Is Greed Destroying Your Soul? (2024)

Greed is less about accumulating wealth than filling an inner void.

As Gordon Gekko famously said in Wall Street, “Greed, for the lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.” Do you believe he had a point?

Defined as the obsessive pursuit and accumulation of wealth, greed is also known as one of the seven deadly sins. However, it may have a purpose, according to evolutionary psychologists. They believe that, by pushing us to amass status-signalling possessions, greed can help us attract a mate and thus perpetuate our genetic code.

I prefer to look at greed as a coping mechanism. In my interactions with greedy people, I have observed that many are trying to fill an inner void or solve another emotional problem. I remember one very wealthy executive, let’s call him Sid, who came to me for help. Sid was on the brink of divorce. His wife was fed-up with his self-centred pursuits. His grown-up children were not happy with him either, as he had never paid much attention to them. Sid admitted that chasing deals was the only thing that made him feel alive. He always felt the urge to earn more money.

When I asked Sid why money was so central to his life, he told me that he grew up watching his entrepreneurial father go through several bankruptcies. He remembered how embarrassed he was when his family would hide to avoid creditors. The neighbour’s children would also make fun of him and his family’s financial situation.

I told Sid that he should be pleased with his accomplishments. He was now independently wealthy and could do whatever he wanted. Sid said that he didn’t feel financially secure and gave many unconvincing reasons why he could not relax.

Wealth as a relief for emotional discomfort

Early negative experiences with parents appear to set the stage for feelings of low self-esteem. Many greedy people obsessively pursue wealth as a substitute for what they feel is lacking inside them. But they ignore the high price that comes with greediness – a stunted life.

Materialistic pursuits are often an attempt at relieving emotional discomfort. In fact, the behaviour of greedy people can be compared to that of substance abusers. But just like drugs, material possessions can never provide the comfort and reassurance we all crave. On the contrary, the greedier we become, the more we advance on the path of self-destruction. Unfortunately, amid our busyness, we rarely stop to ask ourselves: “Why am I frantically pursuing wealth?”

Ironically, greed is not so much of a financial issue. It is the symptom of a troubled mind trying to link self-worth to financial worth, usually on a subconscious level. But, like the proverbial leaking bucket that can’t be filled, the personal costs can be high. Far too often, greed comes with stress, exhaustion, anxiety, depression and despair. In addition, it can lead to maladaptive behaviour patterns such as gambling, hoarding, trickery and even theft. In the corporate world, as John Grant wrote, “fraud is the daughter of greed.”

Societal and existential considerations

Some believe that without a dose of greed, a given person, community or society may lack the motivationto move forward. In sum, greed spurs accomplishments. Others think that greed is simply hom*o sapiens’ way of dealing with the existential anxieties of life. It could even be a means to transcend death, since our possessions persist after we pass on. In this light, isn’t greed nothing more than a fact of life? Shouldn’t we just embrace it?

True enough, many successful societies are driven by greed. It has been argued that political systems designed to eliminate greedy behaviour have invariably led to poverty, chaos and other disastrous results. I believe that, as with most things in life, managing greed is about balance. Like all potentially destructive human drives, greed must be tempered by positive social norms, such as generosity.If not, it is bound to trigger social unrest.

Thus, although greed may be important for economic progress, it is fair to say that lust for possessions may contribute to a society’s decline. Unchecked greed can destroy the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasising throughout society.Our tendency towards conspicuous consumption has already inflicted severe damage to the environment. The victory of greed over compassion may ultimately cause our civilisation's downfall.

Is there hope?

Society’s ambivalence about greed makes it difficult to “treat” greedy people. After all, many view greed and its related traits – such as ambition and material success – as desirable rather than a potential mental health problem. It is not always easy to explain the harm caused by excessive greed. How can we explain that helping others is the real path to inner fulfilment? Or make greedy people understand that they can do something about their compulsion? There is still such a thing as free will. We all have a choice.

Returning to Sid’s case, I remember how hard it was to convince him that his obsessive pursuit of money was not rational. As he focused on accumulating more, he didn't even realise that he already had it all. More importantly, if money was his sole measure of success, he couldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be all that he would ever have.

If you can’t be content with what you have, you’re unlikely to be happy with more. At one point, I asked Sid to tell me the income level he believed he needed. After reflecting, he came to realise that there would never be such a thing as “enough”. It started to dawn on him just how illogical and destructive his behaviour was – for him and the people in his life.

