Make it grain! Which whole grain is healthiest? - Mad Radish (2024)

13 December 2018

With low-carb diets currently in vogue, we often see grains get unfairly maligned. Sure, you should definitely watch your intake of refined grains and white flour – but whole grains are a crucial and super-healthy part of any diet. Loaded with fibre, surprisingly high in protein and packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, whole grains can help prevent inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol – just to name a few of their many benefits. And even if you’re gluten-intolerant, there are still some great options you can keep in your pantry.

First, we’re going to have to get a bit technical. Just what is a whole grain? When they’re grown and harvested, all grains have three essential parts: the bran, the germ and the endosperm, each with its own benefits and nutrients. The bran is the outer layer of the grain, rich in fibre, antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals. Next up, the germ is the core of the seed, and it’s loaded with healthy fats, vitamin E, phytochemicals and more antioxidants. Finally, the endosperm is the interior layer of the grain, and it’s the main source of carbohydrates and protein.

Whole grains are just that – grains where all three components are left intact. When whole grains are milled, the bran and germ are stripped away, leaving only the endosperm. With the reduced fat content from removing the germ, refined grains have a longer shelf life, and without the fibre-rich bran, they make for fluffy flour that’s easier to work with…but the fact remains, they are much lower in nutritional benefits. Even if they’re “fortified” with additional vitamins and minerals after milling, refined flours fall way short of their original, whole grain format.

The difference between whole and refined grains couldn’t be more important. Right now, most people are actually exceeding the recommended intake for total grains, without coming close to meeting the minimum serving of whole grains. So if you want to get all the benefits whole grains have to offer, you might want to swap out your white bread, white rice, pasta and all-purpose flour for some of these…

Make it grain! Which whole grain is healthiest? - Mad Radish (1)


First up, oats! Admittedly they’re not the sexiest grain around, but oats might just be one of the healthiest. Higher in dietary fibre than most other cereal grains, oats are great for lowering cholesterol and maintaining digestive health. That fibre also improves satiety, keeping you feeling fuller, longer – and less likely to reach for a snack between meals. Not to mention oats can help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Oatmeal for breakfast, anyone?


As far as grains go, wheat probably gets the worst rap, thanks to the popularity of gluten-free diets – and the host of unhealthy foods made from refined wheat flour. That said, whole wheat is actually a super-nutritious ingredient. Low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals, whole wheat is surprisingly filled with benefits. Just make sure you seek out the whole grain – as in wheat berries, cracked wheat and whole wheat flour – and you’ll be getting all the nutrition this grain has to offer.


Believe it or not, quinoa is not actually a grain, per se. It’s a seed that is prepared and eaten like a grain, otherwise known as a “pseudo-cereal.” But don’t let that dissuade you from incorporating it into your diet – as this powerhouse ingredient is actually higher in nutrients than most other whole grains (and, bonus! It’s gluten-free). Cooked quinoa is higher in fibre than brown rice or yellow corn, and much higher in protein than most cereal grains. It’s also a “complete” source of plant-based protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids. Plus, quinoa is packed with antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc. It’s the total package, baby.


One of the less common grains around, amaranth is definitely poised for a comeback. Unlike most grains, it’s high in lysine, an essential amino acid. So, like quinoa, amaranth is a complete protein. Compared to 13 grams of protein per cup in white rice, amaranth gives you about 26 grams. Not too shabby! A cup of amaranth will also deliver 31% of your recommended daily calcium and 82% of your daily iron (!), making it a great option for people following plant-based diets. And like all whole grains, amaranth is a fantastic source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Why not give this unusual grain a try?


Isn’t corn a vegetable? Well, yes and no. When you eat it fresh off the cob, corn does qualify as a vegetable. But, once it’s dried and ground into cornmeal or corn flour – or popped into popcorn – corn is actually considered a whole grain! And it’s one whole grain you definitely shouldn’t ignore. Corn is a great source of potassium, which is said to help lower blood pressure, and it’s a better source of antioxidants than wheat, rice or oats. It’s especially high in carotenoids, the antioxidants that help keep your eyes healthy. And naturally, corn is high in fibre. Time to dig up that cornbread recipe!

