How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (2024)

Ornamental aquarium snails make a beautiful addition to any freshwater fish tank. Snails are useful too, eating algae and cleaning up general detritus from the substrate that would otherwise pollute the water.

But sometimes, a snail appears to be lifeless when in reality, it’s merely taking a nap. So, how do you tell if a snail is dead? Do snails sleep? For how long do water snails live? And for how long can snails sleep?

Read this guide to discover the answers to all those questions and more!

Table of Contents

How Can I Tell If My Aquarium Snail Is Dead?

How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (1)

Snails are fascinating and peculiar aquatic creatures whose behavior can be perplexing until you get to know more about their habits and behavior.

Aquatic snails can be pretty inactive for a lot of the time, and they do sleep. Some species readily climb out of their tanks in search of a dark place to snooze, whereas others prefer to retract into their shells for a nap. Many species of snails can remain inactive for up to a week, not moving at all. Who knew?

However, if you spot one of your snails laying on the bottom of the tank, apparently inactive, you may wonder if it’s dead. Detecting mollusk mortality isn’t straightforward, but here’s how to tell a snoozing snail from a dead one.

Is My Floating Snail Dead?

Many species of aquarium snails, such as mystery snails, float from time to time, which doesn’t necessarily mean that your snail is dead.

Snails can store air inside their shells, which gives them sufficient buoyancy to float. In nature, some snail species float on the water surface deliberately to be borne along by the current and, therefore, travel faster, perhaps in search of better feeding grounds.

In captivity, hunger is a common cause of snails floating at the water surface, often upside down, as they try to get at floating scraps of food. Many people assume that snails can survive on algae alone, but they can’t. So, be sure to supplement your snails’ diet with veggies and other high-calcium foods to help keep the snails’ shells in good condition.

If you’re concerned that a floating snail is dead, gently lift it out of the water and sniff the shell.

Smell The Snail’s Shell

When a snail dies, it decomposes very rapidly inside its shell, and that creates a stink that’s akin to roadkill on a hot summer’s day! Like most dead organic matter, snails smell especially bad when they’ve been dead for a while. Take a sniff of the snail’s shell, and you’ll quickly get a nostril full of a stench like rotting food or blocked drains.

Also, if you test your tank water, you’ll most likely discover an ammonia spike. So, as soon as you’ve removed the dead snail, you need to carry out a partial water change before re-testing the water.

How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (2)

If there’s no obvious smell from the snail’s shell, sniff the creature’s foot. The foot is the small, flat area underneath the snail’s body that acts as a kind of trapdoor to the mollusk’s shell. If the foot smells pungent and rotting, then the snail is most likely dead, although poor water quality can cause the snail to smell bad, too.

So, if your snail has a stinky foot but is still alive, test the water quality in your tank, and carry out a partial water change if necessary.

Take A Closer Look

Take a very close look at the opening of the snail’s shell. If you can’t see the body of the snail inside the shell, or if the body is hanging out of the shell without moving, the snail is most likely dead. Similarly, if the snail shell feels extremely light and you can’t see anything inside, the snail has probably died.

Look for the trapdoor on the snail’s body. The trapdoor will be closed if the snail is alive to protect the creature inside its shell. If the snail had died, the trapdoor would be open.

Very young snails and those species with thin shells can be examined for a heartbeat. Put a bright flashlight behind the snail, and you may be able to detect the animal’s heartbeat.

Still Not Sure?

If you’re still not sure if your snail is dead, lift it out of the water and very gently try to pull the foot back toward you. If the snail is alive, it will immediately retract its foot back inside its shell.

Finally, put the snail onto a piece of flat plastic outside the tank and watch it closely for a few minutes. If the snail is alive, it will come out of its shell and begin to move around in search of water, whereupon you should replace the snail into your tank immediately.

Is Your Snail Sleeping Or Dead?

Aquatic snails are often completely inactive for a while after eating a large meal. During this time, the creatures sleep while the food is digested. If you have assassin snails, you should know that they can remain asleep for several days after a meal before they begin moving again.

Generally, after enjoying a few hours of rest, the snail will start moving around the tank again.

If your snail isn’t moving and remains stuck to the aquarium glass or decorations, it’s most likely sleeping, hibernating, or resting. A dead snail would merely fall off the glass and lay upside down on the substrate.

For How Long Do Snails Sleep?

How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (3)

The duration of snail sleep varies from one species to another. Some sleep for several days at a time, although most snails sleep for around 13 hours, split across seven small nap periods. Some species of land snails can sleep for up to three years!

Interestingly, if the snail’s sleep is interrupted, it will continue to be active until the next sleeping pattern starts.

Snails are diurnal, remaining active during the day and sometimes at night, too, probably in line with the availability of food, the quality of the water in the tank, and the habits of the other tank residents.

