Should butter be melted for cookies? (2024)

Asked by: Heloise Hartmann Jr.

Score: 5/5 (48 votes)

O'Brady is specific that the butter be melted slowly, over low heat to prevent any evaporation. ... If the just-mixed dough is baked straight away, cookies made with melted butter spread more than those made with room-temperature butter — good news for lovers of thin-and-crispy cookies.

Is it better to melt butter for cookies?

In terms of flavor and texture, there's no difference. The cookies made with melted butter spread a tad more, but this difference is even less after the dough has been chilled (for a minimum of 1 hour). ... Melted butter can easily be infused with different flavors.

How long should I Melt butter for cookies?

Place bowl in microwave and cover bowl with small plate. Heat butter at 50 percent power until melted, 30 to 60 seconds (longer if melting a lot of butter). Watch butter and stop microwave as soon as butter has melted. Use oven mitts to remove bowl from microwave.

Should butter be cold for cookies?

Use it in: cakes and soft cookies. For best results: make sure butter is fully at room temperature. If you're in a hurry, cut butter into tiny pieces and it will quickly soften. Cold butter is ideal for baked goods that should be crisp.

Will melted butter ruin cookies?

Adding melted butter to your recipe will change your cookies' and cakes' structure, density, and texture: Adding melted butter instead of the traditional softened butter will result in a chewier cookie. Softened butter in cookie dough will give you a more cake-like cookie.

36 related questions found

Does melting butter make cookies chewy?

How does melted butter change cookies? ... According to The Kitchn, if you use melted butter in your dough, make the dough into small rounds, then chill the dough before popping them in the oven, your cookies will have chewiness from the butter as well as crispy edges. This sounds like chewy and crispy cookie goodness.

What makes cookies chewy vs cakey?

Chewy cookies are the opposite, as they tend to be somewhat malleable and bendable before they split into two pieces. Cakey cookies are on another end of the spectrum, as they are thicker than chewy cookies, but they are also a bit more rigid in structure than chewy cookies are.

What makes cookies chewy or crispy?

Sugar: White sugar leads to crispier cookies than brown sugar or other sweeteners do. That's because white sugar lets out a lot of water as it bakes, resulting in crispier cookies like these Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. ... However, it's the yolks that make cookies chewy, while the whites lead to crunchier cookies.

What makes a cookie too cakey?

Chocolate chip cookies are too cakey or dry, or both. The most common cause is using a different flour than usual, such as cake flour, and measuring flour with too heavy a hand. Using larger eggs than called for can make cookies cakey, as will the addition of milk or more milk or other liquids than specified.

What is the secret to soft chewy cookies?

Secrets to Thick, Soft, & Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

  1. Underbaked cookies are the secret to softness.
  2. Using cornstarch in the dough is another secret to softness, as well as the secret to thickness.
  3. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie.
  4. Adding an extra egg yolk increases chewiness.

What ingredient keeps cookies moist?

Add Molasses or Honey

Another way to add more moisture to your cookies is incorporate a tablespoon of molasses into a standard-sized cookie recipe. Don't use any more than a tablespoon, because it will make your cookies very sweet and runny. One tablespoon is just enough.

Why are my cookies flat and greasy?

Adding too little flour can cause cookies to be flat, greasy and crispy. Baking soda helps cookies spread outward and upward while cooking. ... Adding too much butter can cause the cookies to be flat and greasy. Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly.

Why are my cookies not crispy?

Other factors that can impact the texture of cookies are chilling (or not chilling) and baking times. Cookie dough that is unchilled will spread more readily, resulting in a crisper cookie. To keep cookies from spreading as much, resulting in a thicker, chewier cookie, chill the dough before baking.

What temp should butter be for cookies?

“Most people think the butter should be so soft that it's broken down, but the most important thing is that you want a little bit of give to the butter.” If you want to get technical, she says the precise temperature should be between 63 and 68 degrees — where it's cool to touch, but your finger can leave an indent.

What does an extra egg do to cookies?

The protein in the yolk heats up and turns into a "gel-like substance," which allows for a super soft texture once fully baked. The more eggs you add, the more chewy and almost cake-like your cookie will be.

Should cookie dough be chilled before baking?

