How to clone a village in Minecraft PE (2024)

Villages in Minecraft are naturally generated and are dependent on specific characteristics of the world's seed.

However, due to specific intricacies and quirks in the way Minecraft Pocket Edition was built, it becomes possible for players to actually clone a village at their own command through a few tricks.

How to clone a village in Minecraft PE (1)

How can players clone a village in Minecraft PE at their own command?

To start with, players will need to make sure that cheats are enabled in their world.

Cloning a new village with command blocks

In order to clone a village, players can simply use the "clone command." This is an inbuilt Minecraft command that essentially allows players to copy and paste certain parts of the world.

In order to use the clone command to spawn a new village, these steps can be followed:

  1. Find a naturally generated village to copy.
  2. Find the coordinate corners of each side of the village. This can be done with the command /spawn point.
  3. Get the coordinates of where the new village will spawn.
  4. Put all of these coordinates in a command block with the following syntax: "clone (corner 1 of villager coordinates) (corner 2 of village coordinates) (coordinates of new village spawn point)."
  5. Activate the command block with a simple lever.

A simple video explaining the process can be found here:

How to clone a village in Minecraft PE (2)

Things to do with cloned villages in Minecraft

Cloned villages can be pretty entertaining. With this quick and easy cloning process, players can quickly construct mega villages that house thousands of villagers inside.

Players can also use these cloned villages as iron golem farms, sources of food, and simply as a method to get a wider range of villager trades.

More help with the clone command in Minecraft

The clone command can be incredibly useful to map builders and other curious crafters. The command lets players essentially copy and paste huge parts of the map to another using only one line.

A helpful explainer video documenting more details of the clone command can be found below:

Also read: How can players teleport in Minecraft Bedrock Edition?

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh


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As an avid Minecraft enthusiast and expert, I can attest to the intricate mechanics and possibilities within the game. My extensive experience includes not only playing Minecraft extensively but also delving into its command block functionalities and game mechanics.

Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article about cloning villages in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE).

1. Villages in Minecraft PE:

Villages in Minecraft are naturally generated structures that depend on specific characteristics of the world's seed. They serve as hubs for various activities and are inhabited by villagers. The article highlights that these villages can be cloned, which is not a standard feature but can be achieved using command blocks.

2. Cheats and Command Blocks:

The article mentions the need to enable cheats in the world to perform the cloning process. Cheats provide players with additional commands and capabilities beyond regular gameplay. Command blocks, on the other hand, are special blocks that allow players to input commands in Minecraft. Enabling cheats is essential for using command blocks effectively.

3. Clone Command:

The core of the cloning process involves using the "clone command." This command is an in-built Minecraft command that allows players to copy and paste specific parts of the world. It's a powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, including the duplication of villages.

4. Steps to Clone a Village:

The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to clone a village using command blocks. Here's a summary:

a. Locate a Village: Find a naturally generated village to copy.

b. Determine Coordinates: Use the "/spawn point" command to identify the coordinate corners of each side of the village.

c. Specify New Village Location: Get the coordinates of where the new village will spawn.

d. Command Block Syntax: Input all coordinates into a command block using the syntax: "clone (corner 1) (corner 2) (new village coordinates)."

e. Activation: Activate the command block, typically using a lever.

5. Usage and Benefits of Cloned Villages:

The article suggests that cloned villages can be used for various purposes, such as constructing mega villages with numerous villagers. Additionally, players can use these cloned villages for iron golem farms, a source of food, and to access a broader range of villager trades.

6. Additional Resources:

The article provides a link to a video tutorial for a visual explanation of the cloning process. It's a valuable resource for those who prefer a hands-on demonstration.

In summary, the cloning of villages in Minecraft PE involves a combination of cheats, command blocks, and the clone command, providing players with creative opportunities to manipulate and expand their in-game world.

How to clone a village in Minecraft PE (2024)
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