Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (2024)

One of the questions I’m asked most frequently has something to do with the different kinds of baking flours on the market. What are they and why are they used for certain recipes?

Possibly the most important ‘specialty’ flour to understand is cake flour.

In fact, there are a couple recipes that I’ve made and some that I’ve published on the site that absolutely require cake flour. Using all-purpose flour instead will actually fundamentally damage the final result of the recipe. A good example of this is Angel Food Cake or even my Old Fashioned Sour Cream Doughnuts.

In order to answer these questions for you, I went crazy in the kitchen baking up multiple batches of cupcakes with the specific intent of creating visuals that illuminate the science of cake flour in an easy to understand way.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it pains me to intentionally make batches of anything that I know aren’t going to come out exactly right, but the photos are so valuable. They actually show you how different ingredients and techniques impact your favorite treats. Sometimes the differences are shocking!

I don’t know about you, but I’m such a visual person that the best way I can learn about the magic and science of baking is by seeing it in action.

So, I not only experimented with different brands (and styles) of cake flour, but also how cake flour substitutions work.

Cake Flour 101

Tools & ingredients used:

I made every effort to replicate each batch as perfectly as possible, using the same exact tools and ingredients whenever applicable. I used a kitchen scale to measure ingredients to ensure 100% accuracy. Each batch was baked separately but in the same oven at the same temperature for exactly 20 minutes.

I used Bleached Gold Medal All-Purpose Flour for the control batch and DIY cake flour. The two brands of cake flour I tested were Swans Down Cake Flour, which is bleached, and King Arthur Cake Flour, which is unbleached. Lastly, I baked the batches in my Wilton Cupcake Pan, using a large spring-loaded scoop to fill each cavity evenly with batter.

All the cupcakes were baked on the same day to be photographed together. Before I reveal some of those photos, let’s cover the basics you need to know.

What is cake flour?

Cake flour is very finely milled from soft wheat from the heart of the wheat endosperm. This helps to give cake flour its very fine silky soft texture. That fineness is actually why cake flour should be sifted before use as it’s more likely to clump together.

What is the difference between cake flour and all-purpose flour?

The primary differences are that each flour is made from a different variety of wheat, milled to a different texture, and contain different amounts of protein vs. starch.

Cake flour has the lowest protein content of most flour products available:

  • Bread flour: 12-15% protein content
  • All-purpose flour: 9-12% protein content
  • Pastry flour: 9% protein content
  • Cake flour: 6-8% protein content

Protein content differs by brands and even styles of flour under the same brand. To figure out the protein content in any flour, divide the number of protein grams per serving by the number of total grams per serving.

This lower level of protein means cake flour also has more starch. Overall, the use of cake flour in a recipe will discourage gluten formation compared to a higher protein flour product. Lower levels of gluten equal more softness and tenderness in a baked good. Think of something that has a really high level of protein, like steak. It’s tough and chewy. When we want the opposite of that texture, we want lower levels of protein to a soft and delicate crumb.

By contrast, this is why bread flour has more protein than all-purpose flour and certainly more than cake flour. Breads require that extra protein to form strong gluten webs that shape the backbone of a loaf and create that slightly chewy, bready texture.

Is cake flour bleached or unbleached? (This is important!)

Cake flour is typically bleached, which further weakens the proteins and prohibits gluten formation. Bleached flours in general soak up more water and produce thicker batters.

In the photos below, I actually tested Swans Down Bleached Cake Flour vs. King Arthur Unbleached Cake Flour to show you just how important this one detail can be! But before we get there, let me clear up some common misconceptions about bleached flour.

The bleached flour you buy at the supermarket does NOT contain chlorine in the final product. When flour products are chlorinated, manufacturers treat the flour with an extremely low level exposure to chlorine gas to provoke a chemical reaction. That chemical reaction not only changes the flour’s characteristics (more on that below) but it changes the chlorine itself. The chlorine turns into several other compounds: chlorite (which occurs naturally in unbleached flour), hypochlorous acid (found in our own immune cells), and chloride (an electrolyte found in a product like Smart Water). However, this is just one method of bleaching flour. You can learn more about flour bleaching here.

Bleached flour actually allows more moisture to be absorbed in a batter or dough to make dough less sticky and easier to handle. This can also help prevent excess spread in baked goods (think cookies). It improves the structure and height of cakes. It can make taller, sturdier breads. It also makes the flour more shelf stable and will not kill yeast.

There’s tons of sources on this in scientific publications, here’s one on the safety of consumption.

Are cake flour and pastry flour the same?

Where cake flour has a protein content of 6-8%, Pastry Flour is around 9% and has less starch than cake flour. Pastry flour is also typically unbleached unlike cake flour, so it will absorb less liquid in a recipe compared to cake flour. If you’re in a bind and only have pastry flour for a recipe that calls for cake flour, it’s better to use the pastry flour than all-purpose flour if you’re in a pinch.

Testing Cake Flour Substitutions

Let’s get into the experiments!

