Filling in engraving on wood! (2024)

We love laser engraving!
We've been laser engraving on wood and plastics and they have been great when we make signs/signage in the Tinkering Studio. Lately I've been experimenting with filling some paint in engraving so that the letters (or designs) will have additional uniqueness rather than just having scorched or burned color. And here is the method that I've found so far that seems working well, and want to share it with you!

Filling in engraving on wood! (1)
To seal the wood surface, apply varnish (I used "Stays Clear" from Benjamin Moore) and let it dry. Mask with blue masking tape.

Filling in engraving on wood! (2)
Laser engrave! This part requires some adjustment with the laser cutter setting, especially the depth of the engraved gutter is important. If it came out shallow, you can engrave the same piece one more time (but don't move the piece at all!) and make the gutter deeper enough to fill the paint in it.

Filling in engraving on wood! (3)
Apply the same varnish in the gutter. (I find this process is skip-able. Sometime, your tape gets too wet because of the varnish and won't work well later when you try filling the paint.) Let it dry well.

Filling in engraving on wood! (4)
Fill the engraving with paint! I used BreakThrough paint with a small brush (Q-tip also works well). BreakThrough is thick and quick to dry. I think any kind of acrylic paint would work. Let it dry.

Filling in engraving on wood! (5)
Carefully peel the masking tape. You might see the paint is bleeding.

Filling in engraving on wood! (6)
Some bleeding is ok! You can sand the surface with finer grit sandpaper (I did 150 first then 220), and you will get the clean outlines.

Filling in engraving on wood! (7)
This is how it turned out!

Filling in engraving on wood! (8)
The same technique could be used for more detailed drawings like this. White masking tape also worked well.
Just be careful not to make any gap between the tape (Avoid overlapping the tape, because that will make the gutter depth different).

Filling in engraving on wood! (9)
I like how it turned out. It definitely takes more time than simple engraving, but gives a little more uniqueness to your design and make it less laser-cut looking. You can try it with different paint colors on various kinds of wood and find your favorite combinations!

Filling in engraving on wood! (2024)


What paint to use to fill a engraving? ›

Try Engravers Enamel for For filling engraving in metal and plastic. Engravocolor sticks are perfect for brushless color filling of plastics and base metals. For rich looking fills on non-porous surfaces (like glass) try Rub'n Buff.

Can you buff out engraving? ›

To remove an engraving, a jeweler has to laser the metal at the area of the engraving, blasting it to level out the texture of the metal. Once this is done, the jeweler polishes the item and restores it to a smooth, blank surface.

Should you stain wood before or after engraving? ›

Make sure that you stain and clear coat your wood before engraving.

What do you write on engraved? ›

Engraving Ideas
  • Today I have loved you for xxx days.
  • I've been looking for you since I heard my first fairytale.
  • I have found the one whom my soul loves.
  • The world is better when shared with you.
  • When we have each other, we have everything.
  • Life with you is beautiful.
  • This is our happily ever after.
  • My strength.

How do you seal a cutting board after engraving? ›

The first thing you should always do with a cutting board, engraved or not, is to seal it with mineral oil, olive oil or beeswax to prevent any cracks that bacteria could grow in.

What is the best paint to use on wood carvings? ›

Many carvers paint their work with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints clean up with water while wet, dry quickly, and are waterproof when fully cured. For best results, and to ensure the longevity of your painted finish, seal your carving prior to painting.

How do you add color to engraving? ›

The process of using colored foils is fairly easy. Simply apply a piece of the film to the area you're going to engrave and then use your laser to vector cut the film. Remove any excess material and, just like that, you have a very attractive spot color on your product (Fig.

Can you fix an etching mistake? ›

A: Etched designs are permanent. The only things you can do is get creative and add something to your design like a tiny butterfly strategically place to cover a booboo. If you have made a serious mistake or simply dis-like the design you choose, you will no other choice but to replace the glass.

Can you undo etching? ›

Baking soda and vinegar are effective ways to remove Armour etch.

What should you not engrave? ›

Which materials are not suitable for laser cutting and engraving?
  • Leather and artificial leather that contains chromium (VI)
  • Carbon fibers (Carbon)
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • Polyvinyl butyrale (PVB)
  • Polytetrafluoroethylenes (PTFE /Teflon)
  • Beryllium oxide.