Why Do Snails Die?

There are a few reasons why snails die:

  • Old age is one common cause of death.
  • Snails are quite sensitive to high levels of toxins in the water, so if you don’t keep up with water changes in your tank and the water becomes high in levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, your snails could die, along with some of your fish.
  • Snails need more than just algae and detritus to survive. If not fed correctly, your snails could starve.
  • Copper is contained in many fish medications, and it can be lethal for both plants and snails. Rather than putting copper-containing drugs into your display tank, place fish that require treatment into a quarantine tank.
  • Tropical snails need warm water. If the water temperature in your tank falls below 50o Fahrenheit, your snails will die.

Mistaken Identity

Nerite snails are often sold as freshwater algae eaters. However, these exotic, beautiful snails come from the Indian, Pacific, and Caribbean oceans or from brackish swamps and lagoons. So, these snails are marine creatures that cannot survive in freshwater.

Unfortunately, these poor snails won’t live long in a freshwater tank. Only one species of nerite snails, Theodoxus danubialis, lives in a freshwater environment in nature. However, that species isn’t found in the pet trade and is considered endangered in the Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany, where the snail is found in nature.

Change Of Environment

Intertidal species of creatures need to periodically relocate from an underwater environment to an exposed surface. If the nerites can’t get out of the water to satisfy that need, they quickly succumb to stress and disease and usually finish up dying.

What Is The Lifespan Of An Aquarium Snail?

The lifespan of an aquarium snail depends on the species of snail and on the water temperature in your tank. The warmer the water, the faster the snails’ metabolism runs, so the shorter its lifespan will be.

Typical Lifespan Of Popular Aquarium Snail Species

How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (4)



Mystery snails

3 to 4 years

Nerite snails

3 to 5 years

Rabbit snails

Up to 3 years

Assassin snails

2 years

Ramshorn snails

Up to 1 year

Malaysian Trumpet snails

Up to 1 year

Pond snails

1 to 2 years


Mystery snails


3 to 4 years


Nerite snails


3 to 5 years


Rabbit snails


Up to 3 years


Assassin snails


2 years


Ramshorn snails


Up to 1 year


Malaysian Trumpet snails


Up to 1 year


Pond snails


1 to 2 years

What Happens When A Snail Dies?

When an aquarium snail dies, as you would expect, it decomposes, although somewhat more quickly than other living organisms in your tank. The decomposition process releases ammonia into the tank water, polluting the environment and potentially harming the inhabitants of your tank.

What To Do With A Dead Snail

Although you could leave the dead snail in your aquarium for scavengers, such as hermit crabs, to eat, I advise you to remove the snail immediately. The longer the dead snail remains in the tank, the more quickly the water quality will deteriorate.

How Do I Dispose Of A Dead Snail?

There are two options for disposing of a dead snail.

Your first option is to put the snail in a Ziplock bag, seal the bag, and put the whole lot into your outside garbage can.

The second option is not for you if you’re squeamish! Take a penknife and remove the snail’s corpse from the shell. Wash the shell thoroughly, and replace the shell in your tank for hermit crabs to use as a home.

How Can You Improve The Health Of Your Aquarium Snails?

Just like your fish, snails require clean, well-filtered, well-oxygenated water to remain healthy. So, be sure to maintain your aquarium filtration system properly, carry out weekly partial water changes, and vacuum the substrate thoroughly to keep the environment clean. Snails prefer a pH level of close to 7.0 and will tolerate a water temperature of between 65° and 82° Fahrenheit.

How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (5)

Even though they’re small, your snails should have at least two and a half gallons of water each. That allows plenty of space for each snail to forage in and helps to ensure that the mollusks won’t go hungry.

If you want your snails to breed, leave a six-inch space below the tank lid or cover slide where the creatures can lay eggs. Check the aquarium lid and plug any gaps through which the snails could escape. Although aquatic snails can survive for a little while out of water, they will eventually dehydrate and die.


Choose tankmates carefully if you keep snails. Avoid fish species that prey on snails, such as puffers, cichlids, goldfish, and certain catfish.

In Conclusion

Now you know how to tell if your aquarium snail is sleeping, hibernating, or deceased. Snails, just like fish, need proper care and a correct, nutritious diet. If you look after your snails, they will help to keep your aquarium clean and free from algae, as well as adding extra interest and another dimension to your fish tank ecosystem.

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How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead Or Just Sleeping (2024)


How do you tell if snails are dead in fish tank? ›

If the snail's shell is empty, or the snail's falling out and not responding to you picking up the shell, it's dead. This also goes for crushed shells. When a snail has passed, the aquarium snail's body will shrink, making the shell look dull.

Will my snail float if its dead? ›

Yes, a dead snail will float. Most snail species live for around a year, so snail death is a common event if you have them for an extended time. Check your floating snail by removing and examining it. Look to see if the shell is empty or if it is closed.