Chilling cookie dough before baking solidifies the fat in the cookies. As the cookies bake, the fat in the chilled cookie dough takes longer to melt than room-temperature fat. And the longer the fat remains solid, the less cookies spread.

Why are my butter cookies melting in the oven?

Cookies spread because the fat in the cookie dough melts in the oven. If there isn't enough flour to hold that melted fat, the cookies will over-spread. Spoon and level that flour or, better yet, weigh your flour. If your cookies are still spreading, add an extra 2 Tablespoons of flour to the cookie dough.

What does butter do in cookies?

Fat. Shortening and butter make cookies tender. When mixed into flour, fat coats some of the flour and protects it from the liquid in some recipes. This prevents gluten from developing, making the cookies more tender and less chewy.

What happens if I use less butter in cookies?

So what happens if you put less butter when baking? In short, your baked goods will turn out dry, less flavorful, and/or flat.

When baking Should I use oil or butter?

Baking with oil produces moist and tender baked goods.

Butter, on the other hand, is solid at room temp, and therefore baked goods made with it are (arguably) a tad more dry. Baked goods calling for oil are also extra tender because there is less opportunity to develop the gluten in the flour by overmixing the batter.

Can I cream melted butter and sugar?

Place softened butter and sugar into large mixing bowl. Mix, using hand mixer or stand mixer on medium speed 1-2 minutes, or until butter mixture is pale yellow, light and fluffy. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl once or twice while mixing.

Why do my cookies get hard after they cool?

Why Do Cookies Get Hard? ... Over time, the moisture in the cookies evaporates, leaving them stiff and crumbly. It's the same thing that happens to breads, muffins, and other baked goods. The longer they sit, the more stale they become.

Why are my cookies still soft after baking?

When a light-colored cookie is done, it should hold its shape. However, it may look a bit puffy or soft in the center, too. This is normal and simply means that the cookie may continue baking on the sheet and rack once removed from the oven.

How do you keep homemade cookies crispy?

Keep those cookies crisp by storing them in an airtight container. Some people toss a piece of bread in with the cookies to help absorb any excess moisture. You could also re-crisp them by baking on a wire rack in a 300 degree F oven for a few minutes.

How long should you chill cookie dough?

As a general rule of thumb, you should refrigerate cookie dough for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. More than that and you won't see a noticeable difference in the final product, says Haught Brown.

Should butter be melted for cookies? (2024)


Do you need to melt butter for cookies? ›

Using melted butter in cookies helps you achieve a similar fudgy-yet-cooked texture and prevents any unwanted cakiness. Instead of the rise coming from both chemical and physical leavening agents (baking soda/powder + creamed butter), it now comes almost exclusively from chemical agents alone.

Is it OK to use melted butter instead of softened for cookies? ›

You will need to experiment with your recipe and see how different fats affect the final cookies. Can you use melted butter instead of softened for cookies? Yes, you can. But some recipes say to melt the butter.

How do you tell if butter is soft enough for cookies? ›

It should be soft enough that your finger will make an imprint with zero resistance, but not so warm that the butter looks shiny or greasy (or is melted completely, which happens around 90°F). Butter that is too warm won't aerate properly when beaten with sugar, leading to a decidedly un-fluffy result.

What happens if you don't soften butter for cookies? ›

And if the butter is too soft, your cookies could spread and not hold their cute little cookie shapes and your cakes could be too dense. If it's not soft enough, you will have chunks of butter that don't mix well with the sugar and therefore no air bubbles to help it rise.

Does melting butter affect cookies? ›

Using butter in cookies

“You can mechanically shove air into it by creaming. Warm butter is not able to hold onto it, so you're going to get a denser dough.” When using warmer or melted butter, cookies will struggle to lift and lighten, resulting in a cakier texture, like brownies.

What happens if you use cold butter in cookies? ›

Your Butter Came Straight From the Fridge

This relates to the issue of creaming, because cold butter is more difficult to cream. Thus, if your butter is too cold, your cookies will be denser, and they will likely not spread enough in the pan when you bake them. In general, you want your butter to be cool, but not cold.

