Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (2024)

Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (1)While mint is commonly grown for its aromatic and flavorsome leaves, there’s a lot to love about mint flowers too.

In this guide, our expert gardeners will tell you all you need to know about taking care of mint flowers. We’ll also talk about the various different types and the numerous uses for mint flowers.

Let’s find out more.


  • How to take care of mint flowers
    • – Soil
    • – Light
    • – Water
    • – Temperature
    • – Feeding
  • How do you get mint to flower?
  • How many types of mint are there?
  • Can you eat mint flowers?
  • What can you do with mint flowers?
    • – Cooking with mint flowers
    • – Decorative landscaping
    • – Do-it-yourself home decor
    • – Good for wildlife
  • Should you let your mint plants flower?
  • Conclusion

How to take care of mint flowers

Growing mint outdoors takes very little effort, and it’s an excellent project for any gardener. These resilient plants pretty much look after themselves, requiring little maintenance.

Here’s the list of growing conditions you will need to provide to ensure that your mint plant blooms:

– Soil

Mint grows best in rich, loamy soils that are slightly acidic. If you have a pH meter, you can check the soil acidity and aim for a range between 5.5 and 7.0.

This plant’s unpretentious nature also makes it a good choice for growing in clay soils, although soil amendments will be needed to provide good drainage.

Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (2)

When growing mint outdoors, it’s best to keep an eye on it, as this plant can spread very fast and become invasive. If possible, grow it in containers, and trim the bottom stalks regularly. Often, mint plants will start drooping, and once they touch the soil, they can easily sprout roots (or stolons), creating even more plants — not a problem if you really like mint, though.

– Light

Mint prefers brightly lit parts of the garden but will grow just as well in partial shade. In order to grow a healthy plant, make sure that your mint receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, otherwise, it can become leggy. Some mint varieties need more sunlight than others, so check the specifications for each cultivar when buying it from your local nursery or garden center.

– Water

Mint is particular about one thing: water. Keep these plants in a well-draining soil that is kept moist, especially during hot days. In summer, you might even have to water your mint plants every day. Yet as much as this plant loves moisture, it can also suffer from overwatering. Signs of a mint plant that’s been watered too much are yellow leaves, soft, droopy stems, and leaves that are more vulnerable to pests, such as rot, mildew, or mint rust.

When growing mint indoors in pots, you will also need to provide them with a humidity of around 70 — 75%, otherwise, the leaves can crisp up or start yellowing. Simply place your mint on a pebble tray or next to a humidifier and you should be all set.

– Temperature

The ideal temperature range for growing mint is between 13-21°C (55-70°F). Although mint is a cold-hardy perennial, the top of the plant will die if exposed to frost, but the roots will survive underground. You can safely leave your mint outside during winter, whether it’s potted or planted in the soil, and you can be sure that it will bloom again the next year.

– Feeding

Mint plants need rich, fertile soils for proper growth, with high levels of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. You can apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring, after the danger of frost has passed, and make sure that the soil is kept well watered.

Apply fertilizer once a month and stop feeding your mint plants around 2 weeks before you start harvesting the leaves.

How do you get mint to flower?

A mint plant that’s provided with the right growing conditions will flower naturally. So you don’t need to do anything, in particular, to get it to bloom. Mint flowers start appearing in early summer and continue to bloom until early autumn. Young plants typically begin flowering in their second year.

How many types of mint are there?

There are around 20 individual species of mint. It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact number because hybridization often occurs between mint plants, which has resulted in hundreds of varieties and cultivars. Some types of mint enjoy great popularity with gardeners and homeowners due to their unique flavors and colors.

