What to do about squirrels (2024)

Squirrels are smart and athletic, which might make them an annoyance. Here’s how to handle squirrel conflicts with kindness.

Wild Neighbors (adapted from the book)

What to do about squirrels (1)




There are more than 200 squirrel species, but you’ve most likely only seen the most common in North America: Grey and black squirrels. Squirrels are fascinating to watch, photograph and study, and unlike most wildlife, they aren’t shy! But their adaptable nature means they’re adept at finding the easiest, best sources of food and shelter, even if that food is your bird feeder and that shelter is your attic.

If you've got squirrels driving you nutty (no pun intended), remember that they're only doing what's natural: looking for a meal and a safe place to sleep at night. Whether you’d like to stop squirrels from stealing your bird seed or you need to evict a squirrel from your attic, try these humane conflict solutions that won’t harm the squirrel or their young.


  • How can I squirrel-proof my bird feeder?
  • How can I get rid of squirrels in my yard?
  • What should I do if there’s a squirrel loose in my house?
  • How can I get rid of squirrels in my attic? How do I keep squirrels out of my house?
  • How can I get a squirrel out of my chimney?
  • What do squirrels eat? What should I feed squirrels?
  • Are squirrels harmful?

How can I squirrel-proof my bird feeder?

Where possible, a little seed for squirrels and more for the birds is a good compromise. If squirrels are taking more than their share, try using a feeder with an external cage that prevents squirrels and larger birds from getting at the food or a feeder with large plastic dome called a “baffle.” The squirrel tries to climb onto the feeder and encounters the baffle, which blocks theiraccess. When theytryto push theirway past the baffle, it rotates, dumping them onto the ground.

You can also suspend the feeder from a horizontal wire strung with homemade bottle baffles. Here’s how to make a homemade, squirrel-deterring bird feeder:

  1. Attach each end of a wire to trees or posts.
  2. Puncture a hole in the bottom of three or four clean, empty 1 liter soda bottles.
  3. Slide the bottles onto the wire.
  4. Hang your feeder on the wire between bottles.

However, some squirrels figure out that they can just launch themselves at baffles, bounce off and eat the resulting seeds that are spilled on the ground, so you can also try offering bird seed that squirrels don’t like, such as:

  • Safflower seed, which attracts species such as cardinals, chickadeesand titmice.
  • Nyjer thistle, which nourishes goldfinches and others of their kind.
  • White proso millet seed, which mourning doves and house finches prefer.
  • Capsaicin-covered seed, which irritates squirrels’ mouths but doesn’t affect birds, mixed with your usual seed. (Try kinder methods first.)

A word of caution: “Solutions” that stick to or shock squirrels are cruel and may also harm birds.

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What to do about squirrels (2)




How can I get rid of squirrels in my yard?

You can’t and shouldn’t get rid of squirrels in your yard, but you can try to thwart them using these methods for common squirrel-related yard complaints:

  • Trees: Protect dwarf or semi-dwarf fruit and nut trees by netting the entire tree for the short period when squirrel damage is most likely; protect individual clusters of fruit using individual net or paper bags sold as “fruit protection bags.” For taller trees, many orchardists use sheet metal or even pie plate baffles taped to the trunk of each tree. Use trunk baffles only during the short time fruit is ripe to avoid damaging the tree’s trunk.
  • Flower bulbs: Squirrels will dig up and eat tulip and crocus bulbs, but they don't like daffodils, so consider investing your bulb-planting energies in daffodils. For other bulbs, soak them in a repellent with Thiram as the active ingredient (and labeled for use as a squirrel repellent) before planting. Lay chicken wire over the planting bed or use wire bulb cages.
  • Lawns: Squirrels bury or cache their winter food supply and rely on their incredible sense of smell to relocate their buried treasure.Any "damage" they create is likely to be so slight that tolerance and time are all you need. The lawn will heal itself by spring. Just consider it free aerationforyour lawn!
  • Wood decks and furniture: If squirrels are gnawing on deck railings or wooden lawn furniture, try capsaicin-based repellents or lightly rubbing the exposed surfaces with a bar of soap.

