The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (2024)

The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (4)

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  • Jan 9th 2012
    • Jan 9th 2012

      I think it's a strong possibility the Sealed Temple eventually becomes the Temple of Time. Anyone else agree? When you take the side rooms/areas out of the Sealed Temple and have just the main room, it's built similarly to the Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time. Also, the Sealed Temple held the Gate of Time, which transports Link through time, just as the Temple of Time does. I know some people are probably saying "Duh!" but still. :lol:

      To create more discussion, what are some other areas in Skyward Sword that you can link to other locations in other Zelda games? Besides the obvious Eldin Volcano/Death Mountain?

      • Jan 9th 2012

        Historia says that the Temple of Time in Oot was built where the people thought the Sealed Temple was located.

        • Jan 9th 2012


          聖地にある光の神殿へと続く唯一の入口。太古の時代、砂漠にあった神殿と同名であるが、ラウル に造られた神 殿の埸所は、封印の神殿があった埸所にあたると思われる。
          The only enterance to the Temple of Light, which is in the Holy Land. In ancient times, there was a temple which had the same name; but the location in which Rauru built the temple was where the temple of the seal was thought to be.

          And Temple of Time = Sacred Grove :DD

          • Jan 9th 2012

            idgi, because the map from SS and OoT are fairly similar, pretty much the same thing really, so you'd think that the Temple of Time would be further to the north, closer to where Eldin Volcano is...

            Idk, I guess the area where the sealed grounds is could move further to the north with earth's ground movements and stuff. That's how I view it at least The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (5) Still a bit weird imo though.

            • Jan 9th 2012

              Sometimes, I think it's better not to overthink exact geographical placements of certain areas when comparing between games. It only causes confusion. For me, anyway. The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (6)

              • Jan 9th 2012

                I believe that the Sealed Temple is probably the Temple of Time from OoT. Its interesting to see the sages symbols from OoT appear on the ceiling just inside the door.

                • Jan 9th 2012

                  Also worth noting that Ocarina of Time implies that the Temple of Time is Zelda's designated temple, just like the temples where you find the other sages.

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                  • Jan 9th 2012

                    Hyrule Historia revealed the Temple of Time was only physically built many, many years after the events of Skyward Sword during an era of chaos. It was built shortly before Hyrule Kingdom was established, built over the ruins of the Temple of Hylia. By the time the Temple of Hylia is built, the Temple of Hylia would most likely be in a state as bad as the former temple was during Twilight Princess.

                    It should be noted that the location of the Temple of Hylia coincides with that of where the Temple of Time is officially located: they are both directly to the west of Faron Woods but still within the woods. It is safe to assume Rauru, being one of the Ancient Sages, resided in the Temple of Hylia during the Era of the Goddess Hylia, so it would only be fitting for him and the other Ancient Sages to build a new temple over the remains of the old one.

                    • Jan 9th 2012

                      Also worth noting that Ocarina of Time implies that the Temple of Time is Zelda's designated temple, just like the temples where you find the other sages.

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                      D'oh, I didn't even think of that, despite sometimes calling Zelda the Sage of Time.

                      It should be noted that the location of the Temple of Hylia coincides with that of where the Temple of Time is officially located: they are both directly to the west of Faron Woods but still within the woods. It is safe to assume Rauru, being one of the Ancient Sages, resided in the Temple of Hylia during the Era of the Goddess Hylia, so it would only be fitting for him and the other Ancient Sages to build a new temple over the remains of the old one.

                      So, just to be clear, are you saying that Rauru was off somewhere during SS? Dude's older than the Great Deku Tree. :lol:

                      • Jan 9th 2012

                        So, just to be clear, are you saying that Rauru was off somewhere during SS? Dude's older than the Great Deku Tree. :lol:

                        Yes, I am. As we know, this is also the case in The Minish Cap and Four Swords, where he is hiding within the Temple of Light the entire time and doesn't reveal himself until the events of Ocarina of Time. The symbols of the Ancient Sages including Rauru's Light Medallion can be seen on the Temple of Hylia, built thousands of years before the events of Skyward Sword. He would have been involved with the forging of the Goddess Sword with the other Ancient Sages. Nothing is know of where he was and what he was doing until many years after Skyward Sword. I often wonder myself where the Ancient Sages are hiding for all those years.