How do I know if my snail is alive? ›

If your snail's foot is attached to the filter or any other component in the tank, then it is alive. If your snail is curled up inside its shell and remains attached to something in the tank (and isn't just wedged somewhere), then it is alive. But if the body drifts freely from the shell, then the snail is dead.

What does a snail do when it dies? ›

Sometimes, the snail retreats into its shell when it's dying. You can identify if a snail is dead that is still hidden in its shell will be the strong smell it will give off once it dies and starts decomposing. In certain cases, the snail shrinks and decomposes inside the shell until its corpse disappears completely.

Is my snail sleeping or dead? ›

Generally, after enjoying a few hours of rest, the snail will start moving around the tank again. If your snail isn't moving and remains stuck to the aquarium glass or decorations, it's most likely sleeping, hibernating, or resting. A dead snail would merely fall off the glass and lay upside down on the substrate.

How do you wake up a snail? ›

If they get too cool, the snails will hibernate by going inside the shell and forming a crust over the entrance. You can wake them up by keeping them warm and gently running the shells under tepid water. Once the snails are happy the conditions are going to remain warm they will become active again.

What if a snail is not moving? ›

High levels of Nitrite and/or Ammonia

The most common reason why a nerite snail will stop moving is due to chemicals found in water or due to poor water quality. If there are higher levels of nitrite or ammonia, they will stop moving. These chemicals can actually kill them!

How can you tell if a snail is sleeping? ›

They May be Sleeping

If you have a highly active snail that suddenly stops moving, this could be a sign of resting. For some species, this resting period is short, but for others, it can last for days at a time, which can give you a scare the first time you see it.

How long do snails not move? ›

Newly arrived snails often do not move for the first 2 or 3 days. If you think a snail is dead, use a pencil to gently pry against the hard flap at the shell opening. If it resists probing or is tightly closed, the animal is alive.

Do aquarium snails float? ›

If your aquarium snail is floating, it's likely not asleep. Snails can float in water for several reasons, such as copper poisoning, high water pressure, poor water conditions, trapped air in the lungs, and the protein film in the fish tank.

What kills fish tank snails? ›

The best chemical you can use is copper sulfate. This chemical kills snails in your tank efficiently and quickly. But you will have to read the instructions provided on the product; I do not advise you to put too much of the chemical at once, because it can harm other habitants in your tank, such as shrimp and plants.

How do I tell if my snail has died? ›

Smell the shell carefully. If the shell smells rotten or foul, the snail has died. Examine the water snail shell carefully. If the body of the snail is no longer inside the shell or if the snail hangs out of the shell and does not move, then the snail may have died.

What causes snails death? ›

√√√√Overfeeding With Too Much Starchy Foods: Most of you may not be aware that snails eats almost everything on sight, including sticks, dead woods, soil, faeces, walls, etc But the troubling thing is that they eat even the things that kills them.

Can snails starve to death? ›

Some snails are very picky eaters, and this could be a problem because the snails might not be able to set out to hustle for their food, and what you give them to eat might not be what they desire to this reason, they may die of starvation.

Do snails need darkness to sleep? ›

They prefer places that are dark, or at the very least shady. During the day snails are usually found under rocks or leaf litter, in hollow logs or on the underside of leaves.

Why wont my snail wake up? ›

It is common for snails to burrow or hide for a few days after a big change to their habitat. It sounds like you are doing everything right, so continue to put out fresh food and be patient and your snail should come out and say hello after a few more days.

Why isn't my snail waking up? ›

To wake mollusks and avoid large losses, increase the air temperature gradually several degrees per day, simulating natural warming. This will help avoid stress. In order to accelerate this process, water them with warm water. They will gradually feel the heat and begin emerging from the shells.

What do snails do during sleep? ›

Pond snails use things like rocks or the side of their aquarium as their bed, attaching themselves while they sleep. Although this might not seem particularly relaxing, their shells do hang away from their body, and they keep their tentacles inside their shell.

Why is my snail floating and not moving? ›

The snail deliberately traps air in its shell and floats away in an attempt to change locations. Another reason for floating may be the search for food on the water surface. In some cases, if the floating lasts for more than a couple of days, it may be an indication that the snail is ill or even dead.

How long do snails sleep? ›

Unlike humans, snails don't abide by the rules of night and day. Generally, snails will sleep on and off in between periods of 13 to 15 hours. Afterwards, they experience a sudden jolt of energy for the next 30 hours, where they get all their snail chores done! How Can You Tell If a Snail Is Asleep?

How long can snails go without sleep? ›

Snails will sleep on and off for several hours at a time. Once they've rested though, they can stay awake for around 30 hours. You may even know a few people with similar sleeping patterns. Snails don't tend to pay attention to the day and night cycles.