Should butter be room temperature for cookies? ›

Use it in: cakes and soft cookies. For best results: make sure butter is fully at room temperature. If you're in a hurry, cut butter into tiny pieces and it will quickly soften. Cold butter is ideal for baked goods that should be crisp.

Does melted butter ruin chocolate chip cookies? ›

Chocolate chip cookies made with softened butter vs melted butter. In terms of flavor and texture, there's no difference. The cookies made with melted butter spread a tad more, but this difference is even less after the dough has been chilled (for a minimum of 1 hour).

Does melted butter make a difference in baking? ›

In the case of pie dough, cold butter steams in the oven, creating the air pockets that make for flaky layers; melted butter, on the other hand, creates a tender, more shortbread-like crust—buttery and delicious all the same, but firmer and more compact.

How long should butter soften for cookies? ›

How long does it take to soften butter? Setting out chilled butter at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes prior to use gives it time to soften. The same approach works for frozen butter, though it can take a couple of hours.

How much soften butter for cookies? ›

Sally's Baking Addiction recommends heating a glass measuring cup full of water for 2 minutes in the microwave until very hot, before removing it and sliding in a bowl or plate with the sliced butter. She says the butter should be ready after about 10 minutes hanging out in the microwave.

How do you soften butter quickly for cookies? ›

Pour hot water into a ceramic or glass cup or bowl (something that can fit over your butter). After a few minutes, dump the water out of the vessel and quickly cover your butter. The heat from the cup will soften your butter in just a few minutes.

Can I use hard butter for cookies? ›

You Can Make Most Cookies with Cold, Hard Butter.

Why does melted butter make cookies chewy? ›

Why This Happened: Melting the butter first means it will mix more easily with the flour making the gluten form more than softened butter. More gluten = more chew. So a melted butter cookie will have a bit more chew. But they will spread more since the butter was already a liquid.

What is the best butter to make cookies? ›

For baking purposes, the Test Kitchen recommends using unsalted butter so you can better control the amount of salt that goes into the recipe. Salted butter is best for serving at the table with bread or to flavor a dish, like mashed potatoes.

What is the secret to chewy cookies? ›

Double Your Yolks Most cookie recipes call for at least one egg. You can try omitting the white of each egg, which tends to dry out when baked, and replacing it with an additional yolk. Plus, egg yolks have more fat than egg whites, which helps to keep your cookies moist and chewy.

Should melted butter be cooled before baking? ›

In just about all recipes, butter should be cooled down to just above room temperature before you use it. Depending on how much butter you've melted and how hot you made it while melting, this could take anywhere from 1 – 5 minutes.

How do I know if my butter is room temperature? ›

Butter is room temperature when you can gently press it and make a small indention with your finger. Your touch should be light and should not sink in too far into the butter. It should feel slightly cool still, not warm, and look smooth, not greasy.

How long does it take melted butter to get to room temperature? ›

It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for refrigerated butter to soften to room temperature. Speed things up by cutting the butter into 1-inch cubes: Take a stick of butter and halve it lengthwise. Flip the butter on its side and halve it lengthwise again.

How long does it take for butter to be room temp? ›

How to Bring Butter to Room Temperature. Sit out: Allow the butter to sit out on the counter for about 1-2 hours before beginning your recipe. The amount of time depends on the weather and how cool you keep your kitchen. Test it: To test the butter, poke it with your finger.

Does melted butter cause flat cookies? ›

If your cookies repeatedly turn out flat, no matter the recipe, chances are your oven is too hot. Here's what's happening. The butter melts super quickly in a too-hot oven before the other ingredients have firmed up into a cookie structure. Therefore, as the butter spreads so does the whole liquidy cookie.

What makes a cookie chewy or crunchy? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What makes cookies hard after baking? ›

They go from soft to hard because they start to dry out, and it begins as soon as you pull them from the oven. (Yikes.) Whatever moisture is left in the cookies is always in a state of evaporation. At the same time, the sugars and starches are solidifying.

What happens if I don't melt butter? ›

Always use room-temperature ingredients unless the recipe calls for cold or melted butter. If the butter is too cold, it won't cream properly with sugar, which can impact the softness and fluffiness of your cake or cookies.