Sid and I spent quite some time exploring his underlying issues and the associations between his anxiety and his greed-fuelled actions. Gradually, he came to understand that he was really craving self-acceptance and “rich”, satisfying relationships. He saw that he could break his psychological chains and that he did have choices.

One of the most difficult tasks for greedy people is learning to be selfish in a proper way. They need to pay attention to their inner self. As Sid’s case shows, this is not an easy process. It requires persistence, patience, humility, courage and commitment. But a long-term investment in the self can be a powerful antidote to greed and other forms of addiction. As the philosopher Vernon Howard said, “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”

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DimunGe Gunasekara

21/10/2022, 09.36 pm

Good , I too like the the article. I strongly believe that :

Time to re-engineered the Sustainabilitymapping across 360 Degrees

If the world thinking the real sustainability and the disastrous consequences that the human raise is facing, the current definition of the sustainability and the strategies to face them with have to be completely re-defined and re-engineered.

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Anonymous User

17/10/2019, 08.08 pm

I love this article. Subconsciously, I'm this. I super can relate. We are not rich when we were young and there is this feeling that "I promise myself not go back to the same situation again". I had the opportunity of working abroad. I always ask myself "how much is enough for me", so that I can go back to my country and be with my family. After some time of introspection, I finally determined exactly how much I needed and how many years I will stay in my host country. Also, I try to buy things though, not I need, but will give me closure to the issues of my childhood and teenage years. I try to buy plenty of shoes, branded shirts and gadgets. I was deprived of those when I was young. Now, I'm a bit emotional. Going back, too much of something is bad.

On other perspective, how about the corrupt politicians who keeps on amassing wealth. There is a bible quote that" What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" I'm thinking how much is enough for them? After all, you cant bring the money in your grave.

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As an expert in psychology and human behavior, I find the article on greed to be a nuanced exploration of a complex phenomenon. The author delves into the psychological, emotional, and societal dimensions of greed, drawing on real-life experiences and observations. My extensive knowledge in the field allows me to provide a comprehensive analysis of the concepts presented in the article.

The article begins by quoting Gordon Gekko's infamous statement from Wall Street, acknowledging the controversial notion that greed can be beneficial. Evolutionary psychologists are then introduced, suggesting that the pursuit of wealth, often associated with greed, may have roots in our evolutionary past as a means to attract mates and ensure the perpetuation of our genetic code. This perspective aligns with current research on evolutionary psychology and human mating strategies.

The author shifts to a personal anecdote about a wealthy executive named Sid, highlighting how greed can serve as a coping mechanism to fill an inner void or address emotional issues. This aligns with psychological theories emphasizing the role of early experiences, such as Sid's childhood embarrassment due to his father's financial struggles, in shaping individuals' motivations and behaviors.

The article draws parallels between the behavior of greedy individuals and substance abusers, emphasizing the temporary relief and comfort sought through materialistic pursuits. The comparison underscores the potential negative consequences of greed, including stress, anxiety, depression, and maladaptive behaviors such as gambling and theft.

Societal and existential considerations are explored, presenting a balanced view that acknowledges the motivating force of greed for economic progress while cautioning against its unrestrained impact. The article suggests that greed, when unchecked, can lead to societal decline, drawing attention to the environmental damage caused by conspicuous consumption.

The author acknowledges the societal ambivalence toward greed and the challenges in addressing it as a potential mental health problem. The article advocates for a balanced approach to managing greed, emphasizing positive social norms like generosity to temper its potentially destructive effects.

The case of Sid is revisited to illustrate the difficulty in treating greed and the importance of introspection. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for individuals to find contentment with what they have, highlighting the psychological aspect of greed and the potential for personal growth and fulfillment through self-acceptance and meaningful relationships.

In summary, the article provides a multifaceted exploration of greed, incorporating psychological, evolutionary, and societal perspectives. The concepts discussed align with established theories in psychology and offer valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior and motivation.

Is Greed Destroying Your Soul? (2024)


Is Greed Destroying Your Soul? ›

Thus, although greed may be important for economic progress, it is fair to say that lust for possessions may contribute to a society's decline. Unchecked greed can destroy the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasising throughout society.

What does greed do to a person? ›

Emotional Well-being and Mental Health: The relentless pursuit of wealth and possessions driven by greed can take a toll on a person's emotional well-being and mental health. Constantly chasing material success can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

What is the root cause of greed? ›

Fear is a significant factor that can drive a person to become greedy. A fear of financial struggle or loss can manifest itself as a need to accumulate more money and resources. This fear can also contribute to a lack of generosity and sharing with others.

