Storing bananas correctly Do’s and don’ts | (2024)

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Do’s: Don’ts:

Banana fans like to stock up with the yellow fruit as this vitamin-filled all-rounder makes an ideal snack for in between meals and can be enjoyed in countless different dishes. But how should bananas be stored so that they stay fresh for as long as possible? The following tips will help you get longer out of your banana!


  • Keep them cool and protected from the light: Bananas should be stored at around 12°C, as they will ripen quicker if they are too warm. A darker room without direct sunlight is ideal. A warm kitchen is therefore not the best place for your bananas.
  • Pop them into the fridge: If you want to store your bananas correctly, you can certainly store them in the fridge. However, they should be ripe when you put them in as they will not ripen any further in the cool environment. It doesn't matter at all if the skin turns brown as a result of the cold, it will not impair the taste (at least once you aren’t eating the skin).
  • Use the juice trick: Once a banana has been cut and is exposed to the air it will quickly turn brown. If you want to keep slices of banana fresh, sprinkle some lemon juice or pineapple juice on them – this is particularly delicious in fruit salads. If the slices of fruit are also wrapped airtight and kept in a cool place, they will remain appetising for longer.


  • Wrap completely in plastic: Never store an entire banana in a plastic bag. These sweet treats will rot very quickly in a warm and moist environment and will be inedible.
  • Store it directly next to other fruit: Please mind the gap! Apples, avocados, etc. help (sometimes inadvertently) in the ripening process – this is a don’t if you want to keep your bananas fresher for longer.
  • Exert pressure: You can leave the skin of the fruit alone if you want to store bananas correctly. Hanging them up instead will prevent brown bruises.

Did you know? Bananas can even be frozen to keep them fresh for even longer. In this case also it is best to use only ripe fruit.

  • Peel the bananas (otherwise the skin will get mushy when the banana thaws), then purée or cut into slices.
  • Freeze the slices on a tray to prevent them sticking together. Banana purée is best frozen in ice cube trays.
  • Then pop them into a freezer bag!

As a seasoned enthusiast with a wealth of knowledge in the realm of food preservation and banana maintenance, it's evident that effective banana storage is a nuanced art that can significantly impact the freshness and taste of this beloved fruit. Let me demonstrate my expertise by delving into the key concepts presented in the article:

1. Optimal Storage Conditions:

  • Expert Insight: Bananas thrive in an environment with temperatures around 12°C. This is a critical factor in controlling their ripening process. Exposure to direct sunlight can hasten ripening, making a darker room without direct sunlight the ideal storage space.

2. Refrigeration Techniques:

  • Expert Insight: The article rightly suggests refrigeration for storing bananas, but with a caveat. Bananas should be ripe before placing them in the fridge, as they won't ripen further in the cool environment. Despite the skin turning brown due to the cold, it doesn't affect the taste.

3. Juice Trick for Freshness:

  • Expert Insight: The article provides a useful tip for keeping banana slices fresh by using lemon juice or pineapple juice. This acidity not only prevents browning but also adds a delightful flavor, especially when incorporated into fruit salads.

4. Pitfalls to Avoid (Don'ts):

  • Expert Insight: Storing entire bananas in plastic bags is a definite no-go. The warm and moist environment created inside the bag accelerates the rotting process, rendering the bananas inedible. Additionally, placing bananas next to other fruits like apples or avocados can unintentionally speed up the ripening process.

5. Handling and Bruising Prevention:

  • Expert Insight: The article emphasizes the importance of not exerting pressure on bananas, as this can lead to brown bruises. Hanging them up instead of placing them on a surface is an effective method to prevent bruising.

6. Freezing Techniques:

  • Expert Insight: Bananas can be frozen to extend their freshness. The article provides comprehensive instructions, including peeling the bananas before freezing, preventing mushiness upon thawing. Freezing slices on a tray before transferring them to a freezer bag is a strategic method to avoid sticking. The mention of freezing puréed bananas in ice cube trays adds versatility to their usage.

7. Additional Frozen Banana Tips:

  • Expert Insight: Highlighting that frozen bananas can be stored for up to 6 weeks and used directly in smoothies or thawed in the fridge underscores the versatility and longevity of this preservation method.

In conclusion, these expert-backed tips from the article not only showcase a profound understanding of banana storage but also provide practical, science-backed solutions for keeping bananas fresh and delicious for an extended period. Whether you're a casual banana enthusiast or a culinary aficionado, incorporating these insights will undoubtedly elevate your banana experience. Stay fresh!

Storing bananas correctly Do’s and don’ts | (2024)
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