                        Its all the same area. And how would an entire land locked area move?

                        EDIT: Just think about Hyrule as one big map, and in different eras the capital is somewhere else.

                        After all, there's evidence Hyrule shrinks in the backstory of ALttP. Hyrule's borders just change over time.

                        How do you explain the Temple of Time being further to the south, when in OoT we see it much further to the north, basically bordering the area of Death Mountain?

                        The only explanation I can think of is the game designers not being that bothered to make the maps exactly the same, cuz it'd seem all too familiar, or, as we can't really get from one place to another by foot in SS, we can assume that maybe the major land marks are still not joined together completely, and that there is open space between them, thus allowing them to move around by natural land movements.

                        • Jan 9th 2012

                          I think it's a strong possibility the Sealed Temple eventually becomes the Temple of Time. Anyone else agree? When you take the side rooms/areas out of the Sealed Temple and have just the main room, it's built similarly to the Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time. Also, the Sealed Temple held the Gate of Time, which transports Link through time, just as the Temple of Time does. I know some people are probably saying "Duh!" but still. :lol:

                          To create more discussion, what are some other areas in Skyward Sword that you can link to other locations in other Zelda games? Besides the obvious Eldin Volcano/Death Mountain?

                          I thought we already talked about this. It is in fat the same temple. It is the only ToT in SS.

                          • Jan 9th 2012

                            I'm not really into geography but if you would place the SS map over the OoT (with the temple of time and the sealed temple as a point of reference) Death Mountain would fall in the uncharted theory of the SS map (the area around Skyloft). You could argue that Eldin Volcano actually lies way up north and Death Mountain is a mountain that lies inbetween it and the sealed temple/temple of time.

                            • Jan 9th 2012

                              Yes, I am. As we know, this is also the case in The Minish Cap and Four Swords, where he is hiding within the Temple of Light the entire time and doesn't reveal himself until the events of Ocarina of Time. The symbols of the Ancient Sages including Rauru's Light Medallion can be seen on the Temple of Hylia, built thousands of years before the events of Skyward Sword. He would have been involved with the forging of the Goddess Sword with the other Ancient Sages. Nothing is know of where he was and what he was doing until many years after Skyward Sword. I often wonder myself where the Ancient Sages are hiding for all those years.

                              Does the Sacred Realm exist in SS (and thus, the Temple of Light)?
                              There's no mention of it, plus the fact that from what I understand, the place where the Triforce lays in future games is the Sacred Realm, but in SS, it's in Skyloft, as if the Sacred Realm was still not created to protect the Triforce.

                              I've heard theories that people say that where you fight may be the Sacred Realm, which has it's reasons, such as it resembling descriptions, and becoming a dark place when Demise is in it. Plus the fact that he tells Link it'll be his tomb for eternity... But how did Demise enter the Sacred Realm so easily in the final battle with Link?

                              • Jan 9th 2012

                                [Ignore the Mask Salesmen panel]

                                The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (7)

                                The Temple of Time was constructed in the Sealed grounds over the original Temple of Hylia, enshrining the Master Sword. The Master Sword, as the Sword of Time (stated in OoT) activates the dormant Gate of Time in the Sealed grounds to enable time travel, with the Sword as a key, and the area where the gate once stood as the Lock.

                                The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (8)

                                • Jan 9th 2012


                                  The Temple of Time was constructed in the Sealed grounds over the original Temple of Hylia, enshrining the Master Sword. The Master Sword, as the Sword of Time (stated in OoT) activates the dormant Gate of Time in the Sealed grounds to enable time travel, with the Sword as a key, and the area where the gate once stood as the Lock.

                                  Oh right, that image shows it pretty well I guess. I hadn't seen the Volcano in SS from that point of view The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (9)

                                  • Jan 9th 2012

                                    [Ignore the Mask Salesmen panel]

                                    The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (10)

                                    The Temple of Time was constructed in the Sealed grounds over the original Temple of Hylia, enshrining the Master Sword. The Master Sword, as the Sword of Time (stated in OoT) activates the dormant Gate of Time in the Sealed grounds to enable time travel, with the Sword as a key, and the area where the gate once stood as the Lock.

                                    The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (11)

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                                    SWEEET, but who is the dude?

                                    • Jan 9th 2012

                                      How do you explain the Temple of Time being further to the south, when in OoT we see it much further to the north, basically bordering the area of Death Mountain?

                                      The only explanation I can think of is the game designers not being that bothered to make the maps exactly the same, cuz it'd seem all too familiar, or, as we can't really get from one place to another by foot in SS, we can assume that maybe the major land marks are still not joined together completely, and that there is open space between them, thus allowing them to move around by natural land movements.

                                      In Hyrule Historia, referring to Ocarina of Time, said that the capital was founded in the center and Hyrule expanded north from the castle, as well.

                                      • Jan 9th 2012

                                        Does the Sacred Realm exist in SS (and thus, the Temple of Light)?
                                        There's no mention of it, plus the fact that from what I understand, the place where the Triforce lays in future games is the Sacred Realm, but in SS, it's in Skyloft, as if the Sacred Realm was still not created to protect the Triforce.

                                        I've heard theories that people say that where you fight may be the Sacred Realm, which has it's reasons, such as it resembling descriptions, and becoming a dark place when Demise is in it. Plus the fact that he tells Link it'll be his tomb for eternity... But how did Demise enter the Sacred Realm so easily in the final battle with Link?

                                        I don't think there is any major evidence either way for if the Sacred Realm existing during the events of Skyward Sword, but the existence of the Ancient Sages would imply the Temple of Light exists, which would mean the Sacred Realm exists by default. Some people believe the Silent Realms are the Sacred Realm, seeing as they're mirror worlds and the Triforce was hidden there.

                                        I don't remember whether not it was said Demise created the world you fight in, but I can't imagine him creating the Sacred Realm or accessing it so easily.

                                        [Ignore the Mask Salesmen panel]

                                        The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (12)

                                        The Temple of Time was constructed in the Sealed grounds over the original Temple of Hylia, enshrining the Master Sword. The Master Sword, as the Sword of Time (stated in OoT) activates the dormant Gate of Time in the Sealed grounds to enable time travel, with the Sword as a key, and the area where the gate once stood as the Lock.

                                        The issue with suggesting that the Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time is not canonically located in the southern forests of Hyrule is the fact that the Faron Woods mysteriously disappears from all around the temple and then all reappears around the temple in Twilight Princess. In Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time, it's deep within Faron Woods and to the left of the area. In Ocarina of Time, it's near the centre of Hyrule, north of Hyrule's forested area. It would seem this logic suggests that the woods were destroyed, leaving a town around the temple and empty field, and then the people of Hyrule moved north and the woods grew back.

                                        I would prefer to think it was simply a retcon and what the Temple of Time was always in the forest, as is the case in A Link to the Past, originally going to be the case in Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I seems clearly intended that the temple is only in the market for gameplay reasons, but it doesn't have any barring on the storyline if it's canonically located in the southern forests. I don't think any story reference is ever made to the temple being in a market, only references have been made to it being in the forest from a story perspective.

                                        More issues with this logic is that I highly doubt Faron would honestly let people destroy Faron Woods all so they could build a little market near the temple. She would have been enraged.


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                                      The Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? - Zelda Universe Forums (2024)


                                      Does the Sealed Temple become the Temple of Time? ›

                                      To put an end to these wars, an ancient Sage named Rauru built over the remains of the Sealed Temple a new Temple of Time, which contained the only entrance to the Sacred Realm. Rauru borrowed the name for the Temple from legends of the events of Skyward Sword, about a hero who had traveled between two times.

                                      Is there anything on the top of the Temple of Time? ›

                                      Once Link has obtained the Zora Armor from Yona, a pillar of light shines from the top of the temple. Heading there, a Steward Construct is found, which will give Link a challenge in exchange for the story of the Great Sky Island and the Zonai Fabric.

                                      Where is Temple of Time? ›

                                      The Temple of Time sits on large island in the sky in central Hyrule. It figures early on in Link's adventure when he first receives the Purah Pad. The name of the ruined building in the sky is confirmed by a Construct nearby, who tells Link that Princess Zelda is waiting at the Temple of Time.

                                      Is the Temple of Time in BotW the same as Oot? ›

                                      BOTW's Temple of Time looks similar to Ocarina of Time's from the outside, though BOTW's contains more small rooms and a steeple area.

                                      Is the Forgotten Temple the Sealed Temple? ›

                                      Trivia. The design of the Forgotten Temple is inspired by the Sealed Temple from Skyward Sword and features similar architecture to the Springs of Wisdom, Courage, Power, as well as Lanayru Road.

                                      Are there two Temples of Time? ›

                                      There are two Temples of Time in Tears of the Kingdom; there is the original one from Breath of the Wild in the Great Plateau, and the second one is found in the skies above Hyrule.

                                      How do you unlock Temple of Time? ›

                                      To enter (and escape) the Temple of Time, you'll need to complete four nearby shrines: Ukouh Shrine, In-Isa Shrine, Gutanbac Shrine, and Nachoya Shrine.

                                      Is the Temple of Time the Temple of Light? ›

                                      The Temple of Light became the resting place of the Triforce during the Era of Chaos. It is the only known elemental temple that is not located directly within Hyrule. Instead, it lies in the center of the Sacred Realm. It can be accessed only through the chamber of the Master Sword inside the Temple of Time.

                                      Where is the last temple in Tears of the Kingdom? ›

                                      The Nachoyah Shrine is the last shrine you visit on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's starting area, the Great Sky Island. You can only enter this shrine if you've first completed the Gutanbac Shrine and In-Isa Shrine.

                                      What is the hardest temple in all of Zelda? ›

                                      Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's Water Temple has long been considered one of the most challenging dungeons in the Zelda franchise.

                                      Is there a Korok in the Temple of Time? ›

                                      At the lake that stands in between the Temple of Time Ruins and the Great Plateau, there is a small platform that has a rock. Pick up the rock and a Korok will be hiding underneath it.

                                      Is the Master Sword in the Temple of Time? ›

                                      Once you are in the Temple of Time, play the Song of Time in front of the altar to open the door to the Master Sword. Stand in front of the pedestal and draw the sword. After only taking a few steps Sheik will appear, initiating a cutscene.

                                      Where is the gate of time in the Sealed Temple? ›

                                      Open the Gate of Time

                                      Make your way to the top, then go into the Sealed Temple and hit the Gate of Time with a Skyward Strike. There will be a cutscene. Afterward, talk to Impa, then go up the stairs and approach the door there.

                                      Is the temple of Time the temple of Light? ›

                                      The Temple of Light became the resting place of the Triforce during the Era of Chaos. It is the only known elemental temple that is not located directly within Hyrule. Instead, it lies in the center of the Sacred Realm. It can be accessed only through the chamber of the Master Sword inside the Temple of Time.

                                      What is the last Temple in Ocarina of Time? ›

                                      Spirit Temple (Adult)

                                      What happens to the Second Temple in 70 CE? ›

                                      The Jews led a revolt and occupied Jerusalem in 66 CE initiating the first Roman-Jewish war. In 70 CE the Romans reclaimed Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple with only a portion of the western wall remaining (though recent archeological discoveries date portions of the wall to later periods).

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