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Create a haven for wildlife.

A humane backyardis a natural habitat with plenty of food, water and cover that giveswildlifea safe place to live free from pesticides, chemicals, free-roaming pets, inhumane practices and other threats. And it's so easy tobuild!

Read More Tips

What to do about squirrels (3)

Meredith Lee /The HSUS

What should I do if there’s a squirrel loose in my house?

Asquirrelwho has entered a house is there by accident and will be desperate to get out. Place any pets in another room. Close all interior doors and open a window or exterior door in the room. Leave the squirrel alone, so theycan find theirway out. (They can jump from a second-story window onto a lawn without harming themselves, but don’t let themjump onto concrete.)

If there is no possible exit, set a humane trap baited with peanut butter on the floor near the squirrel and leave themalone for a few hours, then release the trapped squirrel outside. (Relocating them further is inhumane.) If obtaining a trap isn’t an option, try this method:

  1. Put on heavy gloves.
  2. Slowly approach the squirrel with the blanket held in front of your body, so that theydon’t see a human form.
  3. Drop the blanket on the squirrel and quickly roll it up, taking care not to put too much weight or pressure on them.
  4. Take the squirrel in the blanket immediately outside and gently open the blanket on the ground, letting the squirrel escape.
  5. Once the squirrel is gone, look for and seal any potential entry points.

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How can I get rid of squirrels in my attic? How do I keep squirrels out of my house?

Usually, squirrelsliving in attics are nesting adult females. They often build their nests near openings, such as an unscreened vent or loose or rotten trim boards, and you’ll hear scampering noises as they come and go. Juvenile squirrels may also fall into wall cavities and be unable to climb out, making scratching noises as they try to escape (and eventually dying if they can’t). Here's what to do if you've got squirrels in your attic:

  1. Find the point of entry.Thoroughly inspect the inside of the attic to find the opening(s). If there is no way into the attic, inspect the exterior eaves, vents and roof.
  2. Find out if it's a mother squirrel with young.Try to locate her nest (probably made of insulation, cardboardand leaves). If it's February through May or August through October, it’s very likely that babies are present. In that case, the best thing to do is wait a few weeks until the babies grow old enough to leave with their mother. They won't survive without her. Don’t try to trap and relocate the family yourself.
  3. Get them out.If you can't wait until the mother and babies leave on their own,hire a professionalwho knows how to reunite mothers with their offspring. If you find the nest and there are no baby squirrels, you can try to frighten the adult squirrels into leaving. It might be as easy as banging on the rafters or going into the attic and speaking loudly. You can also try putting a bright light in the attic and leaving it on, playing a radio around the clockor putting rags soaked with cider vinegar in the attic (squirrels don't like the smell). Or you can just wait until you’re sure all the squirrels have left, which they usually do during the day.
  4. Keep them out.Install metal flashing to keep squirrels from re-opening access points into attics. Listen carefully after excluding to be sure no squirrel is trapped inside or has gotten back in. Watch closely to see if the squirrel keeps trying to get back inside. Mothers will go to extremes to get back to their babiesand frantic attempts to reenter are usually strong evidence that young are still inside. In this case, remove the patch, let the mother returnand watch to see if she moves the litter.If it's cold out, it's best to wait until spring before removing the squirrels. Excluding them in the depth of winter might compromise their survival.
  5. Check for exposed wiring: Squirrels who have been in attics for a while may have chewed on exposed wiring, which might cause a fire. Once they are gone, ask an electrician to closely inspect all exposed wiring.

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What to do about squirrels (4)




How can I get a squirrel out of my chimney?

Sometimes squirrels enter chimneys and are unable to climb back out, forcing them to try to get out from a fireplace or basem*nt ducts.Assume that the squirrel you hear scrambling in a chimney is trapped, unless you’ve got clear evidence that they can climb back out on their own.

