Ghostly Symbolism (2024)

Ghostly Symbolism (1)

By Education @ Hartford Stage

Ghostly Symbolism (3)

While contemporary audiences most often associate ghosts with Halloween, the cold and dark of winter was an ominous time full of mystery for the Victorians. The chilling winds and freezing temperatures were incredibly dangerous for the many impoverished people who lacked proper clothes and shelter. With cures for many common illnesses inaccessible or simply not yet discovered, winter was frequently accompanied by death. While efforts at holiday cheer brought some degree of warmth and festivity, the gray landscape and quiet nights dominated the Victorian imagination. When he wrote A Christmas Carol, Dickens capitalized on this by using ghosts as impactful symbols to communicate his message and provoke changes in his characters and audiences alike. The resulting tale is a powerful “ghost story of Christmas,” the original text of which Dickens prefaced in December 1843: “I have endeavored in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.”


The chain carried by the ghost of Jacob Marley is one of the most conspicuous symbols in the play. “I wear the chain I forged in life,” Marley tells Scrooge in Act 1, Scene 3. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard.” When he was alive, Marley spent his time in the pursuit of wealth rather than doing good for his fellow human beings. His actions forged an invisible chain meant to bind his soul to the earth, and the greedier he became, the longer and heavier the chain grew. Now dead for seven years, Marley warns Scrooge that a similar fate (and a longer, heavier chain) awaits him if he does not change his ways. “Is [this chain’s] pattern strange to you? Or would you know the weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself? It was as heavy and as long as this seven Christmas Eves ago. You have labored in it since. It is a ponderous chain” (1.3).


Ghostly Symbolism (4)

The Ghost of Christmas Past represents memory. She shows Scrooge events from his past in hopes of shedding light on how Scrooge became bitter and miserly and to remind him that he was not always that way. If the Ghost can help Scrooge remember who he once was, there may still be hope for him.

The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little. This Ghost seeks to show Scrooge that the true meaning of the holiday is found in the joy that comes from giving to others and celebrating together. If Scrooge is to change his life, there is no better time to start than Christmas.

The Ghost of Christmas Future represents fear of death. This Ghost intends to show Scrooge that if he continues in his current fashion, there is a reckoning that awaits him. In death, Jacob Marley paid for his actions on Earth. If he does not change, Scrooge will suffer the same fate. The affection the Cratchits hold for one another in the wake of Tiny Tim’s death stands in stark contrast to the predictions for Scrooge’s future, and pushes Scrooge to make a choice.

The article is reprinted from the Education @ Hartford Stage study guide for A Christmas Carol.

Ghostly Symbolism (2024)


What does the Ghost mean when he says this boy is Ignorance? ›

Dickens refers to them as 'monsters' and the Ghost names the boy 'Ignorance' and the girl 'Want'. Dickens presents them in this impersonal way to show that they are symbolic of the problems in society. They remain in ignorance because they have no right to education, and want because nobody is looking after them.

What does the Ghost of present symbolize? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little.

What do the two children symbolize that are underneath the Ghost's robe? ›

Underneath, the ghost's robe there are two children. One is called Ignorance and the other is called Want. Ignorance and Want represent the problems caused by poverty in Victorian society.

What do the 3 ghosts in A Christmas Carol represent? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory; the Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity, empathy, and the Chri stmas spirit; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents the fear of death and moral reckoning.

What Ghost reveals Ignorance and Want? ›

When Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present, he is shocked when two wild and ragged children tumble out from the giant's robes. He thinks they must belong to the giant, but he tells Scrooge that they are Man's. He tells him the boy is called Ignorance and the girl Want.

What is the symbolism of Ignorance and Want? ›

Ignorance and Want are allegorical characters that lack a personality and purely symbolise Scrooge's ignorance and want.

What does the first Ghost symbolize? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past: The first ghost to visit Scrooge symbolizes the experiences and memories that have made him into the callous person he is today. The spirit's glowing head suggests the location of the memories Scrooge holds.

What does the Ghost of present look like? ›

Dickens describes the ghost as open and cheerful - in actions and appearance. Its dark brown curls were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air.