Here are 10 of the most popular ones, used for both flowers and leaves:

    • Spearmint (or Nana mint): possibly the most common mint variety, it is used in a wide range of foods and drinks, and has pink or purple flowers;
    • Peppermint: popular for its intense flavor and numerous medicinal uses, peppermint contains more menthol than spearmint, and it produces flowers ranging from white to purple;
    • Chocolate mint: its leaves combine the flavors of mint and chocolate, while the brown stalks and lavender-colored flowers have great ornamental value;
    • Apple mint: also known as pineapple mint, it has a pleasant, fruity aftertaste and decorative pink blooms;
    • Lemon mint: the leaves have a light, citrusy flavor, and its flowers are a real show-stopper, blooming in large, purple bouquets throughout summer
    • Strawberry mint: the freshness of mint and sweetness of strawberries go great together, which is why this variety enjoys great popularity; the light pink flowers also have some decorative value;
    • Water mint: a vigorous plant that enjoys lots of moisture, it produces aromatic leaves and globe-like pink to light purple flower clusters;
    • Grapefruit mint: the leaves of this plant are intensely fragrant, with the smell and taste of real grapefruit;
    • Lemon balm: citrusy and almost lemongrass-like in flavor, lemon balm has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries, and it also makes a showy addition to your garden;
    • Catmint (or catnip): although it’s not as tasty as other mint varieties, catmint is a great addition to your garden if you have cats as pets, and it also produces tall clusters of flowers ranging from white to purple.

Can you eat mint flowers?

Mint flowers are edible and have a similar taste to the leaves. They are minty and fragrant, although the aromas are not as intense as those of the leaves. Depending on the mint variety, the flowers can also have notes of lemon, grapefruit, apple, and even a hint of chocolate.

Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (3)

What can you do with mint flowers?

Mint flowers are very versatile and have almost as many uses as the leaves.

Here are just some of the things they can be used for:

  • Cooking
  • Decorative landscaping
  • DIY home decor
  • Good for wildlife

– Cooking with mint flowers

Use your mint flowers in the kitchen, alongside the leaves. They are a great addition to Middle Eastern dishes to enhance aromas, especially when paired with lamb. Mix them in salads, or even just sprinkle on top as a decorative garnish. When harvesting and drying your mint leaves, you can do the same with the flowers, and use them later in tea. You can also freeze the flowers in ice trays, and turn them into unique ice cubes that go great in a cold drink during summer.

If you’re into baking, mint flowers are a great choice for making shortbread cookies topped with edible flowers or livening up the icing on a cake. Or, if you prefer savory dishes, you can also use them to make floral spring rolls — perfect for dipping in a bit of sesame sauce.

– Decorative landscaping

Mint is unpretentious and will easily grow in any garden, making them a choice ground cover. The flowers add a touch of color during the summer months when your garden will become livelier with a touch of white, pink, or purple blooms.

– Do-it-yourself home decor

Dried mint flowers can be used around your house to create decorative pieces. Small bouquets of mint flowers, especially the purple ones, look similar to miniature lavender and are uniquely fragrant. You can use them in potpourri, press and hang them in frames as paintings, weave them in a wreath, or even just keep them in a vase.

Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (4)

– Good for wildlife

Mint flowers are also valuable for the environment. Many species of pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, rely on the rich nectar for food during summer. Also, the flowers can attract other insects, which in turn attract numerous species of birds, such as warblers, kinglets, vireos, and tanagers. Mint flowers also attract hummingbirds — perfect if you’re looking to create a bird-friendly garden.

Should you let your mint plants flower?

Whether you want to let your mint flower or not is really up to you. The health of the plant is not affected if you cut the flowers. In fact, it is recommended that you remove the flower heads, as when mint plants flower, it can cause the plant to lose its essential oils, making the leaves less aromatic. Also, allowing your mint to bloom can cause the plant to produce fewer leaves and become less bushy, as it uses more energy in producing flowers.

However, mint flowers do have ornamental value, especially varieties such as lemon mint or even peppermint. The flowers are also beneficial for wildlife and have their own culinary uses, same as the leaves.

What we recommend is that you leave some flower stalks to bloom on your mint plant. This way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: a bushy plant that produces highly aromatic leaves, providing nectar for bees and butterflies, as well as allowing you to take delight in their unique beauty. Once the flowers start wilting, it’s best to remove them, as they will start producing seeds and cause the mint to spread further into your garden.

If you’re growing several varieties of mint in your garden, it’s best to remember that mint is notoriously easy to hybridize, and that cross-pollination will most likely occur.

