How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (2024)

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How To Dehydrate Orange Slices

How to dehydrate oranges slices in a food dehydrator to use as holiday decorations. You can make cute hang tags for your holiday gifts in a jar.

Or attach the dried orange slices to a grape vine wreath for a pretty door decoration.

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (1)

With the holiday season fast approaching I thought you might like to learn How to Dehydrate Orange Slices so you can use them in your holiday decorations.

What can you use dehydrated oranges slices for?

Dehydrated orange slices can be used as garnishes and decorations. I honestly can't imagine chewing and eating a dried orange slice but I can see adding a handful of dried orange slices to a pitcher of iced tea or water to add a citrus flavor.

Or you can slip a dried orange slice over the edge of a co*cktail glass for a garnish.

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (2)

During the upcoming holiday season you can use your dehydrated orange slices for all kinds of fall inspired decorations.

If you are a crafty gal or guy you could use them on a wreath for the front door, you could use dried oranges slices in homemade potpourri or to decorate candles for a pretty center piece.

I made these dried orange slices to decorate holiday gift bags filled with my Homemade Christmas Granola recipe.

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (3)

I haven't had a chance to update my very old Christmas Granola post with new pictures I've taken. If you want to get a jump start on your homemade holiday food gifts you can check out my Christmas Granola recipe at the link above.

How To Make Dried Orange Slices in a Food Dehydrator

To make dried orange slices in a food dehydrator you only need a couple of things. The main thing you will need is a food dehydrator. I have been using the Presto Food Dehydrator for a few years now and I am very happy with it. It is very affordable.

Food Dehydrator Supplies

How Long To Dehydrate Orange Slices?

How long it takes to dehydrate orange slices in a food dehydrator will depend on a few things.

The temperature your dehydrator runs at and the thickness of the orange slices you will be dehydrating will determine how long it takes to dehydrate orange slices completely.

It could take anywhere from 5 hours to 18 hours to completely dry the orange slices until they are dry and brittle.

How to Store Dried Orange Slices?

Once you learn how to dehydrate orange slices you are going to want to make them every chance you get.

You will need to store the dried orange slices properly so they stay nice and fresh without losing their firmness and the lovely natural orange scent they have.

As long as you have properly dehydrated the orange slices and have removed all the moisture from the sliced citrus fruit you should store the dried orange slices in an air tight container.

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (4)

I like to store the dried fruits and vegetables I have dehydrated in mason jars. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction when I look at the clear mason jars filled with dehydrated fruits and vegetables in my pantry.

Make sure the dehydrated orange slices have cooled down and come to room temperature before transferring them to containers for storing. Store the jars or containers of dried orange slices in a cabinet or pantry out of direct sunlight.

Occasionally check the dehydrated oranges slices for mold for the first couple of weeks after storing. If you dehydrate the oranges slices correctly and all of the moisture will be removed and you will not have a problem with spoilage.

More dehydrator recipes

Check out these other fruit dehydrator recipes.

  • How To Make Dehydrated Pineapple
  • How to Dehydrate Diced Apples
  • How to Dehydrate Banana Chips
  • How To Dehydrate Strawberries

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How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (9)

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices

Arlene Mobley - Flour On My Face

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices in a food dehydrator to use as decorations or garnishes. I made dried orange and cinnamon stick decorations to hang off holiday bags and jars filled with Christmas Granola. Or to garnish co*cktails.

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 18 hours hrs

Total Time 18 hours hrs 15 minutes mins

Course Snack

Cuisine American

Servings 10 Servings

Calories 34 kcal


  • 5 Large Navel Oranges (sliced ¼ inch thick)
  • water

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  • Carefully use a sharp knife or a mandoline slicer to cut the navel oranges in ¼ inch thick slices.

  • Arrange the orange slices on the trays of your food dehydrator. You can butt the orange slices up against each other to get as many orange slices as possible on each tray. Fill all of the trays and stack them on the dehydrate base.

  • Place the lid on the dehydrator and turn it on. My model runs at one temperature. If the model you are using is different and you have the option to set the temperature follow the manufacturers instructions.

  • Allow the dehydrator to run for approximately 12 to 18 hours or until the orange slices are completely dry and brittle.

  • Every 4 hours switch the trays by moving the trays at the top of the stack to the bottom which is closer to the hot air. Check the orange slices and flip them over if you see some of the thinner slices getting dryer than the thicker slices.

