Elf on the Shelf Rules Explained for Novice Parents (2024)

Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that sees parents moving an Elf on the Shelf (also known as a "Scout Elf") around the house every day to keep an eye on children ahead of Santa's visit.

These elves scout out kids' behaviors in the lead up to Christmas and report their findings back to Santa to help him write his naughty and nice lists.

The Elf on a Shelf character originated from the 2005 children's book by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell.

The elf can be purchased as a toy to be used by parents in the Elf on the Shelf tradition and ensure their kids are earning their place on the nice list.

Here are some simple rules to be aware of when carrying out the Christmas tradition.

The Rules of Elf on the Shelf Explained for Parents

The Elf Needs a Name

The name tends to be something silly and cute, such as Chippey, Snowflake, Fisbee or Buddy.

...And Appears Around Late November

The elf usually makes an appearance in the home from the end of November or early December, according to the "Elf on the Shelf 101" page of the "Santa's North Pole" website run by the Lumistella Company.

The Elf Must Not Be Touched

Considered the most important rule, the Scout Elf must never be touched (of course, apart from when the parents move them around) as that will cause them to lose their magical powers.

In some cases, they could also disappear when touched, such as when a dog might get a hold of them.

In such cases, where an elf may be in an urgent situation or other sticky place (such as falling off a shelf after losing their balance), parents can touch them (using tongs or kitchen gloves) to come to the elf's aid.

Their Powers Can Be Restored

According to "Elf on the Shelf 101," if a Scout Elf was accidentally touched, their magical powers can be restored via one of the following methods:

  • Writing an apology to Santa for the accident: This is considered "the most effective way" to help get your elf up and running as normal.
  • Sprinkle a little cinnamon next to the elf: "Cinnamon is like vitamins for your elf," the website says.
  • Sing a Christmas carol with your family: Since elves love singing, the Christmas cheer will restore the magic of the holidays back to the Scout Elf in no time.

You Can Talk to the Elf

Scout Elves are great listeners and kids can communicate with them by leaving written messages to share their wishes and secrets.

They Only Move When Kids Are Sleep

Parents will want to set an alarm as a reminder to move the elf before their kids wake up each morning and avoid forgetting to do so.

...And Must Leave Before Christmas

The Scout Elf must be sure they return to the North Pole on Christmas Eve in order to help Santa prepare for Christmas.

Elf on the Shelf Rules Explained for Novice Parents (1)
Elf on the Shelf Rules Explained for Novice Parents (2024)


How does Elf on the Shelf work for parents? ›

Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that sees parents moving an Elf on the Shelf (also known as a "Scout Elf") around the house every day to keep an eye on children ahead of Santa's visit.

Are parents supposed to move elf on the shelves? ›

Santa advises that no family member touch their Elf on the Shelf, but he does describe a few rare instances when an adult may use tongs or potholders to help an elf in an urgent situation.

How does Elf on the Shelf arrive for the first time? ›

Write a letter from Santa to arrive with the elf.

For example, you can have Santa tell them that kids aren't allowed to touch the elf, that the elf comes every day until Christmas, and that it reports back to Santa in the North Pole every night. You can also have the letter be written by the elf instead of Santa.

What are the two rules for the elf on the shelf? ›

What are the Rules for Elf on the Shelf?
  • Do not touch the elf. If the elf gets touched, they'll lose their magic and won't be able to fly back to the North Pole to report back to Santa.
  • Elves can't talk, but they can listen. ...
  • Your family's elf must return to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.
2 Dec 2020

When should parents put out the elf on the shelf? ›

When does Elf on the Shelf come? The Elf on the Shelf website recommends your Elf arrive between November 24 through December 1. This is also known as Scout Elf Return week, a.k.a. the time when Santa's little helpers flee the North Pole and head out to the houses they'll be staying at until Christmas.

Do parents move the elf at night? ›

Elf moves back and hides in a new place in the morning. Children are allowed to send their wishes to Santa through Elf. Note: Parents should understand that there are two rules of placing the Elf on the Shelf officially. Firstly, parents should change the position of the Elf every night when their children are asleep.

Why can only parents touch the Elf on the Shelf? ›

Children are not allowed to touch them.

Elves are very fragile, and if they are touched by human children they lose their magic and ability to communicate with Santa.

Why you shouldn't do Elf on the Shelf? ›

One philosophy provides a compelling argument about the dangers of the Elf on the Shelf, namely that it is a lie, threatens the trustworthiness of parents, ultimately encourages gullibility in children rather than critical thinking and inadvertently teaches children that their behavior should be governed by potential ...

