Fall Frost Tolerance of Common Vegetables (2024)

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No Frost Light Frost Frost Hardy FAQs

Vegetables vary widely in how much cold they can tolerate as they reach maturity.

Crops that came from warmer parts of the world cannot tolerate even a light frost, and may even begin to suffer at temperatures below 50°F. Basil is an extreme example of this, as the leaves can turn black when the temperatures dip into the 40’s. Other plants are a little more tolerant, and warm temperature following a short cold exposure can reverse some of the injury. For example, pumpkins can withstand 35° F nights if daytime temperatures reach 70° F or more.

No Frost

The following vegetables are not cold tolerant, and should be protected from frost or harvested before even a light frost:

  • Beans
  • Sweet Corn
  • Potato
  • Pepper, Eggplant
  • Cucurbits: Cucumbers; Summer squash; Melons (Pumpkins and winter squash may be able to tolerate very light frosts, but it is better to protect them if possible.)
  • Sweet potatoes (ideally should be harvested before soil temperatures drop below 50° F)

These vegetables also will not tolerate frost, but they will ripen further after picking, so can be harvested before they are fully mature:

  • Tomatoes: must be at least “mature green” (changed from the deep green to almost turning red)
  • Muskmelon: must “slip” easily from the vine, but can ripen further at room temperatures
  • Pumpkins: if they are starting to turn color, they will continue to turn color. However, their keeping quality will generally not be as good as those that were able to turn color while on a healthy green vine.

Light Frost

Crops from more temperate regions can withstand light freezes (28-32°F):

  • Beets
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Lettuce
  • Onion, Garlic, Chives
  • Parsley
  • Peas
  • Radish
  • Rhubarb
  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard

Frost Hardy

Some crops will improve flavor with exposure to cooler temperatures; Root crops develop more sugars when the soil temperature is below 40° F; and Brussels sprouts are often best after a light freeze.

Among the hardiest vegetables are cole crops, which can tolerate moderate (24-28°F) freezes:

  • Broccoli; Cauliflower (26°F)
  • Chinese cabbage; Cabbage; Kale; Kohlrabi; Turnip

For best quality, harvest after several moderate (24-28°F) freezes:

  • Parsnip; Salsify
  • Brussels sprouts

Harvest after several severe (under 24°F) freezes:

  • Horseradish (it can be stored in ground overwinter with mulch)
Fall Frost Tolerance of Common Vegetables (2024)


What is frost tolerance? ›

What is frost tolerance? Frost tolerance is a crop's ability to survive a frost or below freezing temperatures. When air is cooled to below the dew point, dew can be formed on surfaces; if temperatures are also below 36°F, the result is frost, which is frozen ice crystals.

Which of the following is a frost tolerant crop? ›

According to Myers, the hardiest vegetables that can withstand heavy frost of air temperatures below 28 include spinach, Walla Walla sweet onion, garlic, leeks, rhubarb, rutabaga, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, cabbage, chicory, Brussels sprouts, corn salad, arugula, fava beans, radish, mustard, Austrian winter pea and ...

What vegetables need to be covered in a frost? ›

Frost sensitive vegetables (aka warm weather vegetables) that will need to be protected from frost include plants like tomatoes, beans, peppers, eggplant, melons, squash, tomatillos, okra and cucumbers.

Which crop is not affected by frost? ›

Light to moderate frosts will not affect cool season vegetables such as cole crops, lettuce, and spinach. Some cool season crops, such as beets, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, and collards will handle freezing conditions.

How are plants frost tolerant? ›

Examples of frost tolerant plants

By dropping their leaves and going dormant before the coldest part of the year, they skip the risk of frost damage to their foliage. Examples include maples, oaks, beeches, elms, magnolias and flowering cherry trees.

What temperature is frost level? ›

Q: Can frost occur at temperatures above 32°F? A1: No, frost is defined as a layer of ice that forms on surfaces that are at or below 32°F. Sometimes frost can occur on your lawn overnight, even though your thermometer may never have dropped to the freezing mark.