What do the children Ignorance and Want represent? ›

Dickens uses two wretched children, called Ignorance and Want, to represent the poor. a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds.

Why are Ignorance and Want personified? ›

'Ignorance and Want' are described as not having “graceful youth,” instead they have been touched with the “stale and shrivelled hand” of age, which has “pinched and twisted them.” The use of personification here emphasises how poverty is spiteful; robbing children of their innocence.

What lesson does Scrooge learn from the Ghost of Christmas Present? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Present uses Scrooge's own words against him. In his honest response, that Tiny Tim is likely to die, he holds a mirror up to Scrooge and his behaviour. The Ghost predicts that Mankind, Scrooge included, will suffer unless the lessons of generosity and tolerance are learned.

What are the 4 ghosts of Christmas? ›

In Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by four ghosts on Christmas Eve: Jacob Marley, and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future.

What is the Ghost of Christmas Present a metaphor for? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past is a metaphor for the memories that shape our character, while the Ghost of Christmas Present is a metaphor for generosity and joy. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is a metaphor for death and the legacy of our lives that we leave for others.

What was the last Ghost called in A Christmas Carol? ›

The final Ghost is frightening and eerie. It doesn't say a word to Scrooge, but glides along and points out scenes to him. The spirit first shows Scrooge a funeral scene, with businessmen wondering about the money that the dead man has left.

What are the 4 types of Ignorance? ›

Ignorance can appear in three different types: factual ignorance (absence of knowledge of some fact), object ignorance (unacquaintance with some object), and technical ignorance (absence of knowledge of how to do something).

How does Dickens use the Ghost? ›

Dickens uses the Ghost of Christmas Present to show Scrooge how unpleasant his behaviour has been. Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief. Scrooge feels ashamed when the Ghost uses his own words against him.

How does Dickens present the ghosts and what are their moral significance? ›

The spirits helped him to see that he should change, by simply showing him past memories, present times and what would happen to him in the future if it didn't change his ways. This novel is still very popular today, because of the ghosts' moral messages which are still so relevant today and in modern society.

What is ignorance in spirituality? ›

From spiritual ignorance all other mistakes follow. When you are ignorant of the fact that you are a child of God and not just the body and personality, when you are ignorant of your wrong attitudes, it is possible again and again to make mistakes that create bad karma and illness.

What are the two types of ignorance its meaning? ›

The first category of ignorance is when we do not know we are ignorant. This is primary ignorance. The second category of ignorance is when we recognize our ignorance.

Is Ignorance and Want a metaphor? ›

The children 'Ignorance' and 'Want' are used to represent all the poor children in society: 'They were a boy and girl. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish'. The children under the Ghost of Christmas Present's cloak are a metaphor showing the effects of greed and miserliness.

What is the identity of the ghost? ›

In a Swedish radio show, focusing on his life and times, he signed off by saying: “My name is Tobias Forge and I'm the man behind the mask in Ghost.” It had long been thought that he was indeed the driving force behind the Swedish outfit.

What is the first mostly ghostly? ›

The Mostly Ghostly series has led to three film adaptations: Mostly Ghostly: Who Let the Ghosts Out? (2008) Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? (2014) Mostly Ghostly: One Night in Doom House (2016)

What does a ghost of a smile mean? ›

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishthe ghost of a smile/sound etcthe ghost of a smile/sound etc a smile etc that is so slight you are not sure it happened The ghost of a smile flitted across her sad features.

What are the symbols symbolisms in the story? ›

A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. In a story, a character, an action, an object, or an animal can be symbolic. Often these symbols stand for something abstract, like a force of nature, a condition of the world, or an idea.

What does Ghosts symbolize in Ghosts? ›

The most pervasive symbol, of course, is that of ghosts. The ghosts are worn ideals and principles of law and order so misapplied that they have no actual significance. All the untested maxims and abstract dogma that Manders maintains are ghosts; all the sources of personal cowardice in Mrs. Alving are ghosts.

