Your Unwatered Christmas Tree Is a Massive Fire Hazard (2024)

If you've stopped watering your tree after Christmas, you should probably just get rid of it.


Christmas is over, and that means it's time to take down your tree. While some people throw their tree out as soon as the holiday is over, others like to leave it up a little longer. Whatever your preference, you should know that as long as your tree remains in your house, you should water it daily. If you don't, that tree becomes a massive fire hazard.

The National Fire Protection Association has a video that demonstrates just how dangerous an unwatered tree can be. If you let your tree dry out, all those needles become potential fuel. In a matter of seconds your tree could become a raging inferno.

And all it takes is one short on your massive string of lights. The NFPA estimates that over 200 fires are started each year from Christmas trees, resulting in an average of ten deaths and over $17 million in property damage.

However, if you water your tree every day, there's much less risk of a serious fire. A watered tree is not a super-flammable tree. So leave your tree up a little longer if you want, but just keep watering it. And if you're getting ready to throw it in the trash, you should know there are several ways to recycle your tree instead.

Source: National Fire Protection Association via Lifehacker

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Your Unwatered Christmas Tree Is a Massive Fire Hazard (3)

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Your Unwatered Christmas Tree Is a Massive Fire Hazard (2024)
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