The fact that cake flour is made from a different variety of wheat, milled differently, and is often bleached, makes it behave very differently than all-purpose flour in terms of how it affects the chemistry of a recipe. This also means it’s impossible to recreate cake flour exactly at home using “DIY” substitutions. That’s why I was so eager to compare side-by-side cake flour vs. all-purpose flour vs. DIY cake flour.

I had a suspicion of how this experiment would turn out, but I wanted to be 100% sure. I know many of us don’t always have cake flour in our pantries so it’s kind of an annoying ingredient when you see it called for in a recipe!

Yet because of all of the baking experiments I’ve done, I know one small, seemingly insignificant change can have drastic results in baking.

Control Recipe: All-Purpose Flour

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (1)

The cupcakes I baked were based on my standard cupcake recipe you can see at the bottom of this article. I re-made the same recipe each time, simply changing out the flour for each batch you see below.

These control cupcakes were soft yet sturdy with a slightly open crumb. They weren’t super tall and had some cracking on top that I think visually reflects the slight chewiness they had. Basic yet delicious and full of vanilla flavor.

DIY Cake Flour

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (2)

Using the DIY cake flour technique just below, these cupcakes turned out visually more like the control / all-purpose flour cupcakes than the cake flour cupcakes. Their texture was another story. These were more crumbly and had an almost gritty texture which I’m attributing to the cornstarch. They almost felt like they dissolved in your mouth, which honestly, I didn’t care for. I won’t be using DIY cake flour in my baking… even if it’s a total pain to run to the store to grab cake flour!

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (3)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (4)

How to Make DIY Cake Flour

Although I would NOT recommend using DIY cake flour based on our experiment results, here’s how I did so:

1 cup minus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour + 2 tablespoons cornstarch

Then I sifted this flour + cornstarch mixture 5 times with a fine mesh strainer.

Comparing Brands of Cake Flour: Which is the Best?

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (5)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (6)

Cake Flour – Swans Down (Bleached)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (7)

I used the same amount of Swans Down Cake Flour in place of the all-purpose flour in this batch. These cupcakes baked up pale and tall with a spongier and softer texture. The softness actually reminded me slightly of a more commercially produced cupcake but not necessarily in a negative way. They were much more soft and delicate that I don’t actually think they’d hold up well to a heavy or generous frosting or filling. They also had slightly less vanilla flavor than the all-purpose flour cupcakes.

For me, I tend to prefer cupcakes made with all-purpose flour instead of cake flour. However, for some recipes like Angel Food Cake or certain layer cakes, cake flour really helps to create that fine and delicate crumb characteristic of that style of recipe. In those cases, it really shouldn’t be substituted!

Cake Flour – King Arthur (Unbleached)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (8)

I was SO excited to see the comparison between the Swans Down and King Arthur Flour cupcakes to see what impact bleaching had on the final result, among other variances between the two brands.

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (9)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (10)

Although I love King Arthur as a brand, their cupcakes were noticeably less flavorful than the all-purpose cupcakes. Compared to the Swans Down cupcakes, the King Arthur cupcakes had an almost corn bread texture. I’ll be sticking with Swans Down when I need to use cake flour.

Cake Flour vs. Substitutions Final Comparison

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (11)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (12)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (13)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (14)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (15)

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (16)

I think visually, these comparisons do a good job of proving the belief I’ve always held that nothing is quite as good as the real thing.

So the final question is…

Can Cake Flour be Substituted?

It shouldn’t be. Recipes that use cake flour are typically more delicate and finicky and require the exact ingredients called for.

In fact, 90% of substitutions you make in baking will alter the taste and texture of the final result. Sometimes substitutions are necessary, and I understand that. However, the Handle the Heat method of baking recommends that you always follow the recipe exactly as it’s written… at least the very first time you make it so you understand how it’s supposed to turn out. Then you can experiment with substitutions and alternatives.

Does cake flour go bad?

Luckily, since cake flour is refined and bleached, it will keep in your pantry for a long time. If stored in a cool and consistently dry and airtight place, it should last at least 6 months if not up to a year. So why not have some on hand for those few recipes that use it so you can really take your baking to that next level?

Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat (2024)


Cake Flour vs. Regular Flour | Cake Flour 101 | Handle the Heat? ›

Super basic breakdown: Cake flour = low protein = less gluten = softest texture = great for vanilla cake and vanilla cupcakes. All-purpose flour = medium protein = moderate gluten = suitable for anything, from chocolate chip cookies to pizza dough.

What is the difference between cake flour and regular flour? ›

Super basic breakdown: Cake flour = low protein = less gluten = softest texture = great for vanilla cake and vanilla cupcakes. All-purpose flour = medium protein = moderate gluten = suitable for anything, from chocolate chip cookies to pizza dough.

How do you convert all-purpose flour to cake flour? ›

For every cup of cake flour called for in a recipe, measure one cup of all-purpose flour, remove 2 tablespoons of the flour, and then add the flour to a mixing bowl. Add in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and whisk well to combine. Voila!