What flower means ghost? ›

Mohavea confertiflora, the ghost flower, is a plant of the family Plantaginaceae. It is a native of the Southwestern United States, southern California, and three states of northwest Mexico.

Why is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come silent? ›

Or is he nothing but a reflection of what the future is, as of now? If the latter is true, then The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come could never say anything because the future is not written.

Is the Ghost of Christmas Past a girl or a boy? ›

In his novel A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens describes the Ghost of Christmas Past as neither a boy or a girl, but a young child of no particular gender with long white hair, a white gown, and an ethereal glow.

What is the spirit of Christmas? ›

Christmas is a celebration, a time for giving and not simply a day we exchange gifts. The spirit of Christmas is in the 'togetherness', it's in the thought to which you put into thinking about others, it's a selfless time, where we forgive, take stock of what's important and become 'better' versions of ourselves.

Are Ignorance and Want ghosts? ›

Occupation. Ignorance and Want are two street urchin spirits that show up underneath The Ghost of Christmas Present's robes in Disney's A Christmas Carol. Ignorance snarls at Ebenezer Scrooge while Want cowers, a sign that they are ruthless.

Why are Ignorance and Want described as wolfish? ›

Dickens uses a list of horrific adjectives to describe Ignorance and Want: 'Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish' (p. 63). These emotive adjectives combine to create a sense of desperation and danger as the final word 'wolfish' suggests they will attack or hunt if required.

Who do Ignorance and Want belong to quotes? ›

The boy is Ignorance. The girl is Want. Beware of them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.

How do you identify a personified person? ›

You can identify personification by noticing any moments where the author describes something non-human with human characteristics. Personification examples could include a writer comparing the sun's warmth to the arms of a loving mother.

Who shows Scrooge Ignorance and Want? ›

The Ghost shows Scrooge two children called Ignorance and Want. He claims they have been created by the society in which Scrooge lives. The Ghost says both are bad, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Want.

What are Ignorance breeds? ›

“Ignorance breeds fear. We fear those things we don't understand. If we don't put a lid on that fear and keep that fear in check, that fear in turn will breed hatred because we hate those things that frighten us.

What are 3 lessons that can be learned from a Christmas carol? ›

7 treasured lessons from A Christmas Carole
  • Learning begins with listening. ...
  • Humility enhances vision. ...
  • Regret leads to renewal. ...
  • There's joy in starting over. ...
  • We must be present to win. ...
  • Seeking forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness. ...
  • It's never too late to change.

How do the ghosts help Scrooge to change? ›

The ghost does not speak which reflects that the future is unknown and that only Scrooge has the power to change it. The ultimate role of the ghost is to instil fear in Scrooge to catalyse his change. The ghost does this by showing Scrooge the body of a man (which is himself) that is “unwatched, unkept or uncared for”.

What is the moral of the story of Scrooge? ›

Answer and Explanation: The moral of A Christmas Carol is that the pursuit of money will not make a person happy. Scrooge devotes his life to amassing wealth, but in doing so misses out on the joys of family and friendship.

What are four ghosts names? ›

Each of the four ghosts in the game has both Japanese and English names. In Japan they started as Fickle, Chaser, Ambusher and Stupid. Their English names are Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.

Who is the face of the Ghost of Christmas Past? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past
Background information
VoiceJessica Fox Jim Carrey
Performance modelJim Carrey
31 more rows

What is the name of the Ghost of Christmas Future? ›

In the 1983 animated film Mickey's Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come reveals himself to be Pete (voiced by Will Ryan).

Who is the Ghost of Christmas Present similar to? ›

Appearing in Stave Three, the Ghost of Christmas Present is presented in the drawing by John Leech as resembling early-Victorian images of Father Christmas, and thus is a personification of the Christmas spirit.

What does the Ghost of Christmas Present personify? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Present is often seen as the personification​of Christmas spirit, a representation which is furthered by the scenes he chooses to show Scrooge. The Spirit takes Scrooge to see the different ways Christmas is celebrated, from the humble Cratchit celebration to the lively party at Fred's house.