Do snails like dark or light? ›

-Snails prefer dark to light, moist to dry, and cold to hot because these factors reflect their natural habitat. -Snails prefer this habitat because it best protects them from predators, allows them to obtain the food they need to stay healthy, and keeps their bodies moist.

Do snails sleep at the bottom of the tank? ›

Trumpet Snail

They mostly sleep during daytime, when they hide by submerging into the bottom of the tank. Once lights are out, they crawl out and become active.

What temperature do snails like? ›

Temperatures should be kept between 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Snails thrive under most lighting conditions.

How long do aquarium snails live? ›

In general, depending on the species, aquarium snails can live from 1 to 5 years on average. While large land snails can be expected to live for 10 years or even more. Smaller snail species usually have a shorter lifespan than larger ones.

Do snails sleep upside down? ›

Do snails sleep upside down? They can sleep upside down if that's what the conditions call for. We're not referring to them being upside down on their shell with their body exposed. Rather, it's when they climb on a leaf, for example, and hang upside down from it.

How long should you float snails? ›

You would float their bag in your tank and let the water reach a temperature equilibrium. This would probably take about 30 minutes, but this is just a rule of thumb. If the temperature is different by more than just one or two degrees, you should give them more time.

Can aquarium snails breathe out of water? ›

As snails moved to the land, they swapped gills for a primitive lung, called the pallial cavity. Some snail groups moved back to freshwater and a few re-evolved external gills. Others stay close to the surface and use a snorkel tube to gulp air now and again.

Do snails make fish tank dirty? ›

Most snails are scavengers that dine on algae, dead plant material, dead fish and other detritus, which makes them an excellent option to help you keep your tank clean.

What do snails need to survive in a fish tank? ›

Most freshwater snails will feed on algae, dead plants, dead fish and leftover fish food. Snails need a constant supply of calcium for proper growth and a healthy shell. If you use reverse osmosis or deionized water, add a reserve osmosis water replenisher to reintroduce essential minerals and trace elements.

Do snails hurt an aquarium? ›

There really are no "bad" snails, but a few species can multiply unchecked and overrun an aquarium. Seeing hundreds, if not thousands of these little beasts taking over your tank can be unnerving, and they can place a burden on biological filtration as well as clog filter intake tubes.

Can snails become depressed? ›

Us: (laughing at the bad joke) It's a bit more complicated, but no. Snails aren't depressed.

How do I stop my snails from dying? ›

Again, make sure they are not overly crowded as that may result to starvation to some. Make sure you are giving them fresh foods and changing the wastes from time to time. Also, it is important to separate the matured ones from the pen from time to time.

Why am I finding empty snail shells? ›

If not killed and eaten by a predator, they are usually eaten by ants or just dry and shrivel up in their shell after dying. If you saw a whole bunch of empty shells in one area, it's probably due to the recent rains washing them out from beneath the shrubs.

Should I flip my snail over? ›

Because of their very cone-like body shape, they don't often get stuck to where they can't right themselves, but depending on the terrain, it can happen, especially if you have a lot of rock. Its a good idea to flip them over if you think one may be in trouble.

Do snails feel suffering? ›

Snails may have opioid responses and mussels release morphine when confronted with noxious stimuli. Both reactions suggest that these animals do, in fact, feel pain. While mollusks don't have brains per se, they do exhibit some nervous system centralization.

How do snails survive if they are so slow? ›

Traveling by muscular contractions called pedal waves makes slugs and snails pretty slow. Like turtles, snails rely on a defensive shell. Being nocturnal and having a mucus that smells and tastes nasty helps provide some additional safety.

Why is my snail not moving? ›

High levels of Nitrite and/or Ammonia

The most common reason why a nerite snail will stop moving is due to chemicals found in water or due to poor water quality. If there are higher levels of nitrite or ammonia, they will stop moving. These chemicals can actually kill them!

What kills aquatic snails? ›

The most common, fish-safe chemical used to kill snails is copper sulfate. If this is used, you need to carefully follow the directions for use given on the bottle to make sure your fish survive the treatment. Most times this will cause a massive snail die-off which may foul your aquarium.

Do snails clean tanks? ›

Snails can play an important part in maintaining freshwater aquariums as long as you choose the right type. Most snails are scavengers that dine on algae, dead plant material, dead fish and other detritus, which makes them an excellent option to help you keep your tank clean.

Do snails create waste aquarium? ›

Snails are living organisms, using up oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, eating food and excreting waste, living, breeding and dying in the aquarium.

How do you know if a snail is damaged? ›

Snail damage is most obvious when large, ragged holes are seen on leaves. They are especially active at feeding early in the spring when new growth is most vulnerable to their feeding. You also may see their mucus trails in your garden (hopefully before any major damage occurs.)

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