To prevent this, you can remove the flowering heads of the mint plants you don’t want to mix with your other cultivars.


Mint is a fantastic plant to grow outdoors and indoors alike . Easy to grow and maintain, fragrant and beautiful, it also has a host of uses.

Here’s a brief rundown of its numerous qualities:

  • Mint is unpretentious and easy to grow in any garden.
  • There are hundreds of mint varieties, each with its own unique flavors.
  • Mint flowers are edible and have plenty of culinary uses.
  • Allowing your mint to flower will reduce the amount of essential oils in the leaves.
  • However, mint flowers do have their own value, so don’t remove them all just yet!

What’s your favorite type of mint? Let us know your success stories in the comments!

5/5 - (18 votes)

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Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide (2024)


Mint Flowers: Uses and Care Guide? ›

For the best flavour, keep cutting mint to stimulate new leafy growth. After flowering is over in late summer, cut mint plants back to just above soil level and feed with a high-nitrogen fertiliser to encourage a fresh flush of leaves for autumn picking.

What to do with mint when it flowers? ›

For the best flavour, keep cutting mint to stimulate new leafy growth. After flowering is over in late summer, cut mint plants back to just above soil level and feed with a high-nitrogen fertiliser to encourage a fresh flush of leaves for autumn picking.

Are mint flowers useful? ›

Mint's flowers are edible too – see our guide to edible flowers. The leaves are best used fresh, but you can keep shoots in a glass of water for several days if you change the water regularly. You can also dry the leaves or freeze them in ice cubes for use in cooking over winter.

Can you use the flowers in mint tea? ›

4. Mint Floral Tea. Mint leaves are often used in herbal tea because of their relaxing qualities, but mint flowers are also often made into tea. Flavorful and full of health benefits, mint flower tea can help with oral health and can be added to other floral teas for added health benefits.

Is mint OK to eat after it flowers? ›

Mint leaves are just fine to use any time, including after the plant has flowered. The flavor may not be quite as strong as it was before it flowered, so you may need to add more leaves to your jelly infusion to get the same taste. Be sure to cut the flowering stems back when you harvest.

How do you preserve mint flowers? ›

Place the mint in a plastic bag, not sealing all the way so that air can circulate. Do not wrap tightly; trapped moisture will cause the herbs to mold. Trim the ends and place in a glass filled with about 1” of water. Cover with a loose fitting bag and refrigerate.

Should mint flowers be cut off? ›

After mint blooms, it loses some of its essential oil, making the leaves less fragrant and flavorful. Watch for the buds that indicate when the plant is about to bloom. Once buds appear, you can pinch them or cut back the plants. During the second year, you can cut the plants back two or three times.

Does mint change flavor after it flowers? ›

Mint gets really big flowers, and the flowers don't affect the taste of the leaves. You can eat the flowers. Because mint can spread easily in your garden, you may want to snip off the flowers before they go to seed.

Do mint flowers produce seeds? ›

The two most commonly grown mint plants are spearmint and peppermint. Other mint varieties include chocolate mint, pennyroyal, apple mint and more. Peppermint is the only mint variety that is not grown from seed, it is grown from root cuttings of established plants as peppermint plants do not produce seeds.

What are the flowers on mint plant? ›

Yes, mints produce small white or purple flowers at the end of the stems. I prefer to remove these flowers to force the plants to become bushier, but that's entirely up to you. In addition to being used as flavoring, a stem of mint makes a wonderful addition to a bouquet of flowers.

What month do you harvest mint? ›

Harvest just before the mint flowers for the best flavor.

However, you can harvest any time from late spring to early fall. The mint will flower in the summertime. If you notice flower buds, just pluck them off so the plant uses its energy to grow more leaves instead of to produce flowers.

Does mint get bitter after flowering? ›

Also, leaves of mints may turn bitter after flowering, so deadheading can help prolong the harvest period.

When should you not drink mint tea? ›

If you struggle with heartburn, or have a hiatus hernia or kidney stones, it may be prudent to avoid peppermint tea too, as while no adverse reactions have been found, it may, in some, make symptoms worse. Some people are allergic to mint.