How does the Ghost of Christmas Present introduce the theme of poverty? ›

Poverty is represented by the character Cratchit who is Scrooge's clerk. He symbolises their two classes through the motif of coal. Scrooge gets as much coal as he likes and gets the bucket to “top it up,” but Cratchit only gets “one piece” and daren't ask for another in case he gets fired.

What are the 3 ghosts of Christmas? ›

  • The Ghost of Christmas Past represents memory. ...
  • The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. ...
  • The Ghost of Christmas Future represents fear of death.

What does each Ghost symbolize in A Christmas Carol? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory; the Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity, empathy, and the Chri stmas spirit; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents the fear of death and moral reckoning.

What was Scrooge full name? ›

Ebenezer Scrooge, fictional character, the miserly protagonist of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol (1843). Despite his transformation at the end of the story, the character is remembered as the embittered miser and not as the reformed sinner, and “Scrooge” has entered the English language as a synonym for a miser.

Who says the boy is Ignorance The girl is Want? ›

Context. Quote said by The Ghost of Christmas Present to Ebenezer Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas Present is the second of the three spirits that haunt the miser Ebenezer Scrooge, in order to prompt him to repent his selfish ways.

Why does the ghost of Christmas present show Scrooge Ignorance and Want? ›

Before it leaves Scrooge, the Ghost shows him two 'yellow, meagre' children who are hiding under its cloak. These are called Ignorance and Want and are a warning to Scrooge to change his ways.

What does Ignorance and Want mean in A Christmas Carol? ›

'Ignorance and Want' are described as not having “graceful youth,” instead they have been touched with the “stale and shrivelled hand” of age, which has “pinched and twisted them.” The use of personification here emphasises how poverty is spiteful; robbing children of their innocence.

How does Ignorance relate to Scrooge Why does the Ghost focus on him? ›

The ghost focuses on Ignorance as it is one where, with Scrooge's wealth and influence, it is possible for him to acknowledge the problems the problems they face and give them the help they need (and want).

What do the children want and Ignorance symbolize? ›

Ignorance represents stupidity, while Want symbolizes greed. Ignorance refers to the uneducated that Scrooge despises, while Want symbolizes homeless or orphaned children.

How do Ignorance and Want represent poverty? ›

Dickens is suggesting that the children Ignorance and Want as well as poorer children in general, will grow up in poverty and become locked in sordid jobs such as begging, thievery, prostitution, or workhouse labour.

Why does Dickens describe Ignorance and Want as wolfish? ›

Dickens uses a list of horrific adjectives to describe Ignorance and Want: 'Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish' (p. 63). These emotive adjectives combine to create a sense of desperation and danger as the final word 'wolfish' suggests they will attack or hunt if required.

What lesson does the ghost of Christmas past teach? ›

From the first ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Past, Scrooge learns that the simple things in life like love, friendship, and laughter hold value. Then the Ghost of Christmas Present shows him that those he considers foolish or beneath his notice actually understand Christmas—and life—better than he does.

What is the message of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come allows Scrooge to foresee the possible future consequences his past and present lack of feeling, giving him the opportunity to make his self anew, to 'live in the Past, the Present, and the Future', and to extend sympathy and charity towards Fred, the Cratchits and, crucially, the ...

What does the cap that the Ghost of Christmas Past holds represent? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past, for example, is a lot like an old-timey candle. It comes with a cap that Scrooge keeps wanting to put on its head. But the ghost protests that putting this cap on will "extinguish" it and that memories need to be looked at rather than snuffed out.

What scares Scrooge about the Ghost? ›

Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him, and he found that he could hardly stand when he prepared to follow it. The presence of this ghost makes Scrooge afraid. His trembling legs and inability to stand firm show how he is worried about the future that the ghost will show him.

Which of the ghosts has the most powerful impact on Scrooge and why? ›

The ghost of Christmas yet to come has the most impact on Scrooge because it makes him fear what has yet to come and makes him want to change in any way possible. This spirit also pushes him over the edge making him realise he has to change his ways to not end up like Marley; forgotten and alone in Purgatory.

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