What are the 4 types of frost? ›

The most common are radiation frost (also called hoarfrost), advection frost, window frost, and rime. Radiation frost is frost in the form of tiny ice crystals that usually shows up on the ground or exposed objects outside. Hoarfrost also forms in refrigerators and freezers.

What is the best frost protection for plants? ›

Cover Plants – Protect plants from all but the hardest freeze (28°F for five hours) by covering them with sheets, towels, blankets, cardboard or a tarp. You can also invert baskets, coolers or any container with a solid bottom over plants. Cover plants before dark to trap warmer air.

What vegetables will not survive a frost? ›

Vegetables that will not survive a frost:
  • Basil.
  • Beans.
  • Corn.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Edamame.
  • Eggplant.
2 Oct 2021

Should I cover my plants at 32 degrees? ›

When Should You Cover Plants? Cover your plants at night and remove them during the day when the temperatures rise above 32 degrees F, so that the soil can warm up again. Some outdoor plants won't survive the harsh conditions of winter, bring them inside and use these tips for caring for them through winter.

What should I cover my vegetable garden with in the winter? ›

For vegetable gardens, another option is to simply cover your garden beds with black plastic or a layer of cardboard or even an old carpet, leaving it in place through the winter season and up until you're ready to plant in spring. This will kill existing weeds and subdue sprouting seeds.

How frost can be prevented? ›

1 Site selection of frost-free sites (e.g. upper hill slopes are better). 4 Planting in protected environments (e.g. greenhouses) and transplanting after the weather warms up. 5 Creating physical barriers (e.g. walls and bushes) to control cold air drainage. 6 Covering row crops with plastic tunnels.

Can tomatoes survive frost? ›

If your tomato patch is in a low area, pay special attention as temperature dip into the 40s. Tomatoes cannot withstand frost. When a frost warning is forecast for your area, choose from various types of frost protection to safeguard young plants in the spring and mature plants in the fall.

Are potatoes frost tolerant? ›

The soil should not be compacted, so digging should be easy. Potatoes can tolerate light frost, but when the first hard frost is expected, it's time to get out the shovels and start digging potatoes.

What causes frost tolerant? ›

The generally accepted reason for some plants being more frost tolerant than others is due to having higher levels of sugars built up in their leaves. Sugar water will freeze at a lower temperature, when compared to plain water.

What temperature do plants get frost damage? ›

Light freeze - 29° to 32° Fahrenheit will kill tender plants. Moderate freeze - 25° to 28° Fahrenheit is widely destructive to most vegetation. Severe or hard freeze - 25° Fahrenheit and colder causes heavy damage to most plants.

Where does frost fall? ›

The likelihood of frost in any area relates to features in the landscape such as the degree of slope or flatness or elements such as hedges, fences and buildings. Cold air is heavier than warm air so it will flow down into valleys, pooling at the bottom. This is why frost is more likely in valleys than on high slopes.

What is the difference between frost and freeze? ›

The National Weather Service (NWS) says that a frost can form when the temperature falls below 36 degrees Fahrenheit, with it being more than likely in rural areas. Frost becomes more widespread when the temperature falls below 32 degrees. This is where freeze can occur.

How do you measure frost? ›

The frost layer thickness on the plate is nearly uniform. It is measured at five locations on the plate, with one being in the center of the plate. A precision Vernier gauge with a dial caliper (accuracy of 0.127 mm) is used for measuring the frost layer thickness.

How do I check my frost level? ›

Testers put a bag of water with measurement indicators into the tube and determine the depth based on the line at which the water freezes. Always refer to local building codes to find out the approved depth to install footings.

What is called frost? ›

A ground frost refers to the formation of ice on the ground, objects or trees, whose surface have a temperature below the freezing point of water. During situations when the ground cools quicker than the air, a ground frost can occur without an air frost.

What is an example of frost? ›

Frost is the deposition of water vapour from humid air or air containing water vapour on to a solid surface. Solid frost is formed when a surface, for example a leaf, is at a temperature lower than the freezing point of water and the surrounding air is humid.