How do you melt butter for cookies? ›

Place butter in microwave-safe bowl. Place bowl in microwave and cover bowl with small plate. Heat butter at 50 percent power until melted, 30 to 60 seconds (longer if melting a lot of butter). Watch butter and stop microwave as soon as butter has melted.

What happens if you don't soften butter? ›

If it's not soft enough, the butter won't cream well with the sugar (frequently the first step of baking recipes); it simply won't get to the right light and fluffy consistency. And that could result in dense cake layers that fall flat.

What happens to cookies if butter is too soft? ›

If used in baking recipes, overly softened butter will create frothy air bubbles that will eventually collapse. When the air bubbles collapse, you'll be left with a greasy batter that will bake into heavy, dense, and flat baked goods.

Why are my butter cookies hard? ›

The most common reason that cookies are tough is that the cookie dough was mixed too much. When flour is mixed into the dough, gluten begins to form. Gluten helps hold baked goods together, but too much gluten can lead to tough cookies.

Does butter make cookies soft or crisp? ›

Butter contributes milk solids and water to a cookie, both of which soften it. Brown sugar contributes molasses – again, a softener. Using lower-moisture sugar (granulated) and fat (vegetable shortening), plus a longer, slower bake than normal, produces light, crunchy cookies.

Do you have to soften butter for chocolate chip cookies? ›

Most cookie recipes call for beating room-temperature butter. At a temperature between 70 and 72 degrees F, butter is soft enough to incorporate air, but not so soft that it will melt immediately in the oven and result in super-thin cookies.

How long can you let butter sit out to soften? ›

According to the USDA, butter is safe at room temperature. But if it's left out for several days at room temperature, it can turn rancid causing off flavors. The USDA does not recommend leaving it out more than one to two days.

Should you use real butter in cookies? ›

Cookies made with only butter may not rise as much and may spread a bit more, but the edges will be crispier and will have a rich buttery taste. Cookies made with only shortening will result in a cookie that bakes higher and holds its shape better during baking.

Is it better to make cookies with butter or oil? ›

Baking with oil produces moist and tender baked goods.

Because oil is liquid at room temperature, it produces exceptionally moist baked goods. Butter, on the other hand, is solid at room temp, and therefore baked goods made with it are (arguably) a tad more dry.

Should I cream my butter for cookies? ›

Found in the instructions section of most cookie and cake recipes, creaming butter and sugar is an important step in baking. "Creaming" refers to the process of incorporating sugar and softened butter into a uniform, fluffy, and smooth mixture in which the sugar is dissolved and evenly dispersed.

Do cookies need room temperature butter? ›

Most cookie recipes call for beating room-temperature butter. At a temperature between 70 and 72 degrees F, butter is soft enough to incorporate air, but not so soft that it will melt immediately in the oven and result in super-thin cookies.

Is it better to cream or melt butter for cookies? ›

In terms of flavor and texture, there's no difference. The cookies made with melted butter spread a tad more, but this difference is even less after the dough has been chilled (for a minimum of 1 hour).

Why does butter need to be softened for cookies? ›

The theory behind softened butter is pretty simple. When it is combined with the other ingredients in the mixer you are creaming it instead of just blending or combining it. When you cream butter it allows for small air pockets to be formed within the dough. This helps keep your cookies fluffy and cook evenly.

How long should you leave butter out to soften for cookies? ›

How long does it take to soften butter? Setting out chilled butter at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes prior to use gives it time to soften.

Do I really need to soften my butter before creaming it with the sugar? ›

To properly cream butter and sugar, you want to start with softened butter. Chilled butter is too hard to break down and fully blend with the sugar. Overly soft or melted butter will whip up into frothy air bubbles, which eventually collapse into a greasy, wet batter and bake into a heavy and soggy baked good.

Does melting butter make a difference? ›

In the case of pie dough, cold butter steams in the oven, creating the air pockets that make for flaky layers; melted butter, on the other hand, creates a tender, more shortbread-like crust—buttery and delicious all the same, but firmer and more compact.

What is the best butter for baking cookies? ›

For baking purposes, the Test Kitchen recommends using unsalted butter so you can better control the amount of salt that goes into the recipe. Salted butter is best for serving at the table with bread or to flavor a dish, like mashed potatoes.

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