What is the spiritual meaning of greed? ›

Spiritually, greed can be seen as an expression of impatience and a judgment against God as having failed or forgotten to adequately provide for us.

What happens to greedy people in the end? ›

“Being greedy has some positive and some negative outcomes for the greedy person him/herself: greed is (somewhat) beneficial for economic outcomes (more income), but mixed for evolutionary outcomes (less children and shorter romantic relationships, but more sexual partners), and unfavorable for psychological outcomes ( ...

What God says about greed? ›

Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions'” (Luke 12:15). Life is about more than money. Granted—money can make life a lot easier.

What emotion causes greed? ›

Insecurity. People who have a sense of insecurity do not consider what they have enough. They always compare themselves with other people and end up feeling inadequate. They want to measure up to a certain standard and this drives an excessive desire to make money.

What is the psychology of a greedy person? ›

Greed personality trait (GPT), characterized by the desire to acquire more and the dissatisfaction of never having enough, has been hypothesized to link with negative emotion/affect characteristics and aggressive behaviors.

How to identify a greedy person? ›

Greedy people are not good at maintaining boundaries. They will compromise moral values and ethics to achieve their goals. They look for loopholes or clever ways to outsmart the rules and regulations that have been put into place to moderate this kind of behaviour.

Can greed be a mental illness? ›

Narcissism and greed have other aspects in common. They both arise as disorders in people who, in their unconscious mind, are aligned with the conviction that they're lacking in importance, significance, or value. Such people have difficulty feeling or accessing their own essential value.

What are the seven signs of greed? ›

The Greed Syndrome: Seven Signs
  • Overly self-centered behavior is the first giveaway sign of greedy people. ...
  • Envy and greed are like twins. ...
  • Lack of empathy is another sign of greedy people. ...
  • Greedy people are never satisfied. ...
  • Greedy people are experts in manipulation.

How to overcome greed? ›

9 ways to overcome the power of greed
  1. 1) Recognize your triggers. We all have our own unique triggers that can ignite the spark of greed. ...
  2. 2) Practice gratitude. ...
  3. 3) Create a buffer zone. ...
  4. 4) Set clear goals. ...
  5. 5) Cultivate contentment. ...
  6. 6) Understand the impact of greed. ...
  7. 7) Practice generosity. ...
  8. 8) Seek balance.
Dec 30, 2023

How do you deal with greed biblically? ›

Paul told Timothy that the way to overcome greed is to flee from it and to“pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness”(1 Timothy 6:11). And those“who are rich in this present age,” who have more than is needed, should“be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share”(vv. 17-18).

How can greed destroy you? ›

Far too often, greed comes with stress, exhaustion, anxiety, depression and despair. In addition, it can lead to maladaptive behaviour patterns such as gambling, hoarding, trickery and even theft. In the corporate world, as John Grant wrote, “fraud is the daughter of greed.”

Can a greedy person be happy? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. No, It's unlikely that a greedy person can lead a peaceful and happy life in the long term. Greed is the intense desire for material possessions or wealth, and when people focus solely on accumulating more and more of these things, they often become obsessed with money and possessions.

Why does greed cause suffering? ›

One begins to look at everything in life with greed. Life becomes a game of profit and loss. You start thinking that life would be easy when your desires are fulfilled instantly, but this only aggravates your worries and suffering, causing a sense of loss. Thus, your greed will always land you in losses.

What are three consequences of greed? ›

The greedy person may also experience a loss of interpersonal trust, envy from colleagues and friends, stigmatization, and social isolation. Thus, greed is destructive to society as well as to the community.

How does a greedy person act? ›

A greedy person is often selfish and lacks consideration for others, prioritizing their own needs and wants above all else. They may be willing to manipulate or exploit others to achieve their goals, and may struggle to be satisfied with what they have.

How does greed affect the mind? ›

This pattern indicates that greed may involve a diminished regulation of negative emotions, as well as altered processing of emotional and social cues, pointing to a broader network of brain regions involved in the manifestation of greed. “Greedy people are not as happy as we imagine,” Wang told PsyPost.

What behavioral trait do greedy people portray? ›

Their inability to empathise, their lack of genuine interest in the ideas and feelings of others, and their unwillingness to take personal responsibility for their behaviour and actions makes them very difficult people to be with. They are never satisfied. Greedy people look at the world as a zero-sum game.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.