What is frost on trees called? ›

According to the National Weather Service, hoar frost is defined as a "deposit of interlocking crystals formed by direct sublimation on objects, usually those of small diameter freely exposed to air, such as tree branches, plants, wires, poles, etc."

Does watering garden prevent frost damage? ›

Thoroughly Water plants if it's not going to rain before the freezing temperatures arrive. It may sound illogical. However, a moist ground stays warmer than dry soil. Watering the night before the freeze comes will insulate the root structure of the grass and plants and decreases the potential for cold injury.

How do I protect my plants from frost without a greenhouse? ›

Push bamboo canes into the ground around the plant to be protected, and cover with horticultural fleece or bubblewrap to create a protective tent. Use string to secure it to the canes. For potted plants, wrap the pot with bubblewrap, then drape horticultural fleece over the top, and secure with string.

How do you cover tomatoes for frost? ›

How to protect tomatoes from fall frost
  1. Wrap tomato plants. Wrap your tomatoes plants in old sheets or trap on colder nights. ...
  2. Drape plants with 'floating' fabric. Use floating row cover to wrap or drape over your beds on cold nights. ...
  3. Use recycled materials to build cold frame. ...
  4. Go for a greenhouse. ...
  5. Hang tomatoes upside down.
30 Sept 2021

Can a vegetable garden survive frost? ›

Beans, cucumbers, eggplant, musk melon, okra, peppers, pumpkins, squash, sweet corn, sweet potato, and tomatoes will all be damaged by even a light frost, but many other crops will survive. These can best be divided into two categories: semi-hardy and hardy.

Will onions survive frost? ›

Onions can withstand light to heavy frosts and moderate freezes, but hard freezes can result in onion damage. Covering the plants with a protective covering or tarp will greatly reduce freeze damage, especially if temperatures are dropping below 20˚F.

What happens if you leave carrots in the ground over winter? ›

During the winter months, something amazing happens to root crops like beets, carrots, and turnips if you leave them in the ground. As you overwinter these crops, the cold temperatures cause a phenomenon known as chill-sweetening, wherein the plants convert starches into sugars.

Can carrots tolerate frost? ›

Root crops like carrots, turnips, beets, rutabagas and parsnips can remain in the garden after a frost and still be removed in good condition later, but get them dug and stored before the ground freezes.

Can you use garbage bags to cover plants? ›

Yes – if you secure the plant properly. Garbage bags work to cover plants and protect from frost, but they must not be allowed to touch the plant's surface. Use stakes and supports to create a tent-like structure over the plant, which will retain warm air. Make sure the trash bag goes all the way to the ground.

Will cardboard boxes protect plants from frost? ›

From that experience, I've found the best frost protection for your outdoor plants is either free or cheap. Cardboard boxes and brown grocery sacks make perfect frost cover and at the end of the season can be recycled. I keep various boxes on the patio and when frost is forecast simply put one over the plant.

At what temp should you cover tomato plants? ›

When frost or temperatures are in the forecast for overnight (mid-30s or even 40ºF), cover your tomato plants with clear plastic or a tarp. If you face an extended cold pattern, consider using quality frost protection regularly.

What can you plant in a tomato bed in the winter? ›

Oats and winter rye make great cover crops for the tomato garden. Leave their mowed stems in place and plant transplants right through it.

How cold is too cold for a vegetable garden? ›

In general, a frost (31-33 degrees F.) will kill beans, cantaloupe, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, peas, pepper, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, tomatoes, and watermelon. Colder temperatures (26-31 degrees F.)

Should I cover my vegetable garden with leaves in winter? ›

Insulate Tender Plants: A 6-inch blanket of leaves protects tender plants from winter wind and cold. Cover cold-hardy vegetables—such as carrots, kale, leeks and beets—and you'll be able to harvest them all winter.

Can lettuce tolerate frost? ›

Lettuce can usually tolerate at least a couple of hard frosts, especially if you've taken steps to harden off the seedlings and keep the soil warm. A light freeze is defined as any time temperatures are in the 28 to 32°F range, and a hard freeze occurs below 28°F.

