How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (2024)

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (1) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (2)

Step #1: Assess

Before you start, take the time to determine what type of paneling you have. Polyurethane finish, layers of paint, and even a decades-long coating of cleaning products can mask the material underneath. Find a spot where a panel’s edge is exposed, which may require removing an HVAC grate or baseboard molding, to properly examine the end of a piece of paneling to see what you’re working with. If your paneling is veneer (which only has a thin surface layer of wood grain), fiberboard, or composite instead of solid wood, you want to be very careful not to damage it.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (3)

Key Watchout

Veneer is a paper-thin layer of wood grain over a stronger—though unsightly—material like particle board or fiberboard. Be careful not to sand through it.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (4) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (5)

Step #2: Clean

Grease, grime, and even cleaning-product residue can really build up on veneer or hardwood paneling over the years, which can then prevent your paint from properly adhering to the surface. Be sure to remove all contaminants and residue with a grease-removing cleaner before beginning work. If the paneling is still too glossy after cleaning, you may need to dull the surface a bit with a light sanding to make sure the paint has texture it can adhere to. Just be very careful if you’re dealing with veneer, as sanding can ruin the thin outer layer, exposing the fiberboard underneath.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (6)

Safety Note

Whenever you’re removing an old surface through sanding, it’s important to protect yourself from potentially dangerous dust with a mask and goggles.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (7) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (8)

Step #3: Spot Prime

Do you want the finished look to be that of a smooth wall? Or will you retain the look of the paneled grooves? If you want to keep the grooves, skip to Step 4.

To get the best-looking smooth surface on your painted paneling, check out the video on this page. You’ll need to prime the paneling first—at least the areas you plan to fill with spackle or caulk—to ensure you get the best possible adhesion. Primer choices include:

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (9) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (10)

Step #4: Spackle and Caulk

If you are creating a smooth surface, wait until after the first coat of primer has dried before you spackle to get proper adhesion. You will need to use joint compound (also called drywall mud) or spackle to fill in all the grooves in the paneling to meet the rest of the surface. Using a quick-drying “hot mud” or patch, which has a high pH level, creates unique challenges and is not recommended. If you do use it, be sure to use a 100% acrylic primer for best results.

Whether you’re going for a smooth or grooved look, any seams between panels also need to be filled in. For this, you should use caulk instead of spackle. Caulk will expand as the panels shift slightly over time, as opposed to spackle, which can crack.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (11)

Helpful Tip

Spackle or joint compound dries hard, whereas caulk can expand and contract slightly over time. This makes spackle better for filling grooves and caulk the better option for seams.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (12) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (13)

Step #5: Sand, Vacuum, and Tack

A light sanding at this stage will create a smooth, dull surface free of imperfections, and also one that is just rough enough to give the paint proper adhesion. Using a fine sandpaper (220 grit is a good level here), focus on any areas that are uneven or that have dried drips, such as corners and edges. After you sand, be sure to vacuum the paneling thoroughly and tack or wipe everything down with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dust. Then let it dry.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (14) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (15)

Step #6: Prime Again

Re-priming after spackling and caulking is one of the most important things you can do to ensure an even, professional finish. A second coat of primer will help conceal differences between the spackle and panel surfaces, cover any stains and knots in the paneling, and provide proper adhesion for your paint top coat. Be sure to give the primer enough time to fully dry as recommended on the label.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (16) How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (17)

Step #7: Paint

Use a paintbrush to cut in to corners and edges first, then blend any seams as you complete the rest of the wall with a roller. Note that a lighter paint color on dark wood may require an extra coat, depending on how well the primer masked the grain below.

Different Paints Offer a Range of Finish Options
Waterborne alkyds like Benjamin Moore ADVANCE® offer an easy-application top coat for painting paneling and cure to a durable, furniture-quality finish.Latex paints will give you more of a glossy or shiny look: Benjamin Moore’s AURA® Interior and Regal® Select Interior paints both offer rich, durable color with a mildew-resistant finish.

Benjamin Moore offers 3,500+ different colors from which to choose, and pint-sized paint color samples are available for shipping right to your door to make decision-making easier.

