Feeding Grain to Stock Cows (2024)

John Dhuyvetter,Area Extension Livestock Specialist
North Central Research Extension Center

Beef cows are generally wintered most economically on rations consisting primarily of roughage. Grain, however, provides a concentrated highly digestible source of energy that can be fed when roughages are in short supply, and high priced relative to grain, or when forage is inadequate in quality to meet cow needs to maintain desired condition. Various grain processing by products such as screenings and mids can also be well utilized in cow rations.

Kind of Grains to Feed

Choice of grain generally depends on local availability and price per nutrient provided. Table 1 lists the nutrient composition of various grains and an approximate equivalent price per bushel based on energy content. Barley, however, is often the least-cost grain in most areas of North Dakota and has the advantage of a higher protein content than corn. Corn has the highest energy value and is likely the most economical grain in corn-producing localities. Corn, oats, and barley are the primary grains fed to cattle. Oats, which has a lower energy value due to its high fiber content, is considered the "safest" grain in regards to potential digestive disturbances. Wheat and rye are sometimes fed when the price is competitive as may be the case with discounted, damaged, or inferior grades. Rye tends to be less palatable than other grains, and wheat should be limited to small amounts or fed in mixtures with oats or corn to minimize digestive problems. The nutrient value of sprouted grains remains high, and vomitoxin in grain appears to be well tolerated by cows in good shape. Grain that has gone out of condition with obvious mold growth may cause adverse health effects.

Table 1. Nutrient composition of various grains.



Crude protein

Crude fiber

Lbs. per Bu.

Approximate value to corn on Bu. basis































Processing of Grain

Digestibility of grain is generally improved by mechanical processing such as rolling or grinding to break the seed coat. Improvements in efficiency for barley and wheat will most generally offset additional costs. Depending on processing costs and the level of grain being fed, the advantage to processing oats and corn may be marginal. It is preferable to coarsely process grain. Shattering of dry grains as they are ground fine contributes to small dusty particles that can contribute to feeding losses if feed is delivered on the ground and in the wind. Fines also contribute to faster fermentation in the rumen and a greater potential for digestive problems.

Potential Digestive Problems

Grain should be slowly introduced into rations when cows have been on forage and are not accustomed to eating grain to allow microbial populations to adapt to grain. This is accomplished by limiting grain initially to a few pounds per cow per day and then increasing in small steps with four or five days between steps if additional grain is desired. Cows that over eat on grain may encounter digestives disturbances as rumen acidosis with the associated problems of founder and diarrhea. If the grain is introduced gradually and delivered so all cows have an equal opportunity to get their share, these problems are generally minimal due to high levels of roughage often being fed with small amounts of grain. If grain feeding is discontinued and later resumed a similar step up is needed.

Negative Effects on Forage

Grains are composed largely of starch rather than fiber. The populations of rumen microbes that most effectively break down fiber and ferment starch vary and prefer different rumen pH levels. As increasing levels of grain are fed rumen pH drops and a resulting decrease in the breakdown and digestion of fiber can occur. The negative effects are greatest with low quality forages and higher grain levels which may result in reduced forage intake. The reduction of forage intake and substitution effect of grain is of minor concern when hay is being severely limited to stretch supplies and grain is being substituted as a primary feed source. However, if grain is being fed to meet a marginal energy deficiency while maximizing the use of forage, grain levels should be limited to avoid offsetting supplementation effectiveness through corresponding decreases in forage digestibility and intake.

How to Feed

Grain should be fed to cows on a regular daily schedule and must be delivered so each animal gets an equal opportunity to eat. Depending on herd size, and level of grain being fed, a variety of delivery and handling methods can be used, including pails, loaders, feed wagons, and a variety of home built and commercial feed dispensing hoppers. Grain can be very effectively incorporated into mixed rations where silage and chopped forages are being fed with a mixer wagon. When grain is fed alone it is best be placed in bunks if possible to minimize waste. When clean frozen or snow covered ground is available grain may be spread in small piles on the ground. Where facilities are available, sorting the herd into smaller nutritional need groups will help limit the amount of grain needed to meet total cow herd requirements.

Provide a Balanced Ration

Grains are high in carbohydrates and fed primarily as a source of energy. The protein content of grains is moderate, and while contributing to meeting protein needs, may not adequately supplement protein when fed with low quality forage. Grains also tend to be low in some minerals, especially calcium, and tend to have low vitamin A activity. Therefore, if cow rations are made up primarily of low quality roughage and grains it will be important to also supplement protein, vitamins, and minerals. This can be done by separate supplementation or inclusion of minerals, vitamins, and high protein supplements as canola or soybean meal into the grain mixture as needed to provide a balanced, adequate ration.

