How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (2024)

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by Jessi Wohlwend

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How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (2)

Are you ready for spring yet? The weather is starting to warm up and I can’t wait to get back outside and start gardening. In the meantime, I’m just happy to hear the birds chirping again, so I decided to make a homemade bird feeder to try to entice them to stay in our yard, even with the crazy puppy running around. Today I’m going to show you how to make a teacup bird feeder; it’s so simple and easy to make, and ends up being a super cute garden decoration!

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (3)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (4)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder

Here’s what you need to make your own teacup bird feeder: (affiliate links below to products I use and recommend)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (5)

Start by gluing the teacup to the saucer. Place a line of glue on the teacup from the rim to the bottom, exactly opposite the handle. Then, holding the teacup by the handle, press the cup down into the saucer. Make sure the cup is at the back half of the saucer so there is room for the birdseed to “spill out” in front of the cup.

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (6)

BothE6000 craft adhesiveandDAP clear silicone adhesiveare nice and thick, and the cup will probably stand up on its own after about a minute. But if it starts to tip over, just prop it up while the glue dries. Double check the instructions, but these adhesives usually take about an hour or two to really dry.

Once the adhesive is dry, it’s time to hang your teacup bird feeder! If you pick up the teacup by the handle, and the saucer hangs nice and flat, then this part is super easy: just tie a piece of twine around the handle and hang it from a tree or a bird feeder hanger. If you pick up the teacup by the handle and the saucer is tipped one way or the other, don’t worry! You can still hang it perfectly flat, it will just take a little more twine and glue. 🙂

Start by cutting three long pieces of twine, about two feet long. Knot all three strands together near one end, then glue the knot onto the bottom of the saucer, right in the middle. Make sure you spread out the three strands a little before gluing the knot down.

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (7)

Then pull all three strands out to the sides of the saucer, making sure they are as evenly spaced as possible. Glue these strands down onto the saucer near the rim. If you want, you can use a dot of hot glue to temporarily tack the twine to the saucer and hold it in place while the adhesive dries. Hot glue will hold the twine pretty firmly in place, but I would still use the other ceramic adhesive as well. I don’t trust the hot glue to hold the weight of the cup and saucer and birdseed, and I’m not sure it would hold up all that well after being outside for a while.

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (8)

Once the glue on the saucer is dry, take the three strands of twine and gather them above the teacup, holding the weight of the teacup and saucer. Adjust the three strands until the saucer hangs perfectly level, then tie the three strands together in a knot above the teacup.

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (9)

Now go hang your teacup bird feeder outside! Hang it from a tree or a bird feeder hanger, adding more twine if you need it to hang lower. Once your teacup is hanging, add some birdseed, then stand back and enjoy the birds!

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (10)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (11)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (12)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (13)

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (14)

Do you have birds in your yard?

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If you liked this project,check out these other simple garden and outdoor crafts!

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (19)

Tagged: outdoor projects repurposed

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (20)

Jessi Wohlwend

I believe that anyone can do crafts and DIY projects, regardless of skill or experience. I love sharing simple craft ideas, step by step DIY project tutorials, cleaning hacks, and other tips and tricks all with one goal in mind: giving you the tools you need to “do it yourself”, complete fun projects, and make awesome things!

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How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (24)

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  1. Sara Zettlemoyer says

    3 years ago

    I absolutely LOVE this idea and want to try to make some to resell at a craft show. But, I was thinking, how does the bird’s weight not tip the feeder over, or swing the feeder spilling all the seeds?


    • Jessi Wohlwend says

      3 years ago

      Birds are super lightweight, so I haven’t noticed an issue. But I did sort of create a “cradle” with the twine under the saucer with three strands coming up to hang it to keep it stable; it can’t really tip because of the three pieces of twine on all sides.


  2. Sandy Sugerman says

    4 years ago

    Note: I had caps on. I apologize…I really was not yelling.


    • Jessi Wohlwend says

      4 years ago

      Hey Sandy, I’m working on adding printable versions to all of my posts, but it’s kinda slow going because there are over 1000 of them! For now you can try just selecting the text and photos and copying and pasting it into a text editor like Word or Google Docs, that should grab both text and images and you can delete any ads that are copied. I’ll let you know as soon as I get the printable version of this post done!