Brown Rice

Unlike most other whole grains, brown rice has been slightly processed – just to remove the hard, inedible hull, but leaving the bran, germ and endosperm intact. So what’s this grain’s claim to fame? A little-known mineral called manganese, which it vital to bone development, nerve function and wound healing. And from just one cup of brown rice, you’ll get all the manganese you need for the day! But that’s not all. Brown rice is also packed with antioxidants, fibre and so much more. Rice to meet you…


What’s in a name? Gluten-free buckwheat is not actually related to wheat in any way. In fact, buckwheat isn’t technically a grain at all – it’s a relative of leafy plants like rhubarb and sorrel. But with its high protein and fibre content, this grain-like ingredient is a pantry must-have. It’s also a great source of iron and magnesium, and comes with a nice dose of the B vitamin niacin, just to name a few more benefits. So find yourself a bag of buckwheat flour and try making buckwheat pancakes this weekend. We promise you won’t regret it!


While it’s become less ubiquitous in the last century or so, this once-popular grain deserves a little love. High in potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, barley is a great option for decreasing blood pressure and maintaining healthy bones. It’s also an excellent source of fibre, helping lower bad LDL cholesterol and promoting overall heart health. So how do you eat it? The most popular way is just to add barley to your favourite soup and let it simmer until soft. And since we’re in the middle of soup season…no excuses!


Finally, we turn to farro – an ancient grain in the midst of a well-deserved comeback. Packed with fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this pleasantly nutty grain has got it all. It’s a great source of zinc, which is essential for your immune system health, and vitamin B3 – which keeps your hair, skin and eyes nice and healthy. And just one cup of farro gives you 20% of your daily fibre needs. Plus, it’s a complete protein source, which is great news for vegetarians and omnivores alike.

Ready to work more whole grains into your diet? With health benefits like these, you definitely owe it to yourself to try. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Swap out white rice for brown rice or another grain
  • Add cooked grains to your favourite soup or salad
  • Replace part or all of the flour in your favourite baking recipes with whole wheat
  • Instead of white toast, try whipping up steel-cut oats for breakfast
  • Look for whole grain breads and pastas. There are some great options out there!

Did we miss your favourite grain? We want to hear about it! Give us a shout at Now go on and make it grain!



In the realm of nutrition, my expertise is top-notch. The article you provided touches on the nutritional nuances of grains, particularly the distinction between whole and refined grains. Let me delve into the concepts discussed:

1. Whole Grains:

  • Definition: Grains with intact bran, germ, and endosperm.
  • Benefits: High fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals. Prevent inflammation, reduce heart disease risk, lower LDL cholesterol.

2. Components of Grains:

  • Bran: Outer layer rich in fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals.
  • Germ: Core of the seed with healthy fats, vitamin E, phytochemicals, antioxidants.
  • Endosperm: Interior layer, main source of carbohydrates and protein.

3. Refined Grains:

  • Process: Bran and germ stripped away during milling, leaving only endosperm.
  • Result: Longer shelf life, fluffier flour, but lower in nutritional benefits.

4. Specific Grains:

  • Oats:

    • Benefits: High dietary fiber, lowers cholesterol, maintains digestive health, improves satiety, regulates blood sugar.
  • Wheat:

    • Whole Wheat: Low in fat, high in complex carbs, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A nutritious choice.
  • Quinoa:

    • Nature: Pseudo-cereal (seed), gluten-free.
    • Benefits: High nutrients, fiber, protein (complete source), antioxidants, magnesium, iron, zinc.
  • Amaranth:

    • Features: Less common, high in lysine (essential amino acid), complete protein, rich in calcium, iron, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Corn:

    • Transformation: Fresh corn as a vegetable; dried and ground as a whole grain.
    • Benefits: Source of potassium, antioxidants (especially carotenoids), high in fiber.
  • Brown Rice:

    • Processing: Hull removed, bran, germ, and endosperm intact.
    • Claim to Fame: Rich in manganese, antioxidants, fiber.
  • Buckwheat:

    • Nature: Gluten-free, not related to wheat.
    • Benefits: High protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, B vitamins.
  • Barley:

    • Attributes: High in potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and fiber.
    • Usage: Often added to soups for health benefits.
  • Farro:

    • Characteristics: Ancient grain, making a comeback.
    • Benefits: Fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Source of zinc and vitamin B3.

5. Incorporating Whole Grains:

  • Ideas: Swap white rice for brown or other grains, add grains to soups or salads, use whole wheat flour in baking, opt for whole grain bread and pasta.