How much cake flour equals 1 cup all-purpose flour? ›

Because of this discrepancy, you'll want to use a bit more cake flour to make an accurate substitution for all-purpose flour. Add an extra 2 tablespoons per cup of cake flour to equal the quantity in 1 cup of all-purpose flour.

What happens if I use regular flour instead of cake flour? ›

Can I use all-purpose flour as a substitute for cake flour? You can use straight-up all-purpose flour instead of cake flour, but the texture of your baked goods won't be the same—they won't turn out nearly as tender and delicate.

What is the best all-purpose flour for cakes? ›

Two All-Purpose Flours for All Your Baking Needs

For a moderate-protein all-purpose flour, we particularly like and Gold Medal, which has 10.5 percent protein; for a high-protein choice, we recommend King Arthur, which has 11.7 percent protein.

Can you substitute cake flour for regular flour in cookies? ›

Firstly, you can simply swap out all of the all-purpose flour for cake flour. You can swap amount for amount here, meaning if your recipe wants 1 cup of all-purpose flour, then simply add 1 cup of cake flour instead. This is great if you want a really soft, puffier, delicate cookie.

How to make 2 cups of cake flour from all-purpose flour? ›

For 2 cups Cake Flour:

Combine 1/4 cup cornstarch and 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour in a bowl. Whisk gently to sift the mixture together.

How do I substitute cake flour for all-purpose flour in grams? ›

And in grams: 100 grams of sifted cake flour can be subbed with 85 grams sifted all-purpose flour plus 15 grams cornstarch. So, if your recipe calls for 2 cups of cake flour, measure out 2 cups of AP flour, remove 4 tablespoons, and add 4 tablespoons of cornstarch.

What is the equivalent of 1 cup sifted cake flour? ›

Flour, cake1 cup sifted1 cup all-purpose flour sifted 3 times, then measured to make 1 cup
Flour, cake1 cup sifted7/8 cup all-purpose flour plus 2 tbsp cornstarch
Flour, cornAll-purpose flour
Flour, gluten13 tbsp1 cup all-purpose flour
75 more rows

How much all-purpose flour equals 3 cups cake flour? ›

Swap 1 cup and 2 tbsp (128 grams) of cake flour for each cup (128 grams) of all-purpose flour. Because all-purpose flour is denser than cake flour, you have to use a little extra cake flour to make up the total volume called for in the recipe.

What is the ratio of baking powder to cake flour? ›

If you've ever debated on how much baking powder to use in a cake recipe, start with this rule of thumb to avoid adding too much baking powder to your cakes: Baking powder to flour ratio: add 5 mL to 6.25 mL (1 teaspoon to 1+¼ teaspoon) baking powder for every 125 grams (1 cup or 250 mL) of all-purpose flour.

What happens if you put too much flour in a cake recipe? ›

Too much flour or too little liquid will cause the batter to be thick and dry, leading to cracking. Overmixed batter may contain air pockets batter which can contribute to cakes cracking.

Is it better to bake with cake flour or all-purpose flour? ›

As McGee writes, "High-protein flours absorb substantially more water than low-protein flours, and so will produce stiffer doughs with the same proportion of water." That's why cake flour, which has a lower protein content, is better for cake recipes, where you want the dough to be soft and pliable and moist.

When should you not use cake flour? ›

All purpose flour is best for breads like a white sandwich bread, or if you are making banana or pumpkin bread. You don't want to use cake flour here because the bread won't rise due to the low protein content. But if it's all you have on hand, you can add two tablespoons of cornstarch for every cup of flour.

What does cake flour do to cookies? ›

Cake flour is a lower-protein flour; it has about 7% to 9% protein compared to the 10% to 12% protein in all-purpose flour. If you opt for all cake flour cookies, less gluten is formed when you mix the cookie dough. The resulting cookie consistency post-baking is delicate, softer, fluffier, and, well, more cake-like.

What can I use if I don't have cake flour? ›

Making your own cake flour substitute is incredibly easy. Just take out two Tablespoons of flour from one cup of all purpose flour and add in two tablespoons of cornstarch or arrowroot powder to get one cup of cake flour.

Does cake flour need baking powder? ›

Most cake flour does not contain a rising agent, so you will still need to combine it with a leavening ingredient like baking powder or baking soda, but you may see a brand or two that does advertise self rising cake flour, which is also okay.

Which flour for baking cakes? ›

Plain flour or self raising flour?
DishFlour required
CakesSelf-raising flour (or plain flour with baking powder)
CrumpetsStrong flour AKA breadmaking flour
PancakesPlain flour
PastryPlain flour
7 more rows

What is the best flour for baking? ›

If you are going to bake cookies, muffins, and brownies, you will want a good, all-purpose flour that ranges in the 10 to 12 percent protein range. If you're going to make sturdier products, such as bread, pizza, and pasta, you'll look to semolina, tipo 00, whole-wheat and/or bread flours.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.