Never try to smoke a squirrel or any other animal out of a chimney—a trapped animal or babies too young to climb out may die a cruel death and then you’ll also have a decomposing animal in your chimney. Try these methods instead:

  • Provide an escape route: Hang a three-quarter-inch or thicker rope down the chimney. Tie one end of the rope to the top of the chimney before lowering the other endand make certain that the rope is long enough to reach the damper or smoke shelf. Don’t lower anything into the chimney that you can’t easily retrieve. The squirrel will climb up the rope and escape, usually within a few (daylight) hours. Once you’re certain that the squirrel has escaped, remove the ropeand cap the chimney with a commercially-made cap.
  • Catch and release: If the squirrel cannot or will not leave a fireplace behind glass or a screen, the next best option is a suitable live trap.
    • Before opening the doors of the fireplace to set the trap, close any interior doors in the room and open an exterior door or window in line of sight from the fireplace, if possible, so the squirrel has a way out. If the squirrel gets out of the fireplace, do not chase it.
    • Bait a humane live trap with peanut butter and set it very carefully inside the fireplace. Most squirrels will retreat to a back corner of the fireplace as the doors are opened and stay there if you place the live trap slowly and quietly just inside the doors.
    • Close the doors and leave the room to wait for the squirrel to enter the trap.
    • Take the squirrel outside and carefully open the trap door while standing behind the trap. The squirrel will usually bolt immediately out of the trap.If not, you can wedge the door open or tie it open with a zip tie and stand back to let the squirrel leave on theirown.
  • Call a professional: If more immediate and direct intervention is required to evict squirrels, hire professional assistance for your and the squirrel’s safety.

Once you’ve evicted a squirrel, have a chimney cap installed as soon as it is practical to do so. Ask a local certified chimney sweep about any local building codes regarding cap installationand check these recommendations for good venting practices.

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What do squirrels eat? What should I feed squirrels?

Squirrels are adaptable, opportunistic eaters, but they prefer nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables and berries. Like most wild animals, you don’t need to feed them and you may compromise their survival skills if you do so. What wild animals, including squirrels, need most is water. Consider maintaining a clean bird bath in the summer and a clean, heated bird bath that won’t freeze in the winter. Once wildlife finds your water source, you’ll be rewarded with wildlife watching galore!

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Are squirrels harmful?

Squirrels can harbor pathogens (such as salmonella) that may be harmful to people, but transmission has rarely, if ever, been documented. Just like in any mammal,rabiescan occur in squirrels, but there is no documented case of any person getting rabies from a squirrel.

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Also of interest:

  • 4,000 Beagles
  • What to do when you have bats roosting in your house
  • How to get rid of raccoons (and keep them out)
What to do about squirrels (2024)


How do you get squirrels to go away? ›

Use Strong Odors

Scents like white pepper, black pepper, and garlic are naturally unpleasant to a squirrel. The same goes for sweet smells such as peppermint. Try spraying your plants and flowers with water and then sprinkling on pepper or peppermint oil to deter squirrels.

What to do with squirrel? ›

Place any pets in another room. Close all interior doors and open a window or exterior door in the room. Leave the squirrel alone, so they can find their way out. (They can jump from a second-story window onto a lawn without harming themselves, but don't let them jump onto concrete.)

Does aluminum foil scare squirrels? ›

Another Great Squirrel Repellent

Rodents hate the feeling of foil between their teeth, too, so placing strips of foil in your garden mulch will help deter squirrels and some bugs. If squirrels are eating the bark of your tree, you can also wrap the trunk in foil.

What is the most effective squirrel repellent? ›

Try sprinkling cayenne pepper, ground chili peppers, or pepper flakes around your plants when they are ready to bloom. Peppers have “capsaicin” which squirrels hate, so it's a natural squirrel deterrent. Or, make a pepper spray; you can mix dried pepper with apple cider vinegar.