With this comprehensive breakdown, you're armed with knowledge to make informed, health-conscious choices regarding grains. Ready to make it grain!

Make it grain! Which whole grain is healthiest? - Mad Radish (2024)


What are the best grains for weight loss? ›

The good-for-weight-loss whole grains are those, like brown rice, whole oats, unhulled barley, and buckwheat groats, that have not gone through the grinding, or processing, of their kernels into flour. These whole grains contain only about 500 calories per pound.

What is the healthiest grain alternative? ›

Quinoa. Pronounced “KEEN-wah,” this versatile, gluten-free grain is actually an edible seed. It is a healthier substitute for white rice, and can be eaten as a hot breakfast dish, a base for salad, an addition to soup and much more.

What makes whole grain healthier? ›

Choose whole grains instead of refined grains.

All whole grain kernels contain three parts: the bran, germ, and endosperm. Each section houses health-promoting nutrients. The bran is the fiber-rich outer layer that supplies B vitamins, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

What is the healthiest fruit? ›

The healthiest fruits and their benefits
  1. Lemons. Turning lemons into lemonade can do more than just boost your spirits. ...
  2. Blueberries. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which are the special pigments that give them their rich color. ...
  3. Apples. ...
  4. Oranges. ...
  5. Cherries. ...
  6. Pomegranates. ...
  7. Grapefruits.
Sep 15, 2023

What are the healthiest grains for breakfast? ›

Start your day with a hearty, satiating whole grain foods for breakfast that'll keep your motor running until lunchtime. Quinoa, farro, whole wheat, oats, amaranth, and more make their way into both sweet and savory breakfast dishes from pancakes to porridge.

What are 5 grains to avoid? ›

Five kinds of grains are prohibited: wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt. Why? Because these grains begin to ferment and rise when they come into contact with water for 18 minutes. In Hebrew, that rising grain is called chametz.

What are the best whole grains to lose belly fat? ›

Want a flatter, leaner tummy? Ditch refined grains like white bread and white rice, and eat more whole grains such as oatmeal, barley, bulgar, 100% whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, and brown rice, research has found.

What grain can I eat everyday? ›

Choosing whole grains
  • Barley.
  • Bulgur, also called cracked wheat.
  • Farro.
  • Millet.
  • Quinoa.
  • Black rice.
  • Brown rice.
  • Red rice.
Dec 10, 2022

What are the top 5 healthiest grains? ›

Best Grains For Your Health, Ranked
  1. Quinoa. Ekaterina Fedotova / Getty Images. ...
  2. Oats. Arx0nt / Getty Images. ...
  3. Bulgur. BURCU ATALAY TANKUT / Getty Images. ...
  4. Barley. sutip*rn somnam / Getty Images. ...
  5. Buckwheat. Ryouchin / Getty Images. ...
  6. Rice. BURCU ATALAY TANKUT / Getty Images. ...
  7. Wild Rice. Professor25 / Getty Images. ...
  8. Wheat.
Mar 18, 2024

Which grain is superfood? ›

While quinoa may win when it comes to protein, bulgur takes first place when discussing fiber-rich grains. A single serving of cooked bulgur offers 5 grams of fiber. Eating foods that are full of fiber can provide many health benefits, the most recognized being the promotion of a healthy digestive system.

What is the healthiest rice to eat everyday? ›

Brown rice

Whole grain rice such as brown rice is less processed and refined than white rice. As a result, brown rice contains more nutrients such as fiber and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc.

What should I eat in a day? ›

Eating a balanced diet
  • eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day)
  • base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta.
  • have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks)
  • eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein.

Are potatoes healthy? ›

Potatoes were a life-saving food source in early times because the vitamin C prevented scurvy. Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our heart, muscles, and nervous system. Potato skin contains fiber, which is important for digestive health.

Which is healthier 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain? ›

Whole grains are healthier than whole wheat because they often contain more fiber. Though 100% whole wheat can be a type of whole grain, some products contain a mix of wheat and white flour. Look for labels that say whole grain or 100% whole wheat, as both are healthy choices.

Is rice or quinoa better for you? ›

Quinoa has more protein, amino acids, and micronutrients than brown rice, along with fewer carbs. However, brown rice has fewer calories than quinoa, which can be important to those watching their caloric intake. And for people on a gluten-free diet, both brown rice and quinoa are winners.

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