  3. Irma Ali says

    4 years ago

    Like the idea ??? thank you for sharing?


  4. LeAnn says

    7 years ago

    Love the idea and want to make a few but just a observation… A white teacup against a white background is hard to see.


    • Jessi Wohlwend says

      7 years ago

      Yeah unfortunately that’s the color of my craft desk!


  5. nicole says

    8 years ago

    That’s very cute but you must take it down daily or you will have every rat/squirrel/mouse in your neighborhood in your yard. They’ll chew through the string and it will end up on the ground.


    • Jessi Wohlwend says

      8 years ago

      It’s been up in our yard since April of last year, and we haven’t had any issues! We already have every critter in the neighborhood in our yard because of my vegetable garden, but the squirrels can’t climb out onto the teacup because the hanger we used hangs it far enough away from the fence. The whole thing is still hanging and there are even birds out there eating from it today!


  6. Katie says

    9 years ago

    Now that is just the coolest! I’ve wanted a bird feeder so my cats can bird watch (one of them chirps when she sees them, it’s way too cute) and this is perfect. Thanks for sharing it!


  7. Ruth Anne says

    9 years ago

    I love your cute idea for a birdfeeder! Glad to learn about the DAP sealant that can be used like glue–not too crazy about the smell of E6000, but I do use it.


    • Jessi Wohlwend says

      9 years ago

      The DAP adhesive is great, especially for anything that needs to be watertight or food-safe!


  8. Kristina says

    9 years ago

    Oh! What a great idea!! I’m totally pinning this. I just got rid of half my teacups. Looks like I need to head to goodwill to pick up a set. This is absolutely the cutest thing!


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I'm Jessi Wohlwend, and I'm thrilled to share my passion and expertise in crafting and DIY projects. Crafting has been a significant part of my life, and I've dedicated myself to making it accessible to everyone, regardless of skill or experience. My creative journey has led me to explore various projects, from simple craft ideas to detailed DIY tutorials.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the article "How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder" to provide you with a comprehensive understanding:

  1. Teacup Bird Feeder Concept:

    • The article revolves around creating a teacup bird feeder, a charming and functional garden decoration.
    • The teacup serves as the container for birdseed, while the saucer acts as a platform for the birds.
  2. Materials Needed:

    • Old Teacup and Saucer: The main components of the bird feeder.
    • Ceramic Glue: Recommends E6000 craft adhesive or DAP clear silicone adhesive for securing the teacup to the saucer.
    • Twine: Used for hanging the bird feeder.
    • Birdseed: To attract and feed the birds.
    • Bird Feeder Hanger: A recommended accessory for hanging the teacup bird feeder.
  3. Construction Steps:

    • Gluing the Teacup to the Saucer:

      • Apply a line of glue on the teacup from rim to bottom, opposite the handle.
      • Press the teacup down into the saucer, ensuring it's positioned at the back half for birdseed to spill out.
      • Allow the adhesive to dry, typically taking about an hour or two.
    • Hanging the Teacup Bird Feeder:

      • If the teacup hangs flat from the handle, simply tie a piece of twine around it and hang it.
      • If the saucer is tipped, use three long pieces of twine, knotting them together and gluing the knot to the saucer's bottom.
      • Spread out the strands, glue them near the saucer's rim, and adjust for even spacing.
      • Once dry, gather the twine strands above the teacup, tie them in a knot, and hang the bird feeder.
  4. Addressing Concerns:

    • A reader's concern about bird feeder stability is addressed by explaining that the three strands of twine create a stable "cradle" preventing tipping.
  5. Reader Interactions:

    • The article includes comments and questions from readers, demonstrating community engagement and interest in the project.

In summary, this article provides clear and detailed instructions for crafting a teacup bird feeder, catering to both beginners and experienced DIY enthusiasts. The inclusion of reader interactions further enhances the sense of community around crafting and DIY projects.

How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder || Practically Functional (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.