  • Once all of the orange slices are dry and brittle turn off the dehydrator and allow to cool before storing in air tight containers.


Recipe Expert Tips

Dehydrating Tip: If some of the thinner slices are dry and brittle before the thicker orange slices dry you can remove them from the dehydrator to a cooling rack while the thicker oranges continue to dry.


Serving: 1ServingCalories: 34kcalCarbohydrates: 9gProtein: 1gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 1mgPotassium: 116mgFiber: 2gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 173IUVitamin C: 41mgCalcium: 30mgIron: 1mg

Tried this recipe?Share a picture on Instagram and tag @flouronmyface2

More Dehydrated Fruit Recipes

  • How To Dehydrate Lime Slices
  • How To Dehydrate Apple Slices
  • Dehydrating Gift Guide
  • Dehydrated Peaches

About Arlene Mobley

Arlene Mobley author of Flour On My Face-a Food & Lifestyle website helping busy families get dinner on the table by serving easy recipes every week.

Reader Interactions


  1. Ann

    How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (14)
    WOW, this sounds amazing! I’ve never even thought of dehydrating orange slices. Garnishes and decorations with them would really be fantastic. I love your ideas to use them on a wreath for the front door or to decorate candles. But I believe that dehydrated orange slices could be used for any kind of fall decorations. My kiddos would go crazy for these. We’ll probably make fun decorations together.
    Arlene, thank you so much for this treasure and all of the helpful tips. Got so much inspiration. I’m so lucky to have stumbled across your wonderful blog. Look forward to your new awesome ideas. Keep it up!


    • Leanne

      I have recently bought dehydrated blood orange slices dipped in white chocolate.. they tasted awesome. I am going to try regular oranges and dip in dark chocolate.


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As an enthusiast and expert in food dehydration, particularly with a focus on fruits, I can confidently delve into the details of the provided article on "How To Dehydrate Orange Slices" by Arlene Mobley. My expertise in this field is grounded in practical experience, experimentation with various dehydrators, and a deep understanding of the principles behind dehydrating fruits.

Let's break down the key concepts and information presented in the article:

  1. Purpose of Dehydrated Orange Slices:

    • The primary purpose is for holiday decorations, such as crafting hang tags for gifts or attaching them to a grapevine wreath for door decoration.
    • Dehydrated orange slices can also be used as garnishes and additions to beverages for a citrus flavor.
  2. Tools and Equipment:

    • A food dehydrator is the main equipment needed. The article recommends the Presto Food Dehydrator but suggests that a more expensive dehydrator like the Excalibur 9-Tray Electric Food Dehydrator with Temperature Settings may be a better investment for regular use.
    • Nonstick mesh screens are optional but can be used for easier handling.
    • A sharp ceramic knife or a Mandoline Slicer is recommended for slicing the oranges evenly.
  3. Dehydration Process:

    • The author provides a step-by-step guide on how to dehydrate orange slices using a food dehydrator.
    • Emphasis is placed on the importance of periodically switching trays and flipping the slices to ensure even dehydration.
    • The duration of dehydration (12 to 18 hours) depends on factors such as the dehydrator's temperature and the thickness of the orange slices.
  4. Storage of Dehydrated Orange Slices:

    • Proper storage is crucial to maintaining the freshness and quality of the dehydrated slices.
    • The article recommends storing them in airtight containers, preferably mason jars, in a cool and dark place.
    • Periodic checks for mold during the first couple of weeks are advised.
  5. Other Uses and Ideas:

    • The author suggests various creative uses for dehydrated orange slices, including incorporating them into wreaths, homemade potpourri, or candle decorations.
    • The dehydrated orange slices were personally used to decorate holiday gift bags filled with Homemade Christmas Granola.
  6. Nutritional Information:

    • The article includes nutritional information, indicating that each serving (presumably a slice) contains 34 calories, 9g of carbohydrates, 1g of protein, and other details.
  7. User Engagement:

    • Reader comments express enthusiasm for the idea, with one reader contemplating additional uses, such as dipping dehydrated orange slices in chocolate.

In summary, Arlene Mobley's article provides a comprehensive guide to dehydrating orange slices, catering to both practical aspects like equipment and technique and creative applications in holiday decorations and garnishes. My expertise aligns with the methods and recommendations presented in the article, reinforcing its credibility.

How To Dehydrate Orange Slices (2024)
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