What's the lowest temperature tomatoes can tolerate? ›

Tomato plants can tolerate temperatures above freezing (over 32 degrees Fahrenheit) and survive. A temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below will result in a frost or freeze that will kill unprotected tomato plants.

Will cabbage survive frost? ›

Frost Hardy

Among the hardiest vegetables are cole crops, which can tolerate moderate (24-28°F) freezes: Broccoli; Cauliflower (26°F) Chinese cabbage; Cabbage; Kale; Kohlrabi; Turnip.

Will potato plants come back after a freeze? ›

Answer: Potato shoots (stems) are sensitive to freezing temperatures. Symptoms of freeze damage may vary from blackening of the leaf margins (minor damage) to death of all aboveground growth (severe damage). Fortunately, severely damaged potatoes will send up new growth (shoots) within 10 to 14 days.

Can potatoes grow under snow? ›

In regions with mild winters, potatoes can be grown outdoors and planted at the end of summer or the beginning of fall. However, hard freezes or heavy snow can damage or kill potatoes. In regions with harsher winters, you should avoid growing potatoes outdoors during winter.

Can potatoes survive the winter underground? ›

The answer is yes and no. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are perennial plants and some cultivated potatoes can be quite hardy. The ability of cultivated forms to survive winter cold depends on the variety (there are over 4,000 known types), but most will not withstand hard freezes.

At what temperature will frost harm plants? ›

Light freeze - 29° to 32° Fahrenheit will kill tender plants. Moderate freeze - 25° to 28° Fahrenheit is widely destructive to most vegetation. Severe or hard freeze - 25° Fahrenheit and colder causes heavy damage to most plants.

Does 32 degrees mean frost? ›

The National Weather Service (NWS) says that a frost can form when the temperature falls below 36 degrees Fahrenheit, with it being more than likely in rural areas. Frost becomes more widespread when the temperature falls below 32 degrees. But this is also where freeze can occur.

How does freeze tolerance work? ›

Freezing tolerance describes the ability of plants to withstand subzero temperatures through the formation of ice crystals in the xylem and intercellular space, or apoplast, of their cells.

Can plants survive one night of frost? ›

A light frost may cause minimal damage while a severe frost may kill plants. Young, vulnerable plants are much more susceptible to a light freeze, which occurs when temperatures are 29 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while mature plants may only suffer from short-term effects.

What is the best material to cover plants from frost? ›

Bed sheets or comforters work best for covering large plants and shrubs. Newspaper can be used on low-growing foliage, but it can often be difficult to get it to stay in place. I have used old pillow cases, sheets, towels and even cardboard boxes.

How do you tell if it will frost overnight? ›

If the temperature drops to near the dew point, and the dew point is at or below freezing, then frost has a good chance of forming.

Will 36 degrees cause frost? ›

A frost can occur anytime temperatures drop to 37° or lower. Most often, frosts are associated with clear skies and calm winds overnight and during the early morning hours on a cold day. On the other hand, a freeze only occurs when surface temperatures drop below 32°, or the point at which liquid water freezes.

Is freeze tolerance common? ›

freeze tolerance (survival of internal ice formation) predominates in unpredictably cold environments, while freeze avoidance (depression of the freezing point, with ice formation lethal) is more common in predictable, moderately cold environments.

What is the best freezing method? ›

What's the best way to freeze food?
  • Keep things cold: Make sure your freezer is 0°F. ...
  • Don't put hot food in the freezer: If cooked, allow food to cool completely. ...
  • Wrap and seal food tightly: Foil, plastic wrap and plastic freezer bags help protect food from freezer burn.
3 Nov 2020

Can you grow a tolerance to the cold? ›

The good news: Not only will your body acclimate to the cooler weather, but you can also hurry this process along. Beginning in the 1960s, U.S. Army researchers found that nude men who spent eight hours a day in a 50°F (10°C) chamber became habituated to the cold and had mostly stopped shivering after two weeks.

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