only feel more relaxed and composed, but they can also act as a good luck charm. It is believed that your birthstone is the ultimate good luck charm.

Is bloodstone a reality stone? ›

It seems the Bloodstone is most similar to the Reality Stone, and not just because they are both red glowing rocks. The tease in Werewolf by Night's ending that the Bloodstone may have altered reality to give the special its black-and-white look could have larger implications for what the weapon can do.

Is bloodstone still alive? ›

Charles McCormick died on April 12, 2022, at the age of 75.

Is bloodstone man made? ›

Although no synthetic bloodstones are known, gem buyers may encounter imitations or simulants. In particular, glass pieces can mimic bloodstone's colors.

What stone represents Jesus? ›

The Jasper stone in the context of (Rev 4) is the finest form of Diamond, one of clearest lustre and sets forth Christ's character which ENDURED as well as His character which is so DESIRABLE.

What is the lucky number of God? ›

According to the American publication, the Orthodox Study Bible, 777 represents the threefold perfection of the Trinity.

What is the most precious stone in the Bible? ›

Diamonds may be found along this line in the Bible. For the same reason, that diamond is the most complex natural material we know of. Sins, it was thought, were written in diamond by God as a permanent reminder. Many people consider this lush green diamond the most valuable of all time.

What is bloodstone jewelry? ›

Bloodstone is a polycrystalline variety of chalcedony (quartz) with a dark green hue and red or orangey patches. These iron oxide dots or patches are dispersed throughout the stone. As with most chalcedonies, bloodstone is very tough making it suitable for glyptographs rendered as seals, cameos, and intaglios.

Where did bloodstone get its name? ›

bloodstone, also called heliotrope, dark-green variety of the silica mineral chalcedony that has nodules of bright-red jasper distributed throughout its mass. Polished sections therefore show red spots on a dark-green background, and from the resemblance of these to drops of blood it derives its name.

Who are the members of bloodstone? ›


What is the oldest birthstone? ›

Zircon Birthstone History and Meaning

The oldest rock ever discovered was a zircon found in Australia dating 4.4 billion years, nearly as old as the planet itself (the oldest diamonds are 3.3 billion years old).

When was bloodstone first discovered? ›

A First Dynasty of Ur bloodstone seal dates to 2900-2700 BCE. Five large bloodstone beads were found at the Royal Cemetery of Ur dating to 2150BCE-2000BCE. It is thought that the beads were manufactured in India.

Where do bloodstones come from? ›

The second birthstone for March is bloodstone, a dark-green gemstone flecked with vivid red spots of iron oxide. Generally found embedded in rocks or riverbeds as pebbles, primary sources for this gemstone are India, Brazil, and Australia.

Where was bloodstone first discovered? ›

Before the legend of Christ's blood falling on a Jasper stone gave us the name Bloodstone, this gemstone was known as Heliotrope (and still is in parts of Europe). The earliest known source of what was then called Heliotrope is the Kathiawar Peninsula in the resource rich area of Gujarat in North Western India.

What month is bloodstone? ›

Bloodstone. The second birthstone for March is bloodstone, a dark-green gemstone flecked with vivid red spots of iron oxide. Generally found embedded in rocks or in riverbeds as pebbles, primary sources for this gemstone are India, Brazil, and Australia.

What gemstone represents Jesus? ›

The Jasper stone in the context of (Rev 4) is the finest form of Diamond, one of clearest lustre and sets forth Christ's character which ENDURED as well as His character which is so DESIRABLE.

How much is a bloodstone worth? ›

Bloodstone Value

Note Currently, Bloodstone price in India ranges between Rs 100 per carat to Rs 250 per carat and plus. Buyer Beware : Gemstone Weights in India are often expressed in Ratti (e.g. – Bloodstone stone price per ratti).

What are the 7 precious stones in the Bible? ›

In reference to the treasures of Hiram I, 10th century king of Tyre, Ezekiel (28:13) describes the Garden of Eden as having "every precious stone", including beryl, carbuncle, diamond, emerald, gold, jasper, onyx, sapphire, sardius, and topaz, and that "the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in ...

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.