Step #8: Paint a Second Coat

After the first coat of paint is fully dry, apply a second coat for an even, spot-free finish. Be sure to allow a full 24 hours of drying time for the new finish to fully cure before replacing any wall decor, fixtures or furniture.

How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore (2024)


How to Paint Paneling Like a Pro | Benjamin Moore? ›

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Paneling? Overall, the best option for painting paneling is an interior latex paint with a satin finish. You'll get the best of both worlds in terms of coverage, ease of cleaning and shine. However, any finish will work well for paneling if the prep work is done properly.

What is the easiest way to paint paneling? ›

  1. Clean the Molding and Paneling. Begin by making sure the paneling is clean. ...
  2. Fill and Sand the Wood. Apply wood putty with a putty knife to fill any holes or cracks and allow to dry. ...
  3. Caulk Around the Trim. ...
  4. Prime the Wood. ...
  5. Paint the Paneling. ...
  6. Paint the Trim.
Jun 24, 2022

What kind of paint do you use on paneling? ›

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Paneling? Overall, the best option for painting paneling is an interior latex paint with a satin finish. You'll get the best of both worlds in terms of coverage, ease of cleaning and shine. However, any finish will work well for paneling if the prep work is done properly.

What color looks best on paneling? ›

White is always classic and is currently all the rage. It can give your wood-paneled wall the “pop” to stand out in a great way. Use black, navy or dark grey as furniture and wall decor accents and you can't go wrong. Add some simple greenery to complete your look.

What colors are best for painting wood paneling? ›

The best paint colors with wood paneling are earthy and neutral shades. Working with neutrals gives you a greater range of accent colors, styles, and decor ideas.

Do you paint paneling with a brush or roller? ›

Having the right roller is also crucial when it comes to painting paneling since the grooves will make it difficult to get an even coat. If the grooves in your paneling are especially deep (although caulking should prevent this) it's best to use both a brush and a roller when painting.

How many coats of paint does it take to cover paneling? ›

Lightly sand the wood surface. Ready your work area. Apply two thin coats of stain-blocking primer. Apply at least two thin coats of paint.

Can you paint paneling without priming? ›

Wood paneling sucks up a TON of paint if it is not primed first. You'll paint and paint and paint and wonder where it all went. If you apply a coat of primer before you paint the wood paneling, you'll be able to get away with only two coats of paint (just like a normal wall).

How do you make painted paneling look rustic? ›

To give new wood-paneled walls a rustic farmhouse feel, like the ones at right, simply add and then subtract color. Start by painting the panels in a color, preferably one from a historic palette so that the hue appears authentic; if the wood paneling is dark to begin with, add paint in a lighter hue, or vice versa.

What is the best way to paint paneling without sanding? ›

You can easily paint your wood paneling without sanding by using a liquid deglosser also known as liquid sandpaper.

What roller is best for painting paneling? ›

If your paneling has small grooves and little to no texture, I recommend a 5/16″, 3/8″ or 1/2″ roller cover. My favorite cover is a 5/16″ microfiber roller cover. It gives a velvety smooth finish and doesn't spatter.

Can I paint directly on paneling? ›

Begin painting the paneling at the top of the wall and work your way down. You can use a brush or a roller as long as you smooth out any drips as you go. Let the first coat of paint dry before you apply a second coat. Remove painter's tape before the paint dries.

How do you get paint to stick to paneling? ›

A deglosser is wiped onto the paneling, acting as a liquid sandpaper so the paint will stick. Next a primer is applied with a paintbrush and roller. If any grease or stains bleed through the primer, several coats will be needed. Apply caulk to fill in any visible seams.

Can you paint over paneling without sanding? ›

So, yes you can paint paneling without sanding it first! Now you are ready for your first coat of paint. You are going to need a lot of latex paint.

Should panelling be darker or lighter than walls? ›

Your panelling doesn't always need to be darker than your walls. In fact, having your wall a darker shade compared to the panelling, or painting both the same colour, can give any room a touch of depth and texture.

Can you paint over fake wood paneling? ›

Painting laminate wood paneling isn't much different from painting any other wall surface. The trick is to use a process that helps the paint adhere to the slick surface of the laminate. Repainting can breathe new life into a room, taking it from a dated, dark space into a modern one in no time at all.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.