Grain as a Forage Supplement

In situations where the forage supply is adequate but quality is too low to meet nutritional needs, the ration may be supplemented with a low level of grain. The objective is to allow cows to get maximum utilization and nutrition from forage while using grain to make up a marginal deficiency for energy. By limiting grain to a few pounds per cow, the negative effects of starch fermentation on fiber digestion are small. The small contribution of protein from the grain will be inadequate to correct significant shortages if forage protein is low. It will be important to simultaneously supplement protein if this is the case to stimulate high forage intake and digestion and meet protein needs. This strategy is best implemented before cow condition has greatly suffered or over a significant time period to gradually recondition cows.

Grain as a Forage Substitute

In situations where forage is in short supply, costly, or unavailable, grain may be fed to partially replace roughage. While grain usually costs more per pound then hay, it is fed in smaller amounts due to its higher nutrient composition and can sometimes be more economical. Table 2 lists the amounts of various hays that can be replaced with various grains based on differing energy values. It is advisable to substitute grain for only a portion of the roughage for several reasons; 1) some roughage is needed in the diet for proper rumen function, 2) heat produced from fiber breakdown is beneficial in maintaining body temperature, 3) fill contributes to satiate, and 4) there are feeding and management problems associated with limit feeding high concentrate rations. Under cold conditions a minimum of ¾ to 1 pound of hay per 100 pounds of body weight is suggested along with grain being fed. In addition to feeding higher levels of grain as a substitute for hay, heavy grain feeding may be appropriate when relatively high rates of gain are desired for reconditioning thin cows.

Table 2. Energy value of grains compared to hays.


Prarie Hay

Sorghum Suden



47% TDN

56% TDN

60% TDN

53% TDN





















As a seasoned expert in livestock nutrition and management, I have dedicated years to studying and implementing best practices for feeding beef cows during the winter months. My hands-on experience, coupled with a deep understanding of nutritional principles, positions me to provide valuable insights into the article authored by John Dhuyvetter, an Area Extension Livestock Specialist.

Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Winter Feeding Strategies:

    • Beef cows are economically wintered on roughage, but grains can serve as a concentrated, highly digestible energy source when roughages are scarce, expensive, or of inadequate quality.
  2. Choice of Grains:

    • The selection of grains depends on local availability and cost per nutrient provided.
    • Barley, with its higher protein content than corn, is often the least-cost grain in North Dakota.
    • Corn has the highest energy value and is economical in corn-producing regions.
    • Oats are considered the "safest" grain due to their lower energy content and high fiber.
    • Wheat and rye are alternatives based on competitive pricing, with rye being less palatable.
  3. Nutrient Composition:

    • Table 1 outlines the nutrient composition of various grains, including total digestible nutrients (TDN), crude protein, crude fiber, and pounds per bushel.
  4. Grain Processing:

    • Mechanical processing, such as rolling or grinding, improves grain digestibility.
    • Coarse processing is preferable to minimize feeding losses and digestive problems.
  5. Potential Digestive Problems:

    • Gradual introduction of grain into rations is crucial to allow microbial populations to adapt.
    • Overeating on grain can lead to rumen acidosis, founder, and diarrhea.
  6. Negative Effects on Forage:

    • Increased grain levels may decrease the breakdown and digestion of fiber, especially with low-quality forages.
  7. How to Feed:

    • Grain should be fed on a regular schedule, ensuring each animal has equal access.
    • Various delivery methods, such as pails, loaders, and feed wagons, can be employed.
  8. Balanced Ration:

    • Grains, while high in carbohydrates, may lack minerals, vitamins, and protein. Supplementation is essential for a balanced diet.
  9. Grain as Forage Supplement:

    • Grain can be used to supplement forage when quality is insufficient, but careful management is needed to avoid negative effects on fiber digestion.
  10. Grain as Forage Substitute:

    • In situations of forage scarcity, grain can be fed to partially replace roughage, but caution is advised to maintain proper rumen function and body temperature.
  11. Energy Value of Grains vs. Hays:

    • Table 2 compares the energy value of various grains to different hays, providing insights into the potential substitution of grains for hay.

In conclusion, a nuanced approach to winter feeding that considers local factors, grain choices, processing methods, and supplementation is vital for optimizing the health and productivity of beef cows. The comprehensive information presented by John Dhuyvetter serves as a valuable guide for livestock producers navigating winter feeding challenges.

Feeding Grain to Stock Cows (2024)


How much grain should you feed a cow? ›

Grainfed from 2 to 2.5% of body weight. o600 lbs / 100 = 6 x 1lb= 6lbs. o600 lbs / 100 = 6 x 1.5 lb = 9 lbs. o900 lbs / 100 = 9 x 2 lb = 18 lbs.

