Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (2024)

Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (1)I’m certainly not going to let the chilly evenings spoil my enjoyment of being in the garden for the rest of this year.
There really is nothing nicer than huddling around a roaring fire, snug and warm with a mug of cocoa in hand, watching the glowing embers and flickering flames as they leap and twist in their mesmerising dance (ooh, I rather like that).
Well, actually, I think there is; forget the cocoa, I’m going for a nice Sauvignon Blanc.

Take a look at our scorching selection of chimineas

So the scene is set and the ambience created with the glimmering light and the aromatic smell of the burning logs.
But why not enhance things further by burning sweet-smelling fragrances with your logs in your chiminea or firepit. Such a simple idea. But such a good one.
With that idea in mind, why not give these a try:
Apple and Orange Slices
Dry them in the oven to remove all the moisture and add to your firepit or chiminea to give a fresh and fruity scent.
Orange or Lemon Peel
The oils in the skins are released to give a beautifully sweet fragrance.
Pine cones
Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (2)These give a glorious, fresh scent of a pine forest. Collect mature cones as young ones will have too much sap making them difficult to burn. It’s probably sensible to have a fire guard with these as they will keep any low flying pine cones or stray sparks at bay.
Cinnamon Sticks
Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (3)These create a gorgeous, spicy, sweet smell which is particularly lovely at Christmas. Just place 2 or 3 sticks in with the logs. As it comes from the bark of a tree it will burn really easily.
Aromatic Dried Herbs
Place small bundles of rosemary on the outer edges of the fire to give a sweet, pine scent.
For a sharper aroma try dried sage which leaves a lingering, lighter scent. It tends to burn very hot and will smoke so you don’t need very much.
Apple Wood
This gives off a wonderful smoky, apple scent. And why not toss in some cinnamon sticks too for a mouth watering smell of apple pie! Always make sure the wood is dry or it won’t burn well and will smoke badly.
Cedar wood
For a lovely, sweet-smelling wood aroma. As with the apple wood, make sure the logs are fully dried – a wood store would be ideal!
Pure Fragrance Oils
Vanilla, lavender…whatever fragrance you choose. Add a few drops to your logs, allow to dry and they’re ready to burn.
Only kidding – but this would definitely be on my son’s list!!
Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (4)So there you have it. It’s as simple as that
Why not check out Jack’s sizzling selection of chimineas, firepits and braziers and you too can enhance the ambience of your garden with some fabulous aromas. Who needs a scented candle when you can have a scented fire?
Which fragrance will be your favourite?

Who Needs a Scented Candle When You Can Have a Scented Fire? – Jack's Garden Store Blog (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.