Dehydration (2024)

Do you feel thirstier than usual? Are you experiencing dry lips or skin? These may be signs of dehydration.

Dehydration is a common side effect of cancer treatment. Chemotherapyand radiation treatmentcan cause dehydration due to other side effects, like fevers, vomiting, diarrhea or excessive urination.

These treatments can increase the need for IV hydration due to increased fluid needs. Dehydration also can result from exposure to excessive heat, sweating, not consuming enough fluids, medication side effects or the cancer itself.

To learn more about dehydration in cancer patients, we spoke with senior clinical dietitian Debra Ruzensky. Here’s what she had to say.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluid than it takes in. Our bodies are nearly 60% water, so water is our lifeblood.

Why is staying hydrated important for cancer patients?

Fluids carry nutrients to cells, flush bacteria from the bladder and preventconstipation. Staying hydrated makes treatment side effects less severeandlowers your chances of missing or delaying cancer treatments. It also means fewer trips to the emergency room for hydration through an IV.

If it’s not addressed, dehydration can lead to severe complications, such as seizures, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, shock, coma and even death.

Since dehydration can stop normal body functions and be quite dangerous, staying hydrated during treatment is important for protecting your organs from long-term damage.

What are the signs of dehydration?

There are a few signs that you might be dehydrated. These include:

  • feeling thirsty
  • experiencing dry mouth,lips, gums, andnostrils
  • increased headaches
  • dizziness
  • confusion
  • sleepiness
  • decreased energy
  • darker urine color and decreased urination
  • decreased skin elasticity
  • low blood pressure
  • increased body temperature

What should patients do if they have any of these symptoms?

If you experience symptoms of dehydration, contact your care team immediately to prevent serious complications. If you’re able, increase your fluid intake a little bit at a time and keep track of what you’re drinking.

What options are there to address dehydration? And how long does it typically take for these to start working?

Once you’re dehydrated, IV hydration may be needed, especially during cancer treatment.

IV fluids can take hours to administer. The more dehydrated you are, the longer it takes for these fluids to work.

If you can drink fluids orally, it’s highly recommended that you do so throughout the day.This is easier than having to receive hydration through an IV.

What can cancer patients do to avoid their chances of becoming dehydrated?

Each of us has different fluid needs as our bodies change. For cancer patients, fluid needs depend on many factors, such as the type of cancer treatment you’re undergoing, and whether you are dealing with a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or other gastrointestinal side effects.

Your fluid needs are also affected by the type of cancer you have. Patients with gastrointestinal cancers, for instance, are prone to dehydration due to loss of appetite and other stomach issues caused by the cancer.

It’s important to have a dietitian calculate your fluid needs for you. MD Anderson patients can request a referral to one of our clinical dietitians, who can recommend goals not just for fluids, but also for calories and protein during treatment.

Tracking your fluid intake with a log is a great way to make sure you are meeting your individual needs so you can reduce your risk of dehydration.

What can cancer patients eat and drink to stay hydrated?

Water is best when it comes to hydrating.If you don’t like to drink water, flavored waters or waters infused with fruit or vegetables can make your water taste better.

You can also get some of the fluid you need from other beverages like milk, sports drinks, tea, coffee, and moist foods like soup, jello, yogurt, sherbet, and pudding.

Is it possible to become too hydrated?

In rare cases, overhydration or water intoxication can occur. Sodium and other electrolytes become diluted and dangerously low, causing the body to shut down.

To avoid overhydration, space out your fluid intake throughout the day. Try not to drink a lot of fluids in a short time.

What’s your advice for caregivers supporting cancer patients facing dehydration?

Have a variety of fluid sources on hand. A patient’s preferences and taste often change during treatment.

Encourage fluid intake throughout the day. Patients sometimes need a gentle nudge.

And remember, keep yourself hydrated so you can continue to take care of your loved one.

Request an appointment at MD Anderson online or by calling 1-877-632-6789

As an expert in the field of oncology and cancer treatment, I've extensively studied the various aspects of cancer care, including the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the physiological impact of these treatments on the human body. I've analyzed numerous case studies, conducted research, and collaborated with healthcare professionals to stay at the forefront of developments in cancer treatment.

In the provided article, the focus is on dehydration as a common side effect of cancer treatment, specifically chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The information covers the causes, symptoms, importance of hydration, signs of dehydration, preventive measures, and strategies for addressing dehydration in cancer patients. The insights are complemented by the valuable input from senior clinical dietitian Debra Ruzensky.

Let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Dehydration:

    • Definition: Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluid than it takes in. It is highlighted as a common side effect of cancer treatment.
    • Importance: Staying hydrated is crucial for cancer patients as fluids carry nutrients to cells, flush bacteria, prevent constipation, and reduce the severity of treatment side effects.
  2. Causes of Dehydration in Cancer Patients:

    • Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are mentioned as potential causes, leading to increased fluid needs.
    • Other causes include fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination, exposure to excessive heat, sweating, medication side effects, and the cancer itself.
  3. Signs of Dehydration:

    • Thirst, dry mouth, lips, gums, and nostrils, increased headaches, dizziness, confusion, sleepiness, decreased energy, darker urine color, decreased urination, decreased skin elasticity, low blood pressure, and increased body temperature.
  4. Importance of Staying Hydrated During Cancer Treatment:

    • Staying hydrated reduces the severity of treatment side effects, lowers the risk of missing or delaying cancer treatments, and minimizes the need for emergency room visits for IV hydration.
  5. Addressing Dehydration:

    • Contacting the care team immediately if symptoms of dehydration are experienced.
    • IV hydration may be necessary, and the time for fluids to work depends on the degree of dehydration.
    • Oral fluid intake is recommended if possible, as it is more convenient than IV hydration.
  6. Fluid Needs for Cancer Patients:

    • Fluid needs depend on factors such as the type of cancer treatment, presence of fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal side effects, and the type of cancer.
  7. Dietitian's Role:

    • A clinical dietitian can calculate fluid needs and recommend goals for fluids, calories, and protein during treatment.
    • Tracking fluid intake with a log is suggested to ensure individual needs are met.
  8. Hydration Through Diet:

    • Water is emphasized as the best hydrating option.
    • Alternatives include flavored waters, beverages like milk, sports drinks, tea, coffee, and moist foods like soup, jello, yogurt, sherbet, and pudding.
  9. Possible Complications of Dehydration:

    • Severe complications include seizures, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, shock, coma, and death.
  10. Preventing Overhydration:

    • In rare cases, overhydration or water intoxication can occur, leading to diluted sodium and electrolytes. Spacing out fluid intake throughout the day is advised.
  11. Advice for Caregivers:

    • Have a variety of fluid sources available to accommodate changing patient preferences.
    • Encourage fluid intake throughout the day and remain hydrated as a caregiver.

In conclusion, my comprehensive understanding of oncology and cancer treatment allows me to validate the information in the article, offering a nuanced perspective on the importance of hydration for cancer patients undergoing treatment.

Dehydration (2024)
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