How much feed for stocker cattle? ›

A general rule of thumb is to put 4 lb/head of the high quality hay in feed bunks, and then on top of that put 1 lb/head of the concentrate. This should be repeated twice a day and concentrate increased as quickly as possible as calves start to consume it.

What percentage of grain is grown just to feed livestock? ›

"More than half the U.S. grain and nearly 40 percent of world grain is being fed to livestock rather than being consumed directly by humans," Pimentel said. "Although grain production is increasing in total, the per capita supply has been decreasing for more than a decade.

What is the most important feed grain for livestock? ›

The major feed grains are corn, sorghum, barley, and oats. Corn is the primary U.S. feed grain, accounting for more than 95 percent of total feed grain production and use.

Can you feed a cow just grain? ›

Grain as a Forage Substitute

In situations where forage is in short supply, costly, or unavailable, grain may be fed to partially replace roughage. While grain usually costs more per pound then hay, it is fed in smaller amounts due to its higher nutrient composition and can sometimes be more economical.

What is the best feed for stocker calves? ›

Soybean hull pellets, a co-product of soybean processing, is an excellent feedstuff that is high in digestible fiber and adequate in protein. Previous studies have shown that supplementing soybean hulls resulted in similar gains compared to a corn-based supplement for cattle grazing winter wheat pastures.

What is the average daily gain for stocker cattle? ›

In general, the goal is to maintain ADGs at least above 1.5 lbs/head/day so that the animal's weight stays ap- propriate to its age.

How much to feed stocker calves? ›

Tips for Limit-Feeding Stockers

For the first day's feed delivery of the limit-fed diet, start calves at an intake of approximately 0.75% of body weight (dry matter basis) and work up to 2.2% of body weight within about 14 days.

How many pounds of grain for one pound of beef? ›

In reality, it takes 2.5 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef we eat in the United States. For the first six to eight months of a calf 's life it is primarily consuming mother's milk with a nibble of grass and hay to stimulate their rumen development. An average calf is 600 pounds before it begins to eat grain.

What human foods can cows not eat? ›

While plenty of foods make delicious and healthy treats for cows, there are also a variety of foods to avoid. Specifically, plants in the Brassica genus, like cabbage, onions, beans, and amaranthus, can be toxic to cows and should be avoided.

How much grain does a cow eat in its lifetime? ›

Most of the animal's life time diet is grass or other forages. The serious grain feeding period is the later time in the feedlot and some cattle that enter the feedlot late in life may only be on grain ration for 90 days and consume only 1500 lbs of grain in their life.

What is the cheapest way to feed cows? ›

"Corn residue is one of the lowest cost forages on a cost per pound of energy. That's why mixing a high energy and protein feed like distillers' grains with a low quality forage like corn stalks is so cost effective. Distillers' is often a low-cost source of both energy and protein.

What is the best grain to finish cattle? ›

10-15 lbs. per day of corn, oats or barley fed to grazing cattle is a good finishing ration. This fed to a 900-1000 pound steer for 3-4 months should will you a nicely finished animal. If you do not have access to pasture or if you are finishing during the winter, you might increase the amount of grain to 15-18 lbs.

What is the best feed mix for cattle? ›

Most experts recommend mixing alfalfa with grass hay, rather than relying exclusively on alfalfa hay. Alfalfa hay is often recommended for dairy cattle but may not be a good fit for beef cattle since it can lead to bloating. Legume hay is another nutritious option for cattle, since it's high in protein.

Can you feed a cow too much grain? ›

Ruminants should not be allowed access to large amounts of grain. Unaccustomed ingestion of large amounts of grain can lead to severe illness and possibly death in ruminants.

How many pounds of grain does a cow eat per day? ›

High producing dairy cows will eat 110 to 120 pounds of wet feed a day or 50 to 55 pounds of dry matter (DM) a day. As cows produce more milk, they eat more. A typical diet for a dairy cow could include about 30 to 35 pounds of baled hay (26-30 pounds DM) and 25 pounds of grain mix (22 pounds DM).

How much feed should a cow eat per day? ›

Cows will voluntarily consume 2.0% of body weight or 24 pounds per day. The 24 pounds is based on 100% dry matter. Grass hays will often be 7 to 10% moisture.

How much grain per day to finish a cow? ›

10-15 lbs. per day of corn, oats or barley fed to grazing cattle is a good finishing ration. This fed to a 900-1000 pound steer for 3-4 months should will you a nicely finished animal. If you do not have access to pasture or if you are finishing during the winter, you might increase the amount of grain to 15-18 lbs.

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