Do you use wood filler before staining? ›

Start by staining your main piece. Then simply mix a little stain into your wood filler before applying, matching it to the surrounding wood as best you can. Definitely test your stained wood filler on scrap wood or an inconspicuous portion of your project before applying it to the main piece.

Should I use wood filler before staining? ›

Make sure you fill the holes before staining the entire piece. Push the filler or putty into the holes with a putty knife and smooth it out slightly over where you want it to be so you can sand it down to smooth. Then stain the rest of the piece as usual.

What is a nice engraving message? ›

I'll always love you. You are my soul mate. You are my person. My heart is yours.

How deep should engraving be? ›

A good rule of thumb is that the line width of the engraving should be equal to or greater than the depth of the engraving. You cannot engrave a 0.003-inch-wide character 0.010 inch deep and maintain a flat floor finish, but you can engrave a 0.003-inch-wide character 0.003 inch deep.

What is a good sentence for engraving? ›

Example Sentences

They will engrave your initials on the ring for free. She had the ring engraved with her initials. The image was engraved on the plaque.

What is an engraving example? ›

Examples of contemporary uses for engraving include creating text on jewellery, such as pendants or on the inside of engagement- and wedding rings to include text such as the name of the partner, or adding a winner's name to a sports trophy. Another application of modern engraving is found in the printing industry.

Can you color in engraving on acrylic? ›

In this blog post I'm going to give you some insider advice on how we can make an engraving a different colour, especially on acrylic. By infilling the engraved area with a coloured paint, you can transform your engraving from its usual laser finish to any colour you want.

Can you Colour engraving? ›

As we already discussed, you need a coloring agent for color engraving. You need to apply it to the surface of the material. You can pick the desired color according to the project. After applying the agent, you can engrave the material similar to other materials you engrave.

Do you mask acrylic before engraving? ›

mask over the surface to protect the material, or leave the protective backing that comes with the acrylic in place. If residue forms during engraving and cutting, apply a light layer of liquid dish soap to the surface of the acrylic.

Can you plate over engraving? ›

First, the jeweler has to polish off all of the existing plating and laser off the original engraving from the surface. Next, the jeweler re-plates the item and then engraves it as the final step. This is because plating over the engraving will remove the color contrast that makes the engraving visible.

Can you use Mod Podge to seal a cutting board? ›

Apply a medium layer of Mod Podge to the wood.

(By the way, I did stain my cutting board prior to doing anything else.) Don't apply too little of the Mod Podge and not too much. Too much could cause your paper to rip once you apply it. But, too little could cause it not to stick enough.

Can you use olive oil to seal a wood cutting board? ›

You should not use any type of cooking oil on your board, such as olive oil, vegetable oil, or regular coconut oil, because they will go rancid. Also keep in mind that excess moisture is bad for wood. Never soak your cutting board or let it sit in water for extended periods.

What is the hardest paint for wood? ›

Types of paint: When it comes to wood, there's nothing better than enamel paint. “There are good water-based oils and primers out there now, but a quality enamel top coat will harden into a tough upper layer,” he explains. Solvent-based enamel is stronger than latex, making it ideal for outdoor settings.

How do you paint wood smoothly like a professional? ›

Tips for Painting Wood

For smooth surfaces, use a high-density foam roller. Paintbrushes are good at painting corners and edges, but they take a long time when painting large areas. Brushing after rolling to eliminate lines and drips is a professional technique known as back-brushing.

How do you seal an engraved wooden cutting board? ›

Give the finished cutting board a coat of mineral oil to seal and condition the wood. We recommended that you apply additional coats of mineral oil on a regular basis, especially if the cutting board is used frequently.

How can I make my engraving more visible? ›

Antiquing: This paint-like process is very simple yet effective if you want to just touch up your engraving and make it a bit darker in order for it to stand out. The jeweler simply rubs the antiquing formula over the engraving, and lets it fill in the carving.

Can I use Vaseline on my cutting board? ›

Many cutting board manufacturers and chefs recommend food-grade mineral oil , an oil derived from petroleum, just like Vaseline and paraffin.

How do you smooth out engraving? ›

Use caution when handling materials after engraving. The process can leave burrs and small fragments on metal surfaces and other materials. To smooth rough edges, use a polishing cloth or finishing grit sand paper (360-600 grit) to gently sand them down.

How do you fix an incorrect engraving problem? ›

If the engraving is misspelled, you will probably have to erase it entirely. If there is a smaller mistake, you can fix it by engraving over it, adding to the design or erasing a small part of the design.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.