Can you dry mint flowers? ›


After rinsing and drying mint (fresh), you can gather it into a bouquet and tie it together with a piece of twine/string at the bottom of the stems. Hang the bouquet in a warm, well-ventilated area away from any direct sunlight.

Who should not eat mint leaves? ›

Mint leaves are generally safe for consumption, however people with gastroesophageal reflux disease should minimize the consumption as it may cause stomach irritation. Menthol oil is contraindicated in children to use topically as it may cause breathing difficulties.

How do you winterize mint? ›

Overwintering mint

Here is how: Firstly, leave the parts of the plant that die off in autumn on the plant during winter as protection and cut back in spring. In addition, cover the plant with twigs or leaves. To overwinter mint in pots, wrap the pot with garden fleece to prevent the pot from freezing through.

Can you freeze mint flowers? ›

Answer. Mint (Mentha spp.) can be saved for later use by drying or freezing, though it is best to use the dried leaves within a year and the frozen leaves within 6 months for the best flavor. Begin by rinsing and gently patting your herbs dry.

Can I freeze fresh mint? ›

Yes! You can flash freeze mint leaves whole on a baking tray. You'll then transfer them to freeze-proof storage and later you'll be able to use them in any quantity that you need.

Does mint keep bugs away? ›

Mint. Mint is yet another fragrant herb that has pest-fighting properties. Menthol, the active insect-fighting ingredient in mint and peppermint oil, has biocidal properties that help repel and control mites, mosquitoes and various other pests.

Do bees like mint flowers? ›

Bees and other beneficial insects absolutely love mint flowers, and it doesn't matter if it's peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint, apple mint, or catmint (also known as catnip), horsemint, wild mint, or even lemon balm (which is also in the mint family).

What does the mint flower symbolize? ›

In the language of flowers, mint symbolizes virtue. Mint gets its name from Greek mythology; the god Pluto preferred the nymph Mentha over the goddess Persephone, who (jealously) transformed Mentha into a plant. In ancient Rome, mint was an aphrodisiac, woven into crowns worn by the goddess Venus.

Why is everything cold after mint? ›

The reason mint makes your mouth feel cool is that menthol molecules also cause TRPM8 receptors to open their ion channels and send an action potential to the brain, which automatically interprets the tiny pulse of electricity as "the tongue is cold," even when it's not.

Why not to grow mint? ›

Mint Is Invasive

Mint is an incredibly invasive plant that can quickly take over a garden if not managed properly. It spreads rapidly through underground rhizomes, sending out shoots in all directions and choking out other plants in the area. Runners will also root readily wherever they come into contact with soil.

What is the strongest smelling mint plant? ›

Mentha graveolens|strong-smelling mint/RHS Gardening.

Does mint grow forever? ›

Mint (Mentha species) is a perennial that produces new foliage all year long if the stems are not killed by frost, making it one of the easiest herbs to grow inside.

What are purple flowers on a mint plant? ›

Catmints have purple flowers, and they are one of the most widely used, drought-tolerant perennials. They are great in flower borders with organic mulch or rock, and do not need to be irrigated once established.

What is the sacred plant of mint? ›

The mint was probably used in ancient funerary rites to mask the smell of the dead and so came to be regarded as a sacred plant of Haides.

What not to plant with mint? ›

Among the plants that should never be grown together with mint are oregano, rosemary, basil, lavender, sage, thyme, chamomile, parsley, and strawberry.

Can we drink mint water daily? ›

You can drink refreshing mint water all day to stay healthy and hydrated. You may also notice improvements in your digestive system if you favor mint water over other higher calorie beverages.

Does mint regrow after cutting? ›

Yes, mint does regrow after cutting. In fact, harvesting individual mint leaves or stems encourages growth.

Does picking mint make it grow faster? ›

Harvesting a few stems early on will encourage future growth and a bushier plant! You will want to make sure the plant has plenty of time to get established, but typically mint will respond well to being cut back a little bit early on. Mint is often likened to a weed, in that it grows rampant throughout the summer.