How do you tell your kids Elf on the Shelf isn't real? ›

When they do come to you and tell you that they without a doubt no longer believe in Santa and Elf on the Shelf isn't real, then you can come clean. Explain to them that while they may not be “real” in the sense they once believed; their overall message is still important.

What is the number one rule for Elf on the Shelf? ›

There are just a few rules to remember! The most important—don't touch your Scout Elf, or they will lose their magic! Scout Elves can't talk, but they are great listeners. Little ones can share secrets and wishes with their elf as often as they'd like.

What do you do when you first get your elf? ›

To get started, you'll first have to adopt your elf (psst: They're available on Amazon). Don't forget to give your new elf a name! That's half the fun. Once they're properly named, then they can start their job reporting to Santa at the North Pole each night.

How does Elf on the Shelf come to your house? ›

Visit Santa's online adoption centre.

Parents, pull up Santa's online store, where all the magical creatures from the North Pole are available for adoption. After you pick a boy or girl elf, Santa will send your new helper straight to your home.

What are the three rules of Christmas from elf? ›

"Treat every day like Christmas." "There's room for everyone on the Nice List." "We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup."

Do you need an Elf on the Shelf for each child? ›

Do I need one Elf per child or one per household? The choice is yours. We have included two Nice List Certificates and two Letters to Santa in each kit, as these items are personal. All the other items can be shared as a family.

How does The Elf on the Shelf leave? ›

According to The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, the night before Christmas, an elf's job comes to an end. On December 24, most Scout Elves say farewell to their families and fly back to the North Pole following Santa's sleigh.

Does the elf go back every night? ›

As the story goes, elves arrive around Thanksgiving and keep watch of children up until Christmas Eve. Every night during this time, elves fly to the North Pole to report to the big guy, ya know, Santa, about the kids' naughty or niceness, then return to a new spot each morning.

How many times a day do you move elf? ›

2. The Elf must move each night into a new location. You can simply move your elf to different rooms of the house. The first year we didn't get creative with our Elf like we do today.

How long do elves stay with their parents? ›

Remember that Humans reach physical and emotional maturity at the same time, but elves take five times longer for the latter. If Elven children remain dependent on their parents only until they reach physical maturity, they're having children at the human rate of one every six years.

How many times can you touch a Elf on the Shelf? ›

The first and most important rule is that you must NOT touch your Elf. If you do, they will lose all their magic - and nobody wants that to happen. When scout elves lose their magic, they can't go about their Christmas duties. This means no presents for anyone in your family!

What to do if your child sees you move the elf? ›

When your child asks you if you moved the Elf, you can always do a mental switcheroo on him. You can tell him that your Elf is actually upset that he would think that you touched him, since everyone knows that no one is allowed to handle the Elf.

What do you do if your child touches the elf? ›

The official Elf on the Shelf website recommends three ways to remedy the situation: Write Santa a note to apologize. Say sorry to the scout elf. Sprinkle pure cinnamon around the elf before bed.

What does the Elf on the Shelf do when child misbehaves? ›

The elf moves around the house, ready to catch unsuspecting children misbehaving so that he can report back to Santa. The tradition was created to encourage children to be on their best behavior during the holidays, and it is based on a 2004 book of the same name by Chanda Bell.

Why do they want to cancel Elf on the Shelf? ›

'It's really a terrible message for kids. ' The concern is that the elf teaches children the wrong lessons when it comes to privacy and makes children acclimatized to be being monitored and passively accept constantly being watched by an unseen authority figure.

Does Elf on the Shelf stay in the same spot? ›

An elf does not want to report a child's bad behavior to Santa. Instead of reporting naughty behavior, they will stay in their spot for a few days until there is something nice to report to Santa. If you want your elf to move, you better be good!

What age do children understand elf on Shelf? ›

The Elf on the Shelf tradition can be started at any age, but most parents recommend waiting until your child is between the ages of 2 and 3. They claim it's the perfect sweet spot for children to appreciate and understand the elves' magic while establishing this family tradition at a young age.

What happens if your Elf on the Shelf doesn't move and you didn't touch it? ›

If your elf didn't move, they may be trying to communicate an important message to you! If your elf is accidentally touched, they may have just enough energy to get to the North Pole but not enough magic to create a whole new scene in your home.

Are you supposed to undo The Elf on the Shelf hands? ›

Are you supposed to cut the tie between their hands? This is again a personal decision. Some people don't and some people do. The reason you would cut them would be to make your elf easier to position when placing him each night.