What is a natural way to get rid of squirrels? ›

  1. Hot pepper plants.
  2. Cayenne pepper on the leaves of plants.
  3. Peppermint essential oil on cotton balls in the garden.
  4. Garlic and vinegar spray (hard surfaces)
  5. Apple cider vinegar spray (hard surfaces)
  6. Motion detector lights.
  7. Large statues in the garden.
  8. High Frequency sound machines.
20 Apr 2020

How do I get rid of ground squirrels permanently? ›

Habitat modification can be an effective control method for ground squirrels. Removing prunings, rock, and wood piles that ground squirrels use as shelter can deter them from creating burrows. Plowing deep lines along fence perimeters will also destroy the entrances to ground squirrel burrows and help deter the pests.

Are squirrels good to have around your property? ›

Our backyards benefit from their presence. Squirrels help control plant populations by eating seeds and fruits. They are also both predators and prey.

Is it hard to get rid of squirrels? ›

They have a strong sense of touch and vibrissae, allowing them to sense incoming dangers long before they arrive. Once squirrels show up, they're very difficult to get rid of. The Eastern gray squirrel can run up to 20 miles per hour. All squirrels are quick on their feet, making them difficult to trap and remove.

Is killing a squirrel a crime? ›

Most states in the United States classify red and gray squirrels as game animals that can be killed for food consumption. Hunting game animals always requires a hunting license, which must be obtained before squirrels are killed. (In California, a permit is also required for trapping squirrels.)

Does WD 40 keep squirrels away? ›

It's time to grab your trusty blue and red can of WD-40® Multi-Use Product. This high-performance lubricant will make the surface too slippery for squirrels and other pests to climb, so they will have no choice but to stay away. Simply shake the can well and coat all external surfaces of the feeder and pole.

What to put down to stop squirrels? ›

Deterrents for Squirrels
  1. Fix cones and baffles to the string of a hanging feeder, or try plastic drinks bottles, large domes and discs.
  2. If the feeder is hung from a washing line, thread the line through a length of hosepipe or a plastic drinks bottle on each side.

What can I put in my yard to scare away squirrels? ›

Use repellents.

Chili peppers and mint are common home remedies for keeping squirrels at bay, since they detest the taste and smell of both. You can whip up a spray concoction using one of the many recipes found online.

What scent does a squirrel hate? ›

Spicy Odors

Hot and spicy smells are a significant turn-off for the squirrels, and they hate this smell. Scents of white pepper and cayenne pepper are said to repel squirrels. For instance, if you want to keep the pests out of your yard, you need to spray some flakes of white pepper on your plants.

Will spraying vinegar keep squirrels away? ›

The pungent smell of pure apple cider vinegar repels the squirrels. ACV is readily available and can be sprayed directly on the plants and flower pots without harming them. Spray it as often as needed to keep the little creatures at bay.

Do dryer sheets repel squirrels? ›

It kept the rabbits away, too. Bracikowski said the dryer sheets works for squirrels and mice as well. In his summer home, he's going to place sheets by vents and doors to discourage the rodents. In the beginning, he added new dryer sheets to the bamboo sticks every week, then added sheets less frequently.

What does vinegar do to squirrels? ›

Squirrels have an extremely strong sense of smell which is what allows them to thrive during the fall and winter. Due to it's pungent aroma, squirrels are sensitive to vinegar and stay away. You can spray a diluted solution of white vinegar near areas where squirrels frequent to repel them.

Do squirrels dislike coffee grounds? ›

Coffee grounds will often keep squirrels away. However, they need to be replenished frequently and may not be a good fit for every area that needs to be squirrel-proofed.

Will cayenne pepper keep squirrels away? ›

Guess what can? Sprinkle some cayenne pepper or a similar spice onto your birdseed before you put it out. Birds will eat the seed just fine, but squirrels will smell the heat and stay well clear. You'll have to re-apply the spice frequently, however, or it'll wash off or blow away.

How do I get rid of squirrels in my attic without killing them? ›

Use Proper Squirrel Traps

Live-capture traps allow you to capture squirrels in the attic without killing them. This gives you the opportunity to release the squirrels after you remove them from your home. However, live-capture is not always an option. These traps are safe, but they do come with some level of risk.

Why do I have so many squirrels in my yard? ›

The sight and smell of fallen fruit, nuts and seeds lures squirrels. Rake your yard regularly to remove these items from under bird feeders and trees. Use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to keep squirrels out of your trash. Scare them.

Does homeowners cover squirrel damage? ›

Unfortunately, squirrel damage isn't covered by homeowners insurance because it's considered preventable. It's not unheard of for squirrels to take up residence in a home's attic, and they can chew through beams, insulation, and even electrical wires in the process.

Do squirrels cause problems? ›

Squirrels are in the same family of rodents like mice and rats, and they can cause the same amount of damage. Chewed wiring and building materials are just a few ways that a squirrel can leave daily damage in a house or commercial building.

What sound scares squirrels away? ›

Setting up bright lights or playing loud music is an excellent way to scare residents squirrels away. While you can also try using ultrasonic rodent repellent, this high frequency can also irritate children and teenagers.

How do professionals get rid of squirrels? ›

Pest management experts are trained to get rid of squirrels and other wildlife by using live traps and other methods to prevent these small animals from coming back. Note that many pest control companies will require an inspection to determine the level of infestation before providing a quote.

Can I shoot GREY squirrels in my garden? ›

It's not against the law for grey squirrels to be caught and killed, including live-catch cage traps or approved spring traps. If you're using a live-catch trap, check it several times a day and kill any captured grey squirrels humanely.

Are squirrels vicious to humans? ›

No squirrel species is aggressive by nature. However, they are wild animals and if they feel threatened by you or another animal, they may bite as a defense mechanism. Even domesticated pets attack if they feel unsafe. As a rule of thumb, you should know not to try and pick up wild animals, including squirrels.

Can a squirrel hurt a human? ›

If you approach most squirrels, they'll run away. However, squirrels have been known to attack children, pets, and adults. There are many documented cases of squirrels attacking and inflicting wounds. Also, while rabies is rare for rodents, it is possible for a squirrel to carry rabies.

What does vaseline do to squirrels? ›

Many people use products such as Vaseline, WB-40, axle grease or another greasy or oily products, with the idea that this provides a slippery barrier that the squirrel can't get past. At least initially, the animal slides down the pole while trying. It may be effective and funny to watch, but please, do NOT do this.

Is there an anti squirrel spray? ›

Nature's MACE Squirrel Repellent 40oz Spray/Covers 1,400 Sq Ft/Keep Squirrels & Chipmunks from Destroying Trees, Planters and Bird Feeders/Safe to use Around Children & Plants.

Will expanding foam stop squirrels? ›

The spray foam idea won't stop them so don't bother. If a squirrel finds its way in the house and then can't find the way back out it will become frantic, chew things randomly, become exhausted, dehydrated and die. If that happens you will smell it.

Does Pine Sol repel squirrels? ›

Spray their areas and burrows with 1 cup regular Pinesol per gallon of water. Dilute Tabasco sauce and cayenne pepper in water and spray on plants that are being eaten (a few tsp. of each in about 1 litre of water). Human hair or urine is a strong repellent.

What do GREY squirrels hate? ›

Planting things that squirrels don't like in amongst the things you want to protect works well. So as well as the bulbs mentioned above, try nasturtiums, marigolds, geraniums, mint and garlic. Squirrels have a very good sense of smell and all these plants smell unpleasant to them.

What attracts squirrels to your house? ›

Squirrels commonly eat nuts, acorns, birdseed, insects, fungi, fruit and vegetables so if you have a bird feeder, nut or fruit tree and vegetable garden, you've probably already attracted squirrels to your property.

What food is poisonous to squirrels? ›

Note: Pits and seeds can be toxic, except for berries. Avoid: Dates, dried fruit of any kind, figs, fruit juice, persimmons, plums, prunes, raisins. 7. Nuts/Seeds—Two per day, preferably in the shell.

Will peppermint spray keep squirrels away? ›

Peppermint oil is used to repel squirrels, however, to have success with using peppermint oil, there are a few ways to use it – a peppermint oil spray is a great option. To make a spray: mix 10-15 drops of peppermint oil within 1 cup of water. For every cup of water, add another 10-15 drops.

Will bleach keep squirrels away? ›

Furthermore, the unpleasant bleach smell encourages these little visitors to leave, making it an ideal repellent for squirrels.

Will Epsom salt deter squirrels? ›

Make Your Own Natural Squirrel Spray

As for preventing the squirrels from entering your home, consider creating a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Lysol and 3 ounces of Epsom salts, diluted in a quart of water. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and apply it to wood shingles or door frames.

What smells will keep squirrels away? ›

A List of Smells Squirrels Hate
  • Cider Vinegar. Squirrels object to the scent of cider vinegar, according to the Humane Society of the United States. ...
  • Spicy Odors. “Hot” and “spicy” scents can be practical for preventing squirrels. ...
  • Distinctive Smell of Mothballs. ...
  • Skunk-Like Smells. ...
  • Animal Urine. ...
  • Plant Mint to Repel Squirrels.

What is squirrels afraid of? ›

Summary. To summarise what frightens squirrels, they are primarily scared of their predators, such as dogs, cats, foxes and owls. You can use visual, aromatic and auditory methods to scare squirrels from your garden by making them believe that there are predators nearby.

What sense do squirrels hate? ›

Hot and spicy smells are a significant turn-off for the squirrels, and they hate this smell. Scents of white pepper and cayenne pepper are said to repel squirrels. For instance, if you want to keep the pests out of your yard, you need to spray some flakes of white pepper on your plants.

What causes squirrels to leave an area? ›

A number of sources also mention occasional mass squirrel migrations from one area to another for reasons such as drought or food shortage or overpopulation. It has been reported that in some cases hundreds or even thousands of squirrels all leave an area in mass migrations.

Do moth balls keep squirrels away? ›

Distinctive Smell of Mothballs

The scent of mothballs might make many humans feel nostalgic for visits to Grandma's house, but squirrels dislike the scent. If you're experiencing a problem with squirrels inside or outside of your home, the use of mothballs might save the day, at least for a while.

What is the biggest threat to squirrels? ›

Disease. Squirrel pox virus is now the single, most deadly threat to the survival of the red squirrel.

What can squirrels not resist? ›

Other favorites aren't exactly natural, but the squirrels love them anyway. These additional foods include peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, pistachios, grapes, corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, carrots, apples, sunflower seeds and even snack items, such as Oreo® cookies.

What is the natural enemy of squirrels? ›

Predators. Minks, weasels, bobcats, raptors, red foxes and other predatory animals prey on eastern gray squirrels. The squirrels will emit a warning call to let other squirrels know predators are near.

What can you buy to get rid of squirrels? ›

  • Yes, you can purchase a squirrel repellent spray (opens in new tab), which are made of (often natural) ingredients that squirrels hate. ...
  • Failing that, a decoy predator, such as a decoy owl (opens in new tab), can be effective, although be aware that these will scare off some birds, too.
18 Jul 2021

Do squirrels hate coffee grounds? ›

Deterrent For Other Animals

Coffee grounds not only repel squirrels but other pesky critters as well. So whether you're trying to minimize the number of small chipmunks or large deer (read our article about deer and coffee grounds) in your yard, there's a chance that coffee grounds can help.

How long do squirrels stay in one area? ›

Squirrels typically stay in one place and rarely go further than a mile from their homes. If they leave home and go further than 1-2 miles away, there is little to no food in their home area, or there are too many squirrels in one place. But they rarely, if ever, return home once they leave.

Do squirrels invade homes? ›

Squirrels have a tendency to enter homes through even the smallest holes. They will find entry points at already-damaged areas of the home and construction gaps, or they will chew their way in. Squirrels can get stuck in attics, eaves, soffits and even crawl spaces.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.