How often should you water mint? ›

As a general rule, it's best to water mint plants every two to three days during the growing season. This will ensure that your plants stay healthy and have lush mint leaves all summer long. During hot weather, potted mint may need more frequent watering - up to once a day - in order to keep their soil moist.

Do you pick mint leaves from the top or bottom? ›

So, make sure you pick the smaller leaves on the top first. Doing so will not only help you enjoy more flavorful leaves, but it will also encourage new growth. With regular pruning, your mint plants will grow bushier and produce more flavorful foliage.

Does mint like miracle grow? ›

When growing mint in planting beds, mix 3 inches of aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil into the top 6 inches of soil to add nutrients and improve drainage. In raised beds, blend equal parts of garden soil and potting mix.

Should I let my herbs flower? ›

Herb plants grow lovely flowers. Although many have edible blossoms, it is not a good idea to allow your herb to flower early in the growing season. Once a plant flowers, this is the signal that its life cycle is about to end. Your herb is making a flower, then a seed, then it dies back for that season.

How do you dry fresh mint from the garden? ›

Hang the bunch of herbs upside down in a paper bag, keeping it in a dry place away from direct sunlight. The total drying time can range anywhere from two days to two weeks depending on your climate. Look for a crumbly texture to the mint leaves to indicate they are ready to brew in tea or store for later use.

Does mint tea raise blood pressure? ›

Peppermint is a popular flavoring agent, and peppermint tea help relax tension and could lower blood pressure.

What happens if I drink green tea and mint everyday? ›

Mint can help you with indigestion, stomach acids, nausea, loss of appetite. It also has anti bacterial properties that can stave off any minor stomach infection. Green tea contains polyphenols that may help improve digestion and regular consumption of mint green tea can help your body break down food more effectively.

What is the disadvantage of drinking mint water? ›

While mint or mint water may help with some symptoms of digestive ailments, studies show it can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease. People with GERD should avoid mint and mint water, as they can trigger their symptoms.

Can you harvest mint that has flowered? ›

After mint blooms, it loses some of its essential oil, making the leaves less fragrant and flavorful. Watch for the buds that indicate when the plant is about to bloom. Once buds appear, you can pinch them or cut back the plants. During the second year, you can cut the plants back two or three times.

What does mint mean when it flowers? ›

In the language of flowers, mint symbolizes virtue. Mint gets its name from Greek mythology; the god Pluto preferred the nymph Mentha over the goddess Persephone, who (jealously) transformed Mentha into a plant. In ancient Rome, mint was an aphrodisiac, woven into crowns worn by the goddess Venus.

Should you deadhead mint? ›

Deadhead the mint immediately after flowering, if it blooms. Cut back the top 2 to 4 inches of the plant to remove the old, withered flowers and to encourage a flush of new foliage growth.

Does mint regrow every year? ›

Mint is a leafy flowering perennial herb.

Perennial mint is simple to grow. This perennial is best grown in a container or it'll take over a flower bed.

Should you cut flowers off herbs? ›

Harvest flowering herbs like basil, sage and thyme before their flowers bloom. Once they bloom, the leaves lose their flavor. I prefer to snip off all the flower buds so that the plant lasts longer. Once the plant flowers it will start to make seeds and stop producing leaves.

Should you cut mint before it flowers? ›

Why should you prune mint? It is important to prune mint in order to prevent it from flowering and to promote a regular supply of fresh, young, tasty leaves. For culinary purposes mint leaves are best picked young and will go tough once the plant goes to flower. 'Younger leaves are more flavorful than older leaves.

What time of year does mint flower? ›

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) produces blossoms from the middle of summer until fall. The purple flowers of M. piperita are about ¼ inch long and form around a thick spike that protrudes from the stem. Peppermint is a hybrid species and, therefore, unable to produce healthy, viable seeds.

What is the purple flower on my mint plant? ›

Yes, mints produce small white or purple flowers at the end of the stems. I prefer to remove these flowers to force the plants to become bushier, but that's entirely up to you. In addition to being used as flavoring, a stem of mint makes a wonderful addition to a bouquet of flowers.

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.