Where should I hide my Elf on the Shelf? ›

Here are 25 places to hide your Elf on the Shelf:
  1. Above the stockings. Difficulty level: EASY. ...
  2. Inside the holiday wreath. Difficulty level: MEDIUM. ...
  3. Inside the family photo area. ...
  4. Tucked in the kids' toys. ...
  5. Poppin' out of a Rice Krispie cereal box. ...
  6. Scaling the wall with bows. ...
  7. Scaling the tree. ...
  8. On the coffee table display.
3 Dec 2017

Can you touch your Elf on the Shelf if you have gloves on? ›

The gloves protect your skin from touching the Elf, so that way your Elf will not lose its magic! Now the kids can touch their Elf! However, I suggest making the Elf Magic Gloves be something special that is only allowed some of the time!

What does the Elf on the Shelf do the first night? ›

The Elf on the Shelf does come with a book that is intended to be read on his first night in your home every holiday season, but you can omit that or combine it with another fun celebration. This is a tradition that you can tweak to work best for your family!

What do you do after you touch your elf? ›

What to Do If Your Elf Is Touched
  1. Write a nice apology note to your Elf telling your Elf how very sorry you are for touching him. This is a great way for your Elf to regain Christmas magic.
  2. Sprinkle some cinnamon near the Elf. ...
  3. Sing your Elf a Christmas carol with all of the family.

Can Elf on the Shelf leave the house? ›

Elf on the Shelf usually leaves on Christmas Eve. While this can be sad for many children, the elves must go back to the North Pole to report to Santa and help with Christmas. Don't worry though, they will be back next year!

What should the elf do on Christmas Eve? ›

An Elf for Christmas is just for Christmas. On Christmas Eve you can pack away Elf in his box until next year. Or as you tell the children – Elves need to go back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve to join their friends in sweeping up the leftover wrapping paper and start the toymaking for next year!

What is elf code? ›

In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly named Extensible Linking Format), is a common standard file format for executable files, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps.

What are the 3 jobs every elf needs to know? ›

Papa Elf : You can bake cookies in a tree. Papa Elf : As you can imagine, it's, uh, dangerous having an oven in an oak tree during the dry season. Tree Elf : I want to make shoes! Papa Elf : But the third job, some call it, uh, "the show" or "the big dance," it's the profession that every elf aspires to.

Can kids touch baby Elf on the Shelf? ›

The only rule for children is that they can't touch their elf or else the magic might disappear. Elf babies aren't an official toy from the Elf on the Shelf store, though many are dressed in the red outfits that match the signature elf.

Do parents move the Elf on the Shelf yes or no? ›

Santa advises that no family member touch their Elf on the Shelf, but he does describe a few rare instances when an adult may use tongs or potholders to help an elf in an urgent situation.

How do you say goodbye to elf on a shelf? ›

Leave a note!

One popular way to bid farewell is to have your elf leave a special, personal message for your kid, whether it's a typewritten note or a message spelled out in candy or plastic letters on the fridge or on snow-painted window or mirror.

Does Elf on the Shelf leave notes? ›

On the nights when your elf is ornery, he or she will leave a note apologizing for a mess. Elves also love to hide stuff (like stockings and candy canes) and there's notes with instructions to find…

Why can only parents touch the elf on the shelf? ›

Children are not allowed to touch them.

Elves are very fragile, and if they are touched by human children they lose their magic and ability to communicate with Santa.

How does the elf on the shelf get to your house? ›

Visit Santa's online adoption centre.

Parents, pull up Santa's online store, where all the magical creatures from the North Pole are available for adoption. After you pick a boy or girl elf, Santa will send your new helper straight to your home.

Do you get an Elf on the Shelf for each child? ›

Do I need one Elf per child or one per household? The choice is yours. We have included two Nice List Certificates and two Letters to Santa in each kit, as these items are personal. All the other items can be shared as a family.

Why do some parents not like Elf on the Shelf? ›

Some parents spend hundreds of dollars on supplies or pre-made kits with the props they need to make all of this happen. But other parents resist the idea of the elf entirely, with some citing concerns about using a spying elf as a behavior management tool.

Why is Elf on the Shelf problematic? ›

#1 “Elf on the Shelf” encourages children to be deceitful.

I've heard stories of thoughtful children putting the elf in a box, turning him around, or covering him up so he can't “see” them. Rather than inspiring good behavior, Elf on the Shelf inspires “how can I still do what I want and get away with it”.

How does the Elf on the Shelf leave? ›

According to The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, the night before Christmas, an elf's job comes to an end. On December 24, most Scout Elves say farewell to their families and fly back to the North Pole following Santa's sleigh.

What does the elf on the shelf do when child misbehaves? ›

The elf moves around the house, ready to catch unsuspecting children misbehaving so that he can report back to Santa. The tradition was created to encourage children to be on their best behavior during the holidays, and it is based on a 2